Why Am I Such a Genius Still Accepting Apprentices?

Chapter 336: This is my true strength

   Chapter 336 This is my true strength

  The Lu family.


After    practiced for a while, Lu Xiaoran once again broke through a small realm, and his strength increased from the seventh level of the Mahayana God King to the eighth level of the Mahayana God King.

   He couldn't help frowning slightly.

   "It's strange, the speed of the two cultivation bases has been improved so fast. The speed of my cultivation alone should not be that fast. Could it be that the cultivation speed of the disciples has been improved?"

  Lu Xiaoran couldn't help frowning.

   "Wangcai, open it for me to see the activity information of the disciples."

   "Ok, it's being generated."

  Wangcai quickly provided the information to Lu Xiaoran.

  Lu Xiaoran took a look and couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

   "Huh? Something's wrong."

On the    information screen, although it still showed that Yun Lige was attacked, but on the most recent screen, there were a few more pieces of information about Li Changsheng being beaten.

   "Your disciple Li Changsheng was attacked by the elders of the Little Buddha Temple."

   "Your disciple Li Changsheng was besieged by the elders of the Little Buddha Temple."

   "Your disciple Li Changsheng was beaten by the abbot of the Little Buddha Temple."

  Lu Xiaoran: "..."

   He was silent for a while, and then he said:

   "Wangcai, I don't think something is quite right."

   "What happened to the master?"

   "Why are my disciples being beaten? According to the truth, if they are beaten all the time, no matter how strong their cultivation base is, I am afraid they can't bear it, and they will be killed by others, right?

   But now, they are still being beaten, and they are not dead, don't you think, this is a bit unreasonable? "

   "Very reasonable! Master, if you are beaten, do you want to fight back?"

   "You're not talking nonsense, of course I'm going to fight back."

   "Okay, Master, will the other side hit you again when you fight back?"


"That's right. I can't make the information into who they hit again, right? Because I can only capture instant information, and it's the information of the disciples, I can't capture the information of the physical condition of others when they are attacked. .

   Even if the disciples kill each other, I can't catch them.

   But if the disciples were beaten or killed, I was able to catch them.

   Therefore, the information can only be written as, who was attacked by the disciples, who was beaten. "

   "So it is."

  Lu Xiaoran understood a little.

   In other words, two people fight each other, and Wangcai will only record the information of one of them, that is, the disciples.

   Even if the disciples killed each other, she couldn't detect it.

   So it can only be recorded as the information that the disciples were beaten.

   Of course, Lu Xiaoran is not a fool.

   It is not realistic to expect disciples to beat others.

  Think about leaving the song…

   This Li Changsheng's current cultivation level is only a mere ten-domain Martial God's peak perfection. At best, it is a big realm that is more advanced. To be able to fight a hundred-domain **** of war, you have to do your best.

   In addition, he has been teaching them to keep them up, so it is absolutely impossible for him to go to a small Buddhist temple in other people's homes, and go to the place of Buddhism to make trouble.

   Then there is only one explanation.

  Maybe Li Changsheng was caught and hanged by the Buddhists?

   You won't be beaten to death, right?

  Lu Xiaoran was silent for a moment, and then he took out the Profound Meaning Technique Jue Tian Song.

  This exercise, he personally doesn't like it very much.

   However, as more and more disciples were attacked, he couldn't just sit back and watch.

   Moreover, if the disciples died, it would take a long time to be reborn.

   At that time, it will also seriously affect his cultivation.

  Lu Xiaoran quickly browsed the formulas of the Jue Tiange exercise.

   "Only a master is good in the world, and an apprentice with a master is like a treasure..."

  Spicy chicken exercises are often accompanied by the most earthy formulas.


   On the other side, the Little Buddha Temple, a golden light and a white light, were indistinguishable.

   But if you look closely, you can see that the golden light has been suppressing the white light.

   It is not only stronger, but also faster and more imposing!

   Every collision between the two is based on the fact that it hits Baimang first.

   After a full battle, the two rays of light have collided a hundred thousand times.

  In the end, Baimang fell to the ground as a meteor.


   With a loud explosion, he smashed the entire Little Buddha Temple into the ground for several centimeters.

   The defensive formation of the Little Buddha Temple couldn't bear it, and it was directly smashed to pieces.

  Most of the buildings were completely destroyed in this shock wave, and the dust and smoke continued to spread around.

   "Cough cough..."

   Waiting for the dust to dissipate, Li Changsheng's figure climbed up from the deep pit.

   His body was not seriously injured, but not all were intact.

   Artifacts certainly have their own defensive power.

   But artifacts also have their own limits.

   Of course, this does not mean that the abbot of the Little Buddha Temple, who currently uses secret techniques to elevate himself to the fifth level of the God of War in the Hundred Domains, can break the divine weapon.

   However, Li Changsheng's input into the divine artifact is limited, and it is limited to his ten-domain martial arts peak cultivation base, and he cannot exert enough power.

   So the defense value provided by the artifact only reaches a certain limit.

  In the sky, the golden light slowly descended, revealing the body of the abbot of the Little Buddha Temple.

   His current body is much larger than before.

   His height rose to 2.25 meters.

   The body of a normal person is now full of muscles. Even the strongest bodybuilding champion will be eclipsed and ashamed in front of him.

   The muscles on his body have become lumps, and they look like eggs.

  The blood vessels are covered on it, and with the flow of blood, it is like life, constantly rising and falling.

   I don't know if it's because of the battle, or because he absorbed some disciples' blood using a secret technique. His current aura has risen to the sixth-level aura of the God of War of the Hundred Domains.

   Looking down, Li Changsheng, who was not very injured, was not too angry, but said calmly:

   "I've been thinking about a question just now.

who are you.

  Your sword intent is so powerful, and your practice is very similar to the legendary Taiyi Sword of Taiyi Kendo.

   Now, seeing that you are still wearing the artifact armor, I think, I should have understood.

   What is your identity. "

  Li Changsheng did not reply, he continued to speak:

   "I heard that Taiyi Kendo has recently produced a gifted son.

  If I guessed correctly, this Holy Son should be you. "

   The abbot of the Little Buddha Temple smiled slightly.

   "Originally, there will be no intersection between you and me.

  Unfortunately, you came to my little Buddha Temple to make trouble.

  Now, even if I kill you, Taiyi Kendo cannot be held accountable like Buddhism.

   And if I kill you and eliminate a powerful genius from other sects for Buddhism, Buddhism will definitely reward me, I don’t know Li Shengzi, can you agree with what I said? "

  Li Changsheng snorted coldly.

   He didn't think that the other party would be so bored that he had to analyze these things with him before killing him.

   "If you have any idea, just say it directly, don't be yin and yang here."

   Abbot smiled slightly.

   "Actually, with Li Shengzi's kendo talent, why do you have to stay in Taiyi kendo?

  My Buddhist sect is the number one sect in the world.

  Buddhist incense flourished, and its branches spread all over the world.

  To talk about martial arts and magic, I am a Buddhist, and there are more than a crucian carp crossing the river.

  If Li Shengzi is willing to join my Buddhist sect, I guarantee that Li Shengzi's status in the Buddhist sect is definitely not low, and his treatment will not lose to Taiyi Kendo.

   What's more, I can return Li Shengzi's junior sister to you, how about that? "

  Li Changsheng smiled coldly in his heart.

   What an old bald donkey, he is really thoughtful.

  This time, he destroyed the Little Buddha Temple. As the abbot of the Little Buddha Temple, even if he killed himself, the merits and demerits were equal, I am afraid that he might not be able to get any big rewards.

   Moreover, in case something goes wrong, in order to appease Taiyi Kendo's anger, Buddhism may also push him out.

   Therefore, before actually beheading himself, he chose to persuade himself to surrender.

  If you can persuade yourself to surrender. For him, it was a very beneficial thing.

   First of all, I am a true kendo genius.

   It's not good to say that, wherever you are, you are qualified enough to receive generous treatment.

   Unless the other sect is a sand sculpture.

   Secondly, he is the son of Taiyi Kendo.

   Taiyi Kendo in the God Realm, although it is not the most top-notch force, but it is also a big force.

  If even the holy sons of Taiyi Kendo were converted into Buddhism, what a huge improvement would it be for the reputation of Buddhism?

  If he kills himself, Buddhism may push the abbot of the Little Buddha Temple out, but if he saves himself into the empty door, he will definitely get a huge reward 100%.

  People always have to pursue the pace of interests, and interests are the most important.

   That's why he first persuaded Li Changsheng to surrender instead of directly beheading Li Changsheng.

  Li Changsheng rubbed his wrist and smiled lightly.

   "Sounds like a pretty good one."

   The abbot of the Little Buddha Temple showed a look of joy on his face, but Li Changsheng's next sentence made the joy on his face disappear in an instant.

"However, what I hate the most is bald donkeys. I am very interested in killing bald donkeys, especially a sword and a little bald donkey. I can play for 10,000 years! But if you want to turn myself into a bald donkey Little bald donkey, hehe, I'm so sorry, I'm not interested."

   The face of the abbot of the Little Buddha Temple turned completely cold.

   With a cold face, he said coldly:

   "You don't drink a toast and eat a penalty drink. Your Taiyi sword can't even break the defense of my King Kong Jue. In front of me, there is only one way to die!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, Li Changsheng pointed his **** towards him.

   The next second, the abbot of the Little Buddha Temple suddenly disappeared in place.

   This time, he didn't say any nonsense and came directly to Li Changsheng.

   Killing intent burst out, this time, he wanted to let Li Changsheng die without a place to be buried.

   Buddha came, but he couldn't save him!

  The King Kong Technique is fully activated, and superimposed on one of the supreme martial arts of Buddhism—Little Buddha Fist. Because the amplification is too strong, an extremely powerful energy and light have even erupted above his fist.

  The killing intent was pervading, skyrocketing, and constantly improving. When it came to Li Changsheng, it had already risen to the limit.

  This punch, he has the heart to kill!

   However, Li Changsheng did not take a step back.

   When the punch came to him, his power suddenly launched.

  The blessing of the Taixu Chaos Step made Li Changsheng dodge the old abbot's punch at a faster speed.

   But he didn't step back, but with a trace of sword intent, he was extremely fierce and went straight to the old abbot's door.

   Then, he summoned the divine weapon sword in his body to run the Qinglian Sword Canon with all his strength!

   At this moment, Li Changqi's momentum skyrocketed.

   At this moment, Li Changsheng and his sword were one.

   This moment is Li Changsheng's true strength!

  Before this, he had been hiding, bewildering the old abbot, making him think that he was only one sword, and could only use Tiangang sword energy.

   His real purpose is to find the moment when the old abbot goes all out!

   Because, only when that moment comes, all the power of the old abbot will be concentrated on the attack, thus relaxing the defense.

   Now, that moment!

   The old abbot's pupils shrank for a moment. He had no idea that Li Changsheng would be able to burst out such a powerful attack.

   The sharpness, swiftness and power of this sword intent made him feel exhausted and unable to breathe!

   He wanted to defend, but it was too late.

   He wanted to attack, but before he could touch Li Changsheng, Li Changsheng's sword beam was already beheading him.

   Sure enough, his body was smashed back by a huge force, and then the pain hit his heart.

  Gold-colored blood floated, his chest was torn alive, and his internal organs were all crushed by this sword.

   Even, the sword light pierced his back and cut off his front and back ribs.

   One move hits hard, close to instant kill!


  The old abbot slammed into the ruins 10,000 meters away and smashed several large stones.

   "It's over!"

   Until this time, he finally expressed the emotion he should have expressed when Li Changsheng made his move.

   At this moment, in addition to being shocked and dazed, the old abbot also had a hint of helplessness and despair.

   He gave a wry smile.

   "Hehe, I didn't expect that you have been hiding behind your back all the time. A mere junior, who is so powerful to such a situation, is truly a peerless genius! I am not wronged to die."

  Li Changsheng slowly retracted his sword and said coldly:

   "Stop talking nonsense, where is my junior sister? Say it and leave you a whole corpse."

   The old abbot laughed, and coughed a few times because of the wound.

   "Cough cough cough... You will never see your junior sister again, she has been sent to the Bodhi Temple to participate in the Demon Reduction Conference.

  Do you dare to go?

   However, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Even if you dare to go, I will not let you go. "

  Li Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

   A not-so-good feeling suddenly flooded into his heart.

"what are you up to?"

   The old abbot sneered:

   "Buddhist incense is prosperous, what do you think is the richest thing I am? I have collected tens of millions of top-quality divine crystals for so many years! With so many explosions in the divine realm, even a **** king may not be able to easily bear it.

  This time, I think you will die?

  Old man, go ahead, Li Shengzi, I will wait for you at the Huangquan River. "



   (I went to see a doctor in the provincial capital today, I will go back tomorrow, and I will make up for it later. I didn’t mean to make less changes. I hope everyone understands. This chapter has 4,000 words, which is more than the previous 3,000 words.)

   In the third shift, this chapter has 4,000 words, and I tried my best to update it. Guaranteed 10,000 words today.



   (end of this chapter)

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