Who’s The Boss?

Chapter 149: Don’t want to walk, you carry me (6000

Twenty minutes later, the waiter brought the cold dishes one after another.

Song Qingcheng pushed the wine list in front of Shen Che: "I don't think I'm short of money, so I can order whatever wine I want."

"I'm driving." Shen Che said, "I was arrested for drunk driving, you go to detention for me?"

Song Qingcheng's lips curled up: "Then find someone to drive, and I will pay for it."

Shen Che saw that she had never been magnanimous. Although she knew that this meal cost several thousand yuan, in the eyes of big bosses like Yu Tingchuan, it was just a small amount of money that was tickling his boots, but it was really not like Song Qingcheng's behavior. style.

He didn't go to the wine list, but looked at Song Qingcheng: "You can drink with your body now?"

Song Qingcheng said: "It's okay to have a drink."

Seeing that Shen Che didn't choose a wine, she brought back the wine list, flipped through it, and asked, "A bottle of Latour Red from 1998?"

Shen Che's face is a bit ugly: "Nervous! I don't want my body to speak straight."

"I know my own body." Song Qingcheng stopped the waiter who came to serve the dishes, and despite Shen Che's prevention, he really ordered a bottle of Latour Hong, then turned his gaze back to Shen Che and smiled softly: "I Knowing what you’re worried about, even if you don’t drink today, it’s useless."

Shen Che didn't understand for a while.

At this time, the waiter came in with the cork-opened red wine.

Watching the waiter leave again, Song Qingcheng picked up the red wine bottle in one hand and took two goblets: "The first time I spent money on such expensive wine, I can't waste it."

Shen Che leaned forward and grabbed the bottle of wine in her hand: "Did you take the wrong medicine today?"

Song Qingcheng simply let go and smiled slightly: "I just wanted to buy you a meal. I used to ask you to pay for it. Now that I have the financial means, I should pay you back. If you are just afraid of my bad health. , Then you can put aside the worries." She paused for a while, turning the small cup between her fingers: "Even if I don't drink in the future, the child will never have it again."

Shen Che was surprised: "What do you mean?"

"It means literally." Song Qingcheng said: "Actually, I knew it a long time ago. When I was just pregnant, the doctor reminded me that my uterine wall is very thin and miscarriage is very easy. It would be difficult to have a baby. I was told that the fetus was aborted that day. I heard the doctor, and that was probably what I meant."

At that time, the obstetrics and gynecologist called out Jiang Chi, which should be about her physical condition.

"Yu Tingchuan also knows?"

"I don't know, even if I don't know it now, I will know it later."

Jiang Chi would definitely not hide from Yu Tingchuan.

In the past a long while, Shen Che said: "Is this cure good?"

Seeing his solemn expression, Song Qingcheng smiled: "Why are you so serious? It's not a rare and serious illness. At most, you can't have children. There are so many infertile people in reality. You really want to have children in the future. Go and adopt one."

"You can think about it." Shen Che's throat moved.

"Otherwise." Song Qingcheng replied calmly: "I can't cry every day. Besides, women are not fertility tools. I never think that the meaning of my existence needs to be proved by children."

Shen Che looked at her with concern: "What about Yu Tingchuan, he doesn't mind?"

"Who knows, maybe I don't mind... or maybe very much."

Song Qingcheng drank a small sip of red wine, resting his cheek with one hand, the flair of his eyes turned: "Anyway, the child is gone, don't worry, I can't give birth, it's not because he doesn't have this ability."

Shen Che was quiet for a moment, then said, "What then?"

"...Then just chant like this." Song Qingcheng slowly said, "Actually, he is really not thin to me. He didn't show me his face when the child fell, and he didn't let me move out of the 8th Park on Yunxi Road. There will be children again in the future. Thinking about it this way, I found myself quite bad, knowing that he values ​​children very much, and I still don’t confess my true situation to him."

"Frankly, what's wrong, does he promise to marry you as a child?"

Song Qingcheng listened, smiled lightly, and sighed: "I think he has always known that I was digging a hole to make him jump. The people around him have fiery eyes. It's impossible for him to be blind. Just like you said before. Yes, they are all old fried dough sticks in business, it is impossible to be honest, you can see at a glance which is just a vixen."

Shen Che frowned, feeling inexplicably irritable: "Are we discussing this now."

"Then I won't talk about it." Song Qingcheng picked up Shen Che's glass of wine, the two goblet cups touched each other, making a crisp clink, and she handed the wine glass back to Shen Che: "But no matter what, I am indeed doing better now than before. As a friend, you should be happy for me."

Shen Che wanted to say something, the box door opened and he closed his mouth again when he saw the waiter who came in.

All the dishes ordered were quickly available.

Midway, Song Qingcheng got up and went to the toilet.

The sensor faucet in the box didn't move, so she had to say hello to Shen Che and went to the bathroom outside.

Shen Che watched as the box door closed, and turned to the phone on the table, which Song Qingcheng had put there. After hesitating for a few seconds, he reached out and took it.

Song Qingcheng's phone was unlocked without a password.

Shen Che found Yu Tingchuan's name at the bottom of the address book.

A call is made directly.

The phone rang several times before the other party picked it up. Shen Che heard that it was not Yu Tingchuan. He took off the phone and looked at the screen to make sure that he had dialed correctly. Then he heard the other party say: "Miss Song?"

Seeing that the other party knew Song Qingcheng, he wanted to be the person next to Yu Tingchuan.

Shen Che said: "I am her friend, so I want to ask where Yu Tingchuan is now?"

"Several shareholders of the company just came up. Mr. Yu is receiving and his mobile phone is not put on him." The other party's attitude is very modest and polite: "I am his assistant, you have something to ask Yu always? Or is there something wrong with Miss Song?"

After Shen Che heard these official words, inexplicably, there was a feeling of depression in his chest: "The children are gone. He is still only talking about business. Have you ever considered the feelings of others?"

At this moment, footsteps came from the door.

Shen Che didn't dare to say any more, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Before the box door was pushed open, he quickly leaned forward and put the phone back in place.

Song Qingcheng came in and caught Shen Che's shaking figure. He walked back to his seat and looked at him suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

"...What can you do, pick up vegetables."

As Shen Che said, he stretched his chopsticks toward the dish in the distance.

Song Qingcheng turned the tray on the round table with his hands, and the dish blinked in front of Shen Che: "That's not good."

"..." Shen Che didn't say a word.

When he was almost finished eating, Song Qingcheng suggested: "Let's sing later."

Shen Che asked: "Aren't you going home?"

"It's only past seven o'clock, and there is nothing wrong with going back."

So the two moved to KTV to sing.

With colorful lights and loud music in the box, Song Qingcheng sat in front of the jukebox, turned down the volume, rotated the chair underneath, turned and leaned back against the table, smiling, looking towards holding the microphone and preparing to turn on Shen Che from the throat: "What song do you want to sing, I'll help you order it."

Shen Che was asked whether she wanted to laugh or not. She knew that she sang well, otherwise she would not have made money in the bar. He cleared his throat, pretending to be reserved and said: "Click "The Queen of Heaven"... forget it, or "The most dazzling national style"."

Song Qingcheng was amused by him, but he clicked the song as he wished.

After singing a song, Shen Che turned his head and found that Song Qingcheng was lying on the sofa with a mouthful and not drinking a cocktail.

Song Qingcheng knows how to drink, but the amount of alcohol is not really good.

Shen Che looked at her flushed face, took the wine bottle in her hand, and did not allow her to drink any more. Song Qingcheng let go of her hand, and Shen Che took the opportunity to put the microphone in her hand: "It's you who said you are coming. , It’s you who sits there drinking and drinking."

Song Qingcheng held the microphone: "I'm afraid that when I speak, I will turn you into a scum."

Shen Che was too lazy to care about her and ordered a song.

At about 9:30, Shen Che proposed to leave.

Song Qingcheng didn't have any comments. She sang two songs in one night, and she sang on the sofa. The other time, Shen Che took the microphone to pass the time with howling ghosts and wolves.

When the two of them were walking outside, Shen Che brainwashed her heartily: "You will be a married young woman right away. Don't stay home even if there is no one to check the post."

Song Qingcheng laughed: "I'll sing a song, why are you talking about chastity?"

While talking, I met another group of people in the aisle.

The other party is obviously also preparing to leave.

Even if the light in the aisle is not good, Song Qingcheng still recognizes that one of them is Mu Shaoan. It is not how well Mu Shaoan looks, but that he likes to wear white clothes. It is especially obvious when he is stuck in a pair of people. Then go and take a closer look. Several other people, all of them played well with Lu Yunxuan's sons of Gao and Gan.

Shen Che took a pause and then followed him.

"Oh, I said this is so familiar. It turns out to be Mrs. Yu who has risen to fame recently." Mu Shaoan apparently recognized them too, chuckled, and turned to other companions and said: "Everyone comes to recognize and say hello. When we go out in the future, it can be said that we know the wife of the CEO of Hengyuan."

Among the group of people, I don’t know who is bad: "It’s too early to call Yu too early, who knows that the marriage will not be completed, after all, the child is gone."

Mu Shaoan glanced at Song Qingcheng, and smiled deeper: "Yes, I forgot to forget such an important occasion. Some people really think that they can sparrow into a phoenix, but they can't stand Nirvana, so they burnt to scum." Then, he glanced at Shen Che: "This kid just came out to play as soon as he fell. Is he eager to find the next benefactor?"

Shen Che's expression deteriorated, and Song Qingcheng was held back by Song Qingcheng before he took the next step.

Song Qingcheng looked at Mu Shaoan and smiled slightly: "It is better than Mu Shaoye to sing songs. At a young age, good kidney maintenance is also very important."

After speaking, she retracted her gaze and said to Shen Che: "Let's go downstairs and have a supper before going back."

The two had just turned around, and Mu Shaoan's mocking voice came from behind: "It's just a second-hand house that's dead, and it's terribly dirty, so those who don't care about it have no taboos."

"What do you mean!" Shen Che turned his face on the spot.

If Song Qingcheng hadn't been pulling him, he might have rushed over to fight each other.

Mu Shaoan coldly scoffed: "Yeah, you still scare people, right? What's wrong with that? You dick, hurry home and wash your eyes. Next time you will find a woman to inspect the goods first and save the last money."

Shen Che's forehead blue veins protruded, and the hands hanging on his side clenched fists and creaked.

At this time, a waiter passed by with tea.

Song Qingcheng took a glass easily, she let go of Shen Che, and under the gaze of everyone, she walked to Mu Shaoan and poured the glass of water on his face: "Mu Shaoan has drunk too much, I have to use it. This method will sober you up."

Mu Shaoan recovered, embarrassed and angry: "You--"

As he said, he raised his hand furiously.

Seeing that he was about to make trouble, his companions quickly grabbed Mu Shaoan and persuaded him not to be impulsive.

Mu Shaoan refused to give up: "Did you not see her splash me?"

Song Qingcheng ignored his roar, returned the glass to the waiter, and took Shen Che's arm: "Go."

"Tattered goods, tattered goods!" Mu Shaoan shouted loudly: "I will scold you for tattered goods, and even turn your face on the tattered goods that you don't recognize. You have been messed with when you were in jail. What an innocent virgin!"

Shen Che couldn't help it anymore, pushed Song Qingcheng away, rushed directly, and hit Mu Shaoan with punches and punches: "Who is cursing at the mess, I will kill you ass!"

Mu Shaoan was dragged by his companion and suffered several punches abruptly, and the screams also drew others to their senses.

Shen Che hit someone and was kicked to the ground.

For a time, there was a mess in the aisle.

The cursing continued.

Seeing that Shen Che was about to suffer, Song Qingcheng directly picked up the display vase next to him and smashed it on the head of Mu Shaoan who was instructing him to beat Shen Che.


The porcelain pieces of the vase shattered to the ground.

There was no sound, and the fighting stopped in an instant.


The police station on Linyang Road.

It was already half an hour later that a group of people were brought here.

Mu Shaoan pressed the wound on his forehead with a tissue, and did not forget to point his finger at Song Qingcheng and say cruelly: "You wait for me, I will never finish this with you!"

As soon as they finished speaking, they were scolded by the policeman who led them in: "You have a reason to beat a woman, right?"

"Damn!" Mu Shaoan was so angry that he almost jumped his feet: "Are you blind? She obviously beat me on the head."

Song Qingcheng only asked the police: "I want to sue him for sexual harassment, can I file a case together later?"

The police saw her soft and weak, unlike the girls of Mu Shaoan's group with heavy makeup, the balance in her heart tilted and nodded: "Yes, but it should be explained that it is verbal or physical."

Mu Shaoan said angrily: "Song, you slander me and try!"

"You see, is this a threat of intimidation?" Song Qingcheng said to the policeman.

Mu Shaoan suffered repeatedly, and under the softly persuaded by his companion, he closed his lips tightly.

When asked about the confession, Song Qingcheng and Shen Che were locked up together.

She could see from the attitude of the policemen who questioned that Mu Shaoan and the others should have revealed their identities, but at this moment, she did not feel panic, but actively cooperated with the policemen's questioning.

"Who smashed the vase?" the policeman asked.

Shen Che quickly raised his hand: "It's me."

"I smashed it." Song Qingcheng also said, without letting Shen Che take the blame for himself.

The policeman asked again: "Who caused the damage?"

Song Qingcheng said, "I smashed it."

After questioning, the police left, leaving only the two offenders in the room.

Shen Che was originally injured on his face, but now he was beaten again. Song Qingcheng looked at his pig-headed face and laughed unkindly, then took out a tissue to wipe the corners of his skinned mouth, and grinned in pain: "You're still laughing, I'm all for whom."

"Don't just curse, and you won't lose a piece of meat, what do you do with them."

"I can't understand his smugness!"

Song Qingcheng smiled: "Actually, I couldn't understand him a long time ago."

Shen Che: "..."

She smashed Mu Shaoan with the vase, and she also had a perspective, at best causing him to suffer a bit of skin trauma.

Shen Che said: "I called home on the way here."

With that, seeing Song Qingcheng's face calm and calm, smelling the faint drunkenness of her body, Shen Che went to touch her phone, and finally felt empty, remembering that she had been handed over just now, including Song Qingcheng's phone.

At this time, the police led people in.

Song Qingcheng raised his head when he heard the sound, and when he saw Shen Zhi, his arms around his legs slowly tightened.

Shen Che didn't expect Shen Zhi to come.

Because it was Song Qingcheng who hit the person, Shen Che was taken away by the police first, and when he left, the door to the room was closed.

Shen Zhi asked: "Why hit someone with your hands?"

Song Qingcheng didn't answer, and never looked up at him again.

Shen Zhi walked over slowly and stood in front of her, wearing a pink shirt and casual trousers. He looked heroic. After a while, he said, "Mu Shaoan, I will find a way. You will wait here now. , I will pick you up as soon as possible."

"No." Song Qingcheng whispered: "You go, I don't need you to worry about it."

Shen Zhi didn't move.

Song Qingcheng didn't look at him: "In the worst case, detained for 24 hours, and then lose some money. Compared with this, I don't want to owe you favor."

"Just want to disassociate yourself from me?" Shen Zhi said in a low tone.

"I didn't think about it, we didn't really matter at all, you go, don't let me say the third time, if you really want to stand like this, I don't care." Song Qingcheng finished, leaning against the wall and slumbering his eyes.

Shen Zhi stared at her.

After a long time, he turned and left the room.

When he opened the door and went out, Song Qingcheng slowly opened his eyes, feeling a little dry in the corners of his eyes.

It didn't take long before Shen Che came over through the formalities.

Song Qingcheng refused to follow him.

Shen Che was anxious: "Why are you staying here? Is it possible to fight the landlord with the police uncle?"

"It's not very good here." Song Qingcheng curled up the corners of his lips and breathed a long sigh of relief: "It's not that I haven't stayed before, don't worry I will be scared."

"What if they really shut you down for twenty-four hours?"

"No, you go first, I'll call someone to pick me up later."

Shen Che turned his head one step at a time and left.

Coming out of the room, he made a call on his cell phone.


In the interrogation room, there are only simple tables and chairs.

Song Qingcheng hugged his legs and leaned on the chair. Under the influence of alcohol, the whole person was drowsy. I don't know how long it has been. As if hearing the sound of opening the door, a shadow hit immediately and heard the man's familiar voice: "I won't return so late. Home, plan to spend the night here?"

"..." Song Qingcheng frowned, then slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing that the person coming was Yu Tingchuan, she was a little startled, but she didn't even react for a while.

After a long time, he asked in a low voice: "Why are you here?"

Yu Tingchuan didn’t answer, because someone else entered the room. At this moment, Song Qingcheng’s mind was a little slow. He only felt that the other party was familiar. He heard someone say to Yu Tingchuan, “It’s a trivial matter. If you are willing to settle, pay for medical expenses."

It wasn't until the other party went out that Song Qingcheng remembered that it was the lawyer named Zhang Mingde.

In a fight on his own, the famous name of Nancheng actually came forward.

Yu Tingchuan retracted his gaze and saw Song Qingcheng pursing his lips as soon as he turned his head. He naturally smelled alcohol, "Did you drink?"

"Yeah." Song Qingcheng nodded, "I don't drink much, just a little bit."

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger to compare.

Yu Tingchuan looked at her charming drunkard, his eyes were still deep, but the gloom that slumped on his brows disappeared.

Zhang Mingde completed the formalities quickly.

Yu Tingchuan took the person out of the interrogation room. When Song Qingcheng got up, she was a little top-heavy and almost grabbed the man’s shirt. She raised her head and looked at Yu Tingchuan by the light. After a long while, she uttered a word: "You are Yu Jing's uncle. Hug me?"

"..." Zhang Mingde turned around and left silently.

The wicked sue first.

Yu Tingchuan was angrily laughed by her, and put his arms around her waist: "I'm so drunk, I only drank a little bit?"

Song Qingcheng's head became more and more dizzy as he smelled of a mature man. Yu Tingchuan was about to pick her up, but she went straight out to go to the bathroom.

At this time, a female policeman brought Song Qingcheng's bag and mobile phone.

Yu Tingchuan asked her to accompany her to the bathroom.

Walking out of the interrogation room, Yu Tingchuan was standing on the second-floor gallery. When he received Shen Che’s call, he was already at home. He had made several calls to Song Qingcheng before. The other party did not turn off the phone but did not answer. He was drinking and fighting. He still made trouble on KTV. He put one hand diagonally in his trouser pocket, slowly exhaling a puff of smoke, squinting at the drizzle outside.

A few minutes later, there was the sound of footsteps.

Yu Tingchuan turned his head and saw Song Qingcheng being supported by the policewoman.

"I can go by myself..." the female drunkard whispered.

Yu Tingchuan stepped on half of the cigarette with leather shoes, walked straight forward, and thanked the policewoman.

The policewoman blushed and left after saying nothing.

Song Qingcheng wanted to follow people.

"Where else do you want to go?" Yu Tingchuan pulled the person back.

Song Qingcheng bumped into the man's warm arms, looked at Yu Tingchuan who was close at hand, his eyelashes flickered, and said in a daze, "I'm going home too."

Yu Tingchuan looked at her dullness, with a smile in his eyes, but his tone was strong: "I knew how to go home. What time is it now."

Song Qingcheng felt dizzy and didn't want to leave him.

Yu Tingchuan drove here by himself.

After coming out of the police station, Song Qingcheng suddenly squatted down and refused to walk anymore.

"Foot hurts." She raised her head.

Yu Tingchuan had to say: "Then get up and hug you."

Zhang Mingde came over with an umbrella in his hand: "It's raining outside, Don't get wet."

Song Qingcheng suddenly jumped up, clinging to Yu Tingchuan's neck with both hands firmly. Yu Tingchuan was caught off guard and shook a little, but he still caught her steadily. Without paying attention to Lawyer Zhang, he lowered his head and asked her, "What's wrong? ?"

"Don't want to walk, you carry me." Song Qingcheng tugged at the collar of his shirt.

Attorney Zhang interrupted in due course: "Then I will go first, this umbrella..."

"You take it away." Yu Tingchuan said.

Attorney Zhang nodded, no longer looking at the two people hugging each other, and hurried away under the umbrella.

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