Who’s The Boss?

Chapter 173: That's the place that Mr. Yu chose

From Yu Tingchuan’s questioning, Song Qingcheng heard the feeling of mind more or less, and was a little surprised for a while, but then she covered her eyelashes, calmed her mind, and at the same time stuffed the suit into his arms. Taking advantage of his hand to pick it up, he turned and left.

Only the next moment, his left wrist was grasped again.

Song Qingcheng couldn't help struggling.

Yu Tingchuan held her without letting go. Seeing her increased strength, he was afraid that it would burn her, so he simply bit the cigarette in his mouth, then wrapped her free right hand around her waist, and easily hugged people into his arms.

Suddenly his back was pressed against the man's chest, and Song Qingcheng's resistance instantly turned into nothingness.

Yu Tingchuan's voice sounded like a sound against the roots of her ears: "Lean again?"

His right hand is holding her back bone.

"Did you not eat and sleep well in these two months?"

Because of the cigarette dangling, the wording was vague.

The tone is particularly gentle...

Hearing these two words by Yu Tingchuan, Song Qingcheng was momentarily stunned, and he had the feeling of reunion after a long absence.

Yesterday, the stare in the hotel seemed to be still in front of him. His eyes, even if they were gentle, were still very calm. She thought of her insomnia at night, her heart surged, and her thoughts, which was in stark contrast to his calmness. .

She remembered what Yu Jing had said, he was on a business trip to Yurao.

Unlike men, women always like to pay attention to certain details.

At this moment, there was movement at the kitchen door.

The old lady came out to take out the trash. In a blink of an eye, she saw two people huddled by the door. The rain dripped from the eaves. She saw Yu Tingchuan put the suit on her arms, holding Song Qingcheng in one hand and cigarette in the other. Turning to the side, people in their 30s are not serious no matter how they look like this, and at the same time, it is fortunate that it is me who came out.

Even if it's a family ugly, it shouldn't be known to outsiders.

Without thinking about it, the old lady returned to the kitchen and closed the door to prevent Meng Hao's mother and son from seeing this scene.

The kitchen door creaked.

Realizing that there was someone, Song Qingcheng hurriedly said "No", and then wanted to withdraw from the man's arms.

Yu Tingchuan did not force her this time, and let her go.

Song Qingcheng's body regained his freedom, and there was no time for him to take care of him. He walked straight back, a bit of a fleeing feeling. Looking at her far away back, Yu Tingchuan did not chase her, but stomped the cigarette **** at his feet.

After going around the corner, Song Qingcheng slowed down.

Until stopped by the wall.

Startled, a little absent-minded.

Now that it is clear, why come here and still appear in front of her?

It feels like one night has returned to two months ago.

Song Qingcheng felt that the true thoughts that he had carefully buried, seemed to be discovered in the next second. In front of him, the whole person was in an extremely passive state, and reason was at a disadvantage, unable to reverse...

In the room, Yu Jing was crouching her foot to concentrate on cutting her nails.

She looked up when she heard the door opening.

Realizing that Song Qingcheng was the only one coming in, Yu Jing stretched her neck and looked out, and then couldn't help asking: "Where is my second uncle, haven't you smoked?"

Song Qingcheng didn't answer. He took off some of his wet coats and hung them up on the hangers.

Yu Jing looked at her like this, quickly put on her shoes and got up, leaning behind Qingcheng: "Or my second uncle upset you? You can tell me, I will tell my mother back, my second uncle is still listening to my mother. Then let my mother educate him."

After a while, Song Qingcheng turned around.

She looked at Yu Jing and slowly said: "Since you know I will be unhappy, why did you bring him?"

"...I didn't." Yu Jing's eyes rolled, and then, pursing the corners of her lips, paying attention to Song Qingcheng's face, she explained, "I didn't expect my second uncle to come here. It should be he himself. Yes, even if I am not here today, my second uncle will definitely come over."

Seeing Qingcheng's silence, Yu Jing continued: "You think, my second uncle is so busy at work and there are so many real estate projects across the country. Why choose Yu Rao for a business trip? It's not because you are here."

Song Qingcheng smiled: "You didn't say that yesterday."

"I didn't do it for--" Yu Jing rolled her eyes, her words were a little lost.

Song Qingcheng arranged the room by herself. Seeing Yu Jing drying the wet socks in front of the heater, she turned around and took a new pair of socks from the closet. When the rain outside was lightening, she said, "In a little while, the water outside will be fine. If you can withdraw, you put on your shoes and socks, and I will send you out when the time comes."

With that said, Song Qingcheng also gave Yu Jing his washed board shoes.

"You are about the same size as my feet. You can wear this pair."

Yu Jing took the shoes and said loudly: "I think this rain can't stop. Going out will definitely be a soup chicken."

Song Qingcheng didn't say anything to persuade him to stay.

Yu Jing looked at her, and after thinking and thinking, she finally couldn't calm her anger: "Are you sure you want to part with my second uncle? My second uncle's model is very popular among the unmarried women in Nancheng. You are now No, don't regret it then."

Song Qingcheng hummed, without raising his head: "Not only is it popular, but it's also expensive. It's a pity that I'm a pauper."

Seeing that she answered casually, Yu Jing still wanted to change her attitude: "Now you don't need to pay for it. If you don't see it, it was delivered to the door by herself."

"..." Song Qingcheng took a deep breath, then said quietly: "Expensive things need to be carefully maintained and should be left to the right people, like me."

She didn't go any further, but the meaning was obvious.

Yu Jing frowned: "What's wrong with you? My second uncle is willing to do it. Whoever can control it, I never saw him change the light bulb at home."

Song Qingcheng smiled slightly: "If you want to see it, you can try it with a light bulb next time."

Yu Jing suddenly didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Song Qingcheng's smile faded, and then he said, "Actually, you shouldn't have come to Yurao."

Yu Jing went to see her again, Song Qingcheng paused for a while, and then slowly continued: "From the moment I left Nancheng, I didn't plan to go back again. I also know that I can't stand your second uncle. When he is together, I don’t have to worry about being sold and I have to help count the money. I also have a certain degree of protection for my future life. But just what I got has made me see the unfairness to your second uncle. Therefore, everyone is different. Returning to the original place and not allowing the error to continue is the only remedy I can do."

"You can say that I evade responsibility and are selfish. I am this kind of person. Otherwise, I would not try to be friends with you and then approach your second uncle."

Yu Jing asked: "Don't you care about my second uncle at all?"

Song Qingcheng didn't go to see her, but said, "If I care, I won't leave Nancheng."

After speaking, Song Qingcheng walked back to the desk, cleared up his emotions a bit, then turned around and said: "The drizzle has turned drizzle, I'll see you go."

Yu Jing put on her shoes and socks and stood up slowly.

Song Qingcheng didn't wear a coat anymore, but took a quilted jacket and put it on.

Yu Jing had already opened the door, and at a glance she saw Yu Tingchuan who was standing on the corridor at no time. She didn't know if she was listening to her conversation with Qingcheng, but she was just taken aback, and then she shouted: "Second Uncle."

"..." Song Qingcheng couldn't help but stop when he heard Yu Jing's voice.

She looked outside, and sure enough, Yu Tingchuan was standing there.

For a while, my heart was upset again.

Song Qingcheng clenched the fingers of the umbrella handle, his brain was a little empty. After a while, he heard Yu Tingchuan's voice: "The water in the alley has penetrated, let's go."

This is to Yu Jing.

His tone is calm.

When the voice fell, Yu Tingchuan had already walked to the gate first.

Song Qingcheng sent people to the entrance of Tongzi Alley. Yu Tingchuan drove a black Cayenne, which should have been arranged by Hengyuan’s branch here. She didn’t look back until Cayenne drove far, and then turned around. Holding an umbrella, he paced slowly back to the courtyard.

Meng Hao's mother and son have already left.

Grandma was washing the dishes, and when she saw Song Qingcheng closing her umbrella, she guessed that it was Uncle Yu Jing's nephew who was gone.

The old lady didn’t ask her anything, she said directly: “I was thinking about returning the apple tomorrow, but now I think I’ll keep it if I keep it. Mom Meng Hao’s birthday tomorrow night, please go to her house for dinner. I’ve already agreed. , You come back early after get off work."

Song Qingcheng heard what grandma meant, it should be the appearance of Yu Tingchuan, which made grandma change her mind again.

This time, Song Qingcheng didn't say anything to refuse.


The next day, it was not sunny, and it was still drizzling.

After Song Qingcheng got up, looking at the weather, he felt a little relieved for some reason.

After breakfast, I took my umbrella and went to work.

The road I took in the past was not easy to walk because of continuous rainy days and the heavy rain yesterday. Now it is muddy. In order to prevent accidents, the traffic police has put a warning sign there.

Song Qingcheng took a look at his short boots, and he was indeed unable to walk through visually, so he had to turn back and take the bus for a detour.

Before reaching the bus stop sign, a champagne car parked beside her.

Hearing the whistle, Song Qingcheng turned to look.

The window of the co-pilot was lowered. Xu Dong was sitting in the car, holding the steering wheel in his hand, and after looking at Song Qingcheng, he smiled: "Fortunately, I didn't admit my mistake, otherwise it would be embarrassing. Where to go, I'll see you for a ride. ."

"Go to work." Song Qingcheng asked him, "How can Assistant Xu come out on a rainy day?"

"I'm going to the branch office."

Xu Dong said as he leaned forward and opened the co-pilot door: "Come on, I'm not in a hurry, I'll take you to work first."

Song Qingcheng didn't refuse, but took the umbrella and got into the car.

When she reported her place to work, Xu Dong was stunned, and then smiled and said: "That's a coincidence. Mr. Yu met with a client yesterday afternoon and he was in a coffee shop nearby."

With that, Xu Dong also said his name and asked Song Qingcheng if he knew.

Song Qingcheng's heartbeat stagnated, and the Coastal Café was on the second floor opposite Xue Min's shop.

That cafe is very affordable for consumption, and it is not an upscale place that business people are willing to go to.

All morning, Song Qingcheng thought of what Xu Dong said--

"That's where Mr. Yu chose, I caught a glimpse of it on Selena's memo."

Even Xue Min could see that she was not in the house. Just about to ask what was going on, a little brother in a peaked cap came in with a bunch of red roses, looked around the store, and asked, "Which is Miss Song."

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