Why Am I Such a Genius Still Accepting Apprentices?

Chapter 371: I want this world to be free from Buddha

"Cough cough!"

You didn't see the three of them, they crawled out of their respective pits, blood was already overflowing from the corners of their mouths.

For them, the cultivation of the God Emperor's fifth-layer realm is still too strong. It is no longer the three of them who are strong enough to fight against each other.

An existence that cannot be resisted even in a leapfrog battle.

After the other party succeeded in one move, there was not too much nonsense, just a palm, pressing down on the head.

The divine power gathered, turned into golden palm prints, and surged over the sky and the earth, the divine power in the air was compressed and lowered, like a strong wind, suppressing the three people even breathing.

The three of them were caught off guard just now, and they were already vomited and injured by the opponent's move.

Come again, no one can guess what will happen.

Zhuge Ziqiong's heart was completely desperate. When you didn't see the three of them, they all stared at this Buddha palm unwillingly.

Because the other party is so powerful that if they want to make a move, their divine power is somewhat disordered, so they can only escape, and if they want to fight against it, it is simply a dream.

Ten thousand meters, kilometers, hundred meters...

The Buddha's palm fell in an instant, and that 0.001 second seemed as long as a century.

This made you suffer from seeing the three of you.

They all say that they are not afraid of death, but who can truly face death calmly?

But just when they thought that their move would definitely kill them, the Buddhist **** emperor who made the move seemed to sense something and raised his brows slightly.


The Buddha's palm suddenly burst, blasting a huge golden ball of light on the ground.

It is like a small sun, extremely dazzling.

The shock wave swept out, sweeping away the land within a radius of two hundred miles.

Even the figures of Long Kuang, Shi Changlin and others were smashed back.

But fortunately, it's just the aftermath. For them, it's just a surge of qi and blood, and it didn't cause fatal damage.

"Little Junior Brother!"

Zhuge Ziqiong exclaimed, while Long Kuang shouted:

"They are not dead! Their breath and vitality are still there."

Zhuge Ziqiong was shocked.

not dead?

Under such a powerful attack, he didn't even die?

How is this possible?


There is still a breath.

Zhuge Ziqiong herself has recovered a little of her divine power, so she can already perceive some things.

Someone came, so I helped you not to see them and blocked this attack.

who is it?

When the dust and smoke gradually dissipated, a dazzling golden light first came into view.

Zhuge Ziqiong's pupils shrank, and then her eyes became sore and mist filled her eyes.

He is here!

The dust and smoke completely dissipated, and a golden giant figure enveloped the three of you.

You didn't see the three of you, and for the rest of your life, you finally breathed a sigh of relief. They stood up one after another, and bowed their hands to the back in front of them.

"I have seen three senior brothers."

Fang Tianyuan put his hands on his back, did not look back, looked indifferently at the powerful **** emperor in the sky, and said lightly:

"Why... no sign of Master?"

The three of them lowered their heads one after another, looking a little sad, but they couldn't answer Fang Tianyuan's words.

A pain flashed across Fang Tianyuan's eyes.

"Is that right?"

He had already vaguely guessed something. In his chest, a nameless anger was constantly fermenting and exploding.

Killing intent was pervading, and a trace of blood-colored murderous aura was mixed in the golden giant.

Behind the golden giant, a huge demonic ape figure emerged.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} The magic ape is surrounded by chains, digging deeply into its bones, as if sealing it, but it still can't resist, it The powerful killing intent and monstrous atmosphere radiated from his body.

It, like a demon king from ancient times, came to the world in an unrivaled manner!

"Amitabha, such a strong demon."

"Unexpectedly, among them, there is still such a powerful son. However, he is only the strength of the fifth level of the God King Realm, and it is not enough to pose a threat to me."

"If that's the case, then go down and destroy them."

When the words fell, the expert at the fifth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm was ready to take action.

However, the fourth-level expert of the God Sovereign beside him said softly:

"Amitabha, he's just a mere pawn, why should my brother come out and wait for me to give him a ride."

In an instant, the phantom of the Buddha behind him radiated a more powerful light, setting him off like an immortal Buddha descending into the world, with bright golden light.

Then, he threw a punch with one hand, the Mahayana Vajra Fist of Buddhism!

The clouds in the sky were all stirred by the divine power of this fist, mixed with unmatched divine power, and pressed down.

The coercion burst out again, and everyone's heart seemed to be pressing down on a giant mountain again, and their breaths condensed again.

The coercion of the fourth level of the God-Emperor Realm is so powerful and outrageous!

The golden Buddha fist, as huge as a mountain, was more than a thousand feet long, and the speed was extremely fast, coming in an instant.

Because the speed is too fast, the power of the flame is rubbed against the surrounding divine power, and it also carries a thick flame element.

In the eyes of the Buddhists, after this move, Fang Tianyuan would definitely not be able to hold on.

Although I don't know why, he was only at the fifth level of the God King Realm, and he was able to withstand that move just now, but the power of the move just now was not strong enough, and it was not the full blow of that eminent monk.

Therefore, the Buddhists did not feel that Fang Tianyuan had any magical skills.

But when the Mahayana Vajra Fist fell, Fang Tianyuan didn't look flustered at all, and he didn't even lift his eyelids.


The fist light smashed ruthlessly on Fang Tianyuan's inextinguishable golden body, causing a more violent explosion once again.

"Be careful, defend quickly!"

Long Kuang in the distance immediately exclaimed and told everyone to prepare for defense.

But when everyone unfolded the protective shield of divine power, the shock wave of the explosion did not appear.

"This is...?"

While everyone was wondering, they saw the golden giant stretched out a huge arm and locked the energy wave generated by the explosion firmly in the palm of their hand.


"This is impossible!"

All the Buddhist elders and disciples in the sky were shocked and stunned when they saw this scene, their jaws dropped.

Are you kidding me?

A mere 5th-level Divine King Stage actually blocked the God-Emperor's 4th-level attack without any damage, and then, even more, compressed the attack into the palm of his hand.

What kind of power is this?

This is simply outrageous!

"Damn bastard!"

The fourth-level eminent monk of the God-Emperor turned cold.

Fang Tianyuan is humiliating him like Chi Guoguo!

And just when he was about to start to kill Fang Tianyuan, the next second, his brother's reminder sounded in his ear.

"Pu Ci, get out of the way!"

At almost the same moment, he saw that Fang Tianyuan disappeared and appeared in front of him.

"So fast!"

Puci's pupils shrank, and the whole person felt the hairs explode.

What the **** is the speed of the fifth level of the Divine King Realm?

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} "Your stuff, return it to you."

After spitting out a few words, Fang Tianyuan mercilessly imprinted the compressed attack on his chest.


The huge attack force directly pushed Puci back ten thousand meters.


Pucci roared angrily and was about to take action when his senior brother's warning sound came from his ears again.

"Puci, be careful behind!"

Almost as soon as the other party opened his mouth, an attack force so powerful that Pucci couldn't bear it, slammed into his back.


That strong divine power, with a ruthless attitude, directly shattered Pu Ci's defensive divine power, followed by the divine weapon armor on Pu Ci's body, then Pu Ci's body, and finally, Pu Ci's flesh and bones , until it penetrates Puci's body!

Pucci was completely at a loss.

Before he could react, the other party mercilessly blasted through his body!

What's even more terrifying is that Fang Tianyuan is holding a bright red, beating heart in his hand!

That's his heart!

Moreover, the previous blow was just a Mahayana Vajra Fist that Fang Tianyuan released and collected.

So strictly speaking, at this moment, this is Fang Tianyuan's first move.

With one move, you instantly kill yourself?

But... but how did he do it?

Fang Tianyuan clearly only has the strength of the fifth level of the realm of the gods and kings, and he is nine small realms away from himself. How could he be able to kill himself in seconds?

It's a pity that he can no longer understand this matter, because that big hand directly crushed his heart with his bare hands.


In an instant, the heart turned into a puddle of mud.

Afterwards, Fang Tianyuan threw him from the sky as if he were throwing away garbage.

The air fell into a dead silence, as if a needle could be heard clearly when it fell.

Until after counting the breath, UU read www. uukanshu.com Pu Ci's body fell to the ground ruthlessly.


Another big hole was smashed into the ground.

Even if he died, the body of the Emperor Puci was still very hard.

Everyone looked at Fang Tianyuan above the sky with a demented expression, full of disbelief.

Is this dead?

A dignified 4th-level God King Realm powerhouse, a true Buddhist powerhouse, did not resist Fang Tianyuan's blow, and was instantly killed by Fang Tianyuan?

That's it for the powerful **** emperor?

That's it!

And Fang Tianyuan wasn't as shocked as everyone else, he just cast his eyes on the remaining two powerhouses in the fifth realm of the God Sovereign.

"Who will die first? Or... die together?"

The two monks of the fifth level of the **** emperor shrank each other's pupils, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

The pressure Fang Tianyuan put on them was too strong!

They still don't understand how this little God King managed to kill a 4th-level God Sovereign in one second! ?

God, can it be said that now, the **** emperor is not comparable to the **** king?

"Amitabha, it's good and good. Your cultivation base is really admirable for us, but it's not suitable to resolve enemies. Although Your Excellency is strong, I have more Buddhist masters! I don't think it's better. "

Fang Tianyuan did not respond directly to the two of them, but just stepped forward.

"Impossible, because... I want this world to be free from Buddhas."

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