Who’s The Boss?

Chapter 143: Yu Tingchuan has no power and no influence, you are still willing to follow him

This was the first time Song Qingcheng heard Shen Zhi speak in this ironic tone.

In her memories, Shen Zhi's words and deeds have always carried out the four words of Confucianism.

However, as my grandmother said, it is impossible for people to lose their temper.

But when Shen Zhi was never angry, even in his youngest and frivolous period, he never had a conflict with people in school or faced other people's provocations, but he just laughed it off.

At this moment, she felt that she might not really know him.

Song Qingcheng thought about what Shen Zhi said, and grasped the main point: "What kind of police suspended?"

"Don't you know?" Shen Zhi's smile faded, and Song Qingcheng slowly let go of his wrists, his expression turned to self-deprecating: "This is the difference between the rich and powerful, and you can just make a phone call. To be fair and to be ordinary people, they can only knock off their teeth and swallow them with blood, leaving them to bully and humiliate."

Song Qingcheng didn't want to listen any more: "How about the powerful and the people, aren't you already on that road? The same is true for me. So in the past, everyone would go on one side and the road would be the best ending. "

Shen Zhi nodded: "Yes, I have been trying to go up. From the moment you were taken away by the police five years ago, I would not allow myself to continue to live like mediocrity."

Song Qingcheng squeezed the strap in his hand and heard him say: "They accused you of hiding drugs. I went to the bar where the crime was committed. The boss was unwilling to show me the surveillance. I wanted to find people present at the time, and none of them would stand up. Testify for fear of getting into trouble."

Shen Zhi said: "The frustration reminds me of the previous encounters. I was preparing for an internship in my senior year. I was going to stay in school as a teaching assistant, but was temporarily robbed of my place by a returnee. The returnee was just a second-generation ancestor who relied on money to buy a diploma. , And at the same time I let my place go, I also smiled and said it was okay."

The summer of the accident was the year he was in his senior year.

"When I was in college, I gave the girl I liked for her birthday, and the gift I bought for her was always less than one hundred yuan. Later, I saved my living expenses and bought a bracelet for her. The first thing she said was not so beautiful. , But it must be expensive."

"..." Song Qingcheng's eyes were dry.

She knows Shen Zhi's family situation, so she never asks him for expensive gifts.

At that time, Shen's father and Shen's mother had not been rated as a professor. Although the salary was not low, there was a young son in the family. Various expenses increased, and a large-scale suite was purchased, which gave Shen Zhi no monthly living expenses. Will be too much.

At the age of fifteen, she has not yet gone to Lu's house.

From Nancheng to Yurao, the round-trip ticket costs 300 yuan.

At that time, the two had just established a relationship, and it was inevitable that they were also like other boys and girls in love.

Shen Zhi returns to Yurao every half month. Because it is a premature love, in order to avoid discovering at home, he lives in a small hotel outside.

Falling in love requires a lot of expenses. Since sophomore year, Shen Zhi has come out to find a part-time job.

This is what she knows accidentally.

On her birthday, he took her out to dinner, she chose an ordinary restaurant, he wanted to give a gift, she took him to the jewelry store, and then brought out a stuffed toy of thirty or forty yuan.

Shen Zhi didn’t want to think about the past too much, but she had to continue to say: “At the age of sixteen, my parents sent Yu Rao to Yu Rao. Yu Rao’s policies for further education are more relaxed than those in Nancheng. In fact, I know that because they have to take care of them. My newborn son didn’t have more energy to take care of me. When I first went to Yurao, I was very depressed. Even though I didn’t say anything, I met you there later and I found it was not that bad. At that time, you were only me. I have to move some to my house if I have anything to eat. At first I thought this little girl was so annoying, but then I gradually got used to the days when you followed me to do homework. When you went out as a guest, I passed by your door several times. , Even my grandma can see that I am looking for you."

"One time I took you to fish for lobsters. It just rained and I didn’t take good care of you. You took a fishing rod and fell down by the river and broke your front teeth. When you got home, you ran upstairs and cried, but I couldn’t help but laugh. Sound, you ignored me for several days. I went home from school and just saw you dragging a big footbath to take a bath in the yard, wearing only short shorts. That was the first time I fled."

Shen Zhi’s tone was full of remembrance: "Your grandmother has always raised you as a boy. A ten-year-old girl has already begun to develop her body. Then one day, halfway through her homework, you suddenly put your hand on your chest and told me that it was bloated. I’m so much older than you. I must know the physiological changes, but I still want to trick you into saying that I hit you. At that time, my classmates joked that you were my little girlfriend. I didn’t deny it. She's a girl, she's not as cute and cute as you."

A breeze blew, and his voice was blown away: "I don’t know when I’ve taken my heart to you. When I find out, I already like you very much. I really like you very much. I like it until I’m there every night. Thinking about the life with you in the future. But slowly, I realized that life is actually not easy. No matter how good your grades are, you have no money or power. I won the first place, but I was mocked by other boys. I saw you Holding a cheap doll, in order not to embarrass me and say that I am happy, I only think that the three words "a top student" are the greatest irony in the world."

Speaking of the past, Song Qingcheng's chest is blocked, the past is like smoke, but it won't really disappear like smoke.

Whether it is good or bad, even if it fades over time, the traces are still there.

That year, she secretly texted him under the covers, full of embarrassment and embarrassment. Ever thought that there would be a stranger one day?

"That's just your thoughts. I didn't think there was anything ashamed of a gift of thirty or forty yuan at the time, and I didn't think there was anything wrong with life in the courtyard."

Song Qingcheng looked at Shen Zhi in front of him, and only felt that he was becoming more and more unfamiliar: "Don't say that you have come to this point for me. It is your own choice. If you really want to care about it, I have experienced so much misfortune. It’s more cynical. Are you doing well now? Married a wife with a good family background, can raise your head among relatives, have a smooth career, is the eldest son your parents are proud of, and a promising young man in the eyes of the leader."

"If you were with me at the time and listened to me nagging about the trivial things about firewood, rice, oil and salt every day, you can't afford to hire a nurse, and you have to take turns to take care of grandma with me in the hospital every day after get off work. You are different from me. You want to be a master. Surely it will drive you crazy." Song Qingcheng curled his lips: "Or... you have what you want now, so you start to want to get back what you lost before, in order to make yourself a successful life three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends? I won’t be so contemptuous of myself, even if you have the so-called unspeakable concealment, with me, the same trust, I will not give the same person a second time."

Shen Zhi's gaze fell on her face: "If Yu Tingchuan has no power and power, would you still follow him?"

After asking, he smiled softly: "My background is not as good as a human. I want to get something. It takes more effort to succeed. I may be cut off by others. It's like a teaching assistant job in a university. Those you love will be lost."

Song Qingcheng said: "You love yourself the most. You only see money and power. I have no right to accuse you, because I have become the same person as you, but I will not choose myself. I’m back. I’ve never said in front of you that I regret being with you, but that doesn’t mean I really don’t regret it at all."

As she said, her eyes turned red: "I regret that I promised to be with you at that ignorant age. In fact, I can't tell you whether you are a relationship between a man and a woman, or just rely on the sense of security you gave me. , Sitting in the yard with you gives me the illusion that I can rely on others forever. But how can a person depend on others forever? You taught me a good lesson. During that time, the whole person's reaction became very Sluggish, I feel that I don’t fit into this society."

"But, no matter how uncomfortable or helpless, I didn't just fall down." Song Qingcheng did not avoid Shen Zhi's gaze. The two looked at each other, and she continued: "It's not because you still have expectations for you. You and Lu Yunxuan went abroad before going abroad. , You only said one sentence when you called me at the airport. You told me to wait for you for five years. Actually, I never thought about waiting for you. Really, I never thought about it. Gu Hengyang appeared, He treated me very well and tried to associate with him, but soon found it inappropriate. If his family had no objection at the time, I would definitely be with him. From the day I came out of that place, I couldn’t put my love on. In a supreme position, I still have more important things to do. I can’t take love as the whole life, but I will do my best to take good care of him. This is the only thing I can give him."

Shen Zhi's eyes were red, and every word and word that Song Qingcheng said was like sulfuric acid corroding his heart. It was obviously painful, but he couldn't make any shouts.

"Speaking so much, there is no other meaning." Song Qingcheng said softly, "I will get married soon, maybe it has nothing to do with love. The union is because of the child. I don't know the day I will get divorced, but I can get what I want. Yes, these years have made me feel very tired, and now I just want to live a life of ordinary."

Shen Zhi said: "You are right. For the rest of my life, I may not reach Yu Tingchuan's social status today. Even Gu Hengyang's starting point is also my achievement after several years of struggle. I don't want to be able to do it at a glance. Looking into the future, I can only work twice, three times, or even ten times as hard as others. Believe it or not, I only love you from the beginning to the end. It may be hypocritical, but the truth."

Song Qingcheng had nothing to say, and only said: "You go, grandma doesn't know about us. Since I didn't tell her before, don't tell her anymore. I don't want her old man to be sad again."

Shen Zhi moved his throat. It seemed that no matter how much he said, it would not help. Before leaving, he looked at her again: "Yu Tingchuan is not suitable for you, whether it is selfishness or other reasons, Hengyuan suffered an accident in Shenzhen's industrial park and burned to death five or six. Personally, there is only one report, and there are those who dealt with it and refused to agree to conceal it. The senior leaders of Hengyuan were busy dredging the relationship everywhere, but this matter was quietly suppressed."

"Do you know why?" Shen Zhi asked.

Song Qingcheng did not respond.

"There happened to be someone in the Li family at that position. The matter was suppressed yesterday. Gu Hengyang's mother came to the hospital the day before yesterday to make trouble. I heard that he took his mother's surname..."

Song Qingcheng interrupted him: "I don't want to care about Gu's and Li's. I only know that it's fine now."

Shen Zhi looked at her, the noon sun cast a large shadow on the back wall, and the coolness hit, just like her calm and impermanent expression, whether she was really indifferent or pretending to be aggressive, so that he couldn't see through it and put it in her trouser pocket. Li clenched his hands tightly. Not long after, he whispered: "It's cold here, don't stand anymore and go out."

After finishing speaking, he left first, regardless of whether she followed out or not.

Song Qingcheng leaned back slowly against the wall for a long time before calming down his emotions.

Song Qingcheng had just left the hospital and hadn't walked to the restaurant. After receiving a call from her grandma, she stopped buying lunch and went back to the ward. He saw Lao Zhao sitting and talking to her grandma, with two insulated boxes on the bedside table.

"I'm afraid that the restaurant outside is not nutritious, so Aunt Gong made some meals and I'll deliver them."

Old Zhao said with a smile.

"I'm causing you trouble." Song Qingcheng apologized.

"It's not troublesome, it counts as my part of work." Old Zhao smiled: "President Yu is on a business trip, I am idle when I am idle, and this is also Mr. Yu's advice."

Grandma heard this and did not speak.

Song Qingcheng smiled, stretched out his hand to open the thermal insulation box, suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked Lao Zhao: "Master Zhao, Mr. Yu he—"

"Zong Yu should be on the plane right now."

Before she could finish her questioning, Lao Zhao had already spoken: "You can get to Shenzhen at about two o'clock in the afternoon."

Song Qingcheng actually wanted to say that the clothes Yu Tingchuan changed last night was washed and dried on the terrace behind the house. She was afraid that Aunt Gong might not see it, so he asked Lao Zhao to take a message back.

Lao Zhao's interruption made her want to track Yu Tingchuan's whereabouts all the time.

Grandma said: "Go to Shenzhen again?"

Old Zhao nodded: "Yes, there is still something that hasn't been handled well over there."

"It's so busy, even if you get married, you don't have a family." Grandma said, and she glanced at Song Qingcheng next to her.

Song Qingcheng smiled slightly at old Zhao, and while handing the chopsticks to the old man, he said, "Busy, because I want to make money. Do you want me to find a man who is idle all day?"

Lao Zhao saw that the old man was not very satisfied with Mr. Yu. After thinking about it, he understood her painstaking efforts. However, he helped his boss to say a good thing: “Mr. Yu is busy at work. He used to be so busy that he forgot to eat, and his stomach bleeds. Stayed in the hospital."

"He has a stomach problem?" Grandma asked.

Lao Zhao thought that this old man would really pick words, but before answering, grandma looked at Song Qingcheng again: "He is only a few years old, his stomach is so bad, and he will not be guaranteed when he grows older..."

The old man did not say anything that was unlucky.

Song Qingcheng served a bowl of rice: "You didn't think he was old before, and you are deliberately stabbing him?" Then she looked at Lao Zhao: "Master Zhao, you have driven Mr. Yu for so many years. Have you seen him? Is the boss of a big company younger than Mr. Yu?"

That's really not...

Lao Zhao was afraid of being caught up by the verbal battle between his grandson and grandson, so he found an excuse to leave first.

"I'll see you off." Song Qingcheng put down his chopsticks.


After coming out of the ward, Lao Zhao and Song Qingcheng nibble on the housework for a while. Perhaps because Song Qingcheng is about the same age as his son, he is very friendly to this little girl, even if she is going to be Mrs. Yu soon.

On the aisle, Lao Zhao suddenly said: "Just now the old lady told me about Mr. Yu's son."

Song Qingcheng thought to herself that the grandmother was worried that her stepmother would not be good enough, so she was eager to explore the bottom of Yu's house.

"That kid has been well-behaved since he was a child. Although he did not live with his father, he would come every year on vacation. He should be in the first grade in the second half of this year, because he can't hear his ears, he suffers, and he can't speak until now."

Zhao said with emotion: "He came to Nancheng in the summer vacation last year, and I picked it up at the airport. The five-year-old took a plane from Australia by himself and wrapped himself tightly. I asked him to take off his long shirt. The little guy shook his head. Later, it was really hot, so he rolled up his sleeves slightly. At that time, I caught a glimpse of the bruise on his arm. There were several pieces and the color faded a lot. He wrote with me. It was said that he had fallen. After living in Nancheng for a month, Mr. Yu was also very busy and couldn't take care of him at all."

Song Qingcheng didn't know why Lao Zhao told her about JOICED's injury, but just listened quietly and didn't make any comments.

"Just send it to the elevator." Lao Zhao didn't let Song Qingcheng send him downstairs.

Song Qingcheng said, "Go back and drive carefully."

Before leaving, Zhao hesitated a little, turned his head and looked at Song Qingcheng and said, “I’m just driving for the boss. I shouldn’t talk too much about some things. Maybe I’m getting older and people tend to relent, so I can’t help but talk to Ms. Song. You have a few words."

"You said." Song Qingcheng said.

"Mr. Yu has been alone all these years. Men are always careless about some things. That child is also a pitiful person. A person will last that long. Many of them are foreign objects. When he knows the fate of his life, the picture is the child. Chenghuan’s knees, Miss Song, don’t you think?"

On the way back to the ward, Song Qingcheng thought of what Lao Zhao said.

I hope she treats JOICE well.

Song Qingcheng remembers the appearance of JOICE. He was a quiet child. She was surprised when she just learned that Yu Tingchuan had a son, but she still chose Yu Tingchuan, which shows that she is willing to accept everything from him, including his and his ex-wife’s children. Unpredictable, it is impossible to make her wish for everything.

After lunch, the nurse brought them special care.

The special nurses of the No. 1 Hospital of Southern Medical University have uniform wages, so Song Qingcheng doesn't need to talk to others.

Fu Min came over at noon.

Song Qingcheng knew that Yu Jing's father was also in this hospital.

"It's on the eighth floor. If you have something in the future, I will usually be there. If you have something, you can go up to me."

Fu Min smiled, then turned to talk to grandma.

------Off-topic ------

These chapters are transitions, the next chapter Yu should come out O (∩_∩) O

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