Why Can’t I Play Games

Chapter 25 Calling for Scripts

June 27.

The afterglow of the sunset is floating in the sky.

The "Desert Bicycle" bar in Qiandu Tieba has more than 50,000 followers.

The download data of the genuine game has officially exceeded 40,000...

Although the subsequent download speed slowed down significantly after the prize was distributed, and there were more similar pirated games on the market, the attention of "Desert Bike" has always been very good.

Moreover, in the list of the latest stand-alone games in China, "Desert Bicycle" has successfully entered the top 20, and it seems to be rising vaguely...

Shen Yi stared at the download volume...

It's not a taste in my heart.

They may not be as good as the large stand-alone games developed by other big companies, but he feels that they are like weeds, surviving tenaciously in the desert against the wind and rain.

Until now……

These achievements are all made by the marketing of their team.

In other words, all of these rely on Zhang Yang, the young man who often chews gum.

Such talents must be taken seriously, once they become their company's opponents in the future, there will definitely be endless troubles!

"Mr. Liu, even if our company has no positions, I think we can still recruit them!"

"Even if we raise and waste them, we can't make them our opponents!"

"Now they are still very weak..."

"Also, what if their new game becomes a hit?"

"There is no job, we can give him a job, at most one year, we give them a high salary, at most one year, I think they will have internal conflicts and collapse..."

"After all, it's a group of young people, so it's impossible for them to be firm forever!"



two hours ago.

Shen Yi once called Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu spoke very seriously on the phone, saying that this matter will be treated with caution, and he has indeed discussed this matter with some departments.

However, a few hours later, when Chi Rui, headed by the development department, and Sun Ying from the marketing department left the office, he had a premonition that something was wrong.

"Mr. Shen, I think we should focus on Shengteng Network and the Internet now..."

"Our company must reduce internal friction and fully cope with what will happen in the future."

"You have never participated in the development of games. You must not understand that the development of a game to the market is definitely not something that a group of young people can complete. If there is a little carelessness in the middle, the entire project of our early game development will be on the verge of bankruptcy..."

"Mr. Shen, the older you are, the less courageous you are? Are you even afraid of a few young people who have just debuted?"


When they passed each other, Shen Yi heard voices that seemed to be laughing but not laughing.

From their point of view, this group of young people is completely incapable of being an opponent, or even a threat of any kind.

Wrangler technology has reached a height now, and when it reaches a height, it should be done at that height instead of spending money on trivial matters, right?

When Shen Yi heard this...

For a moment, there was an indescribable sense of powerlessness.


Shen Yi lit a cigarette and smoked.

As the company gradually grows and goes public, the company has become less and less like the original company, and it seems that it has lost the vigilance it should have had.

I don't know if it's an illusion...

He feels that his rights are constantly shrinking.

The whole company is like a carriage, driving crazily towards places beyond his control.


He feels that way.

He was silent for a long time, after all, he didn't make any calls to Zhang Yang and the others.

"Perhaps, this is already a foregone conclusion. I hope that the new management will come up and be more cautious."


Just as he was feeling emotional, his mobile phone received another message.

Liu Yun from the personnel department was officially appointed as the deputy manager of the personnel department today...

His face changed slightly.

Why didn't he know about this before?


"What the hell is going on in this game?"

"Why did you open this plug-in and didn't start running? It reminded us that we are too awesome, just clear all the data points and start again!"

"Why is the game stable until the end of the game when you open that cheat?"

"This is too discriminating!"


Eagle plug-in studio.

Several young people stared at the "Desert Bicycle" cheat they had been developing for a few days.

Everyone is so speechless!

They originally wanted to make a cheat for "Desert Bike" and make some quick money.


Not to mention that the plug-in that they worked so hard to research was preempted by others, and there were various problems in the middle of the operation, and there was no game experience at all!

What the hell!

What do you mean?


After the game "Crazy Grass and Mud Horse" was reviewed, Zhang Yang's original hanging heart was also relieved.

In this world, many things are a little looser.

Or should it be a little looser in 2005?

Except that the words of swearing can't really appear, the others are a little bit spoof, as long as there is no parent to report, it is basically given.

in the office.

Zhang Yang put the approved report aside, and began to seriously look at the money he earned.

"Desert Bike" is still making money for him.

In a few days, he made almost 20,000 more.


Part of it is the game itself making money for him, and part of it is...

Plug-in auxiliary software!


Although the plug-in software of "Desert Bike" is relatively expensive, it costs ten yuan to download once...

However, there are a lot of people who download it.

In just a few days, the number of downloads exceeded 1,000.


Although game cheats can be attacked, under the trend of profit, many people will still choose to develop them.

And it's really getting more and more rampant. Zhang Yang took a look on the Internet, and there are at least five or six games similar to "Desert Bike" on the Internet...

Maybe the future game environment will be a little better, but the current game environment is like that. Ever since "Legend" became popular, cheats are everywhere!

Wrangler technology has been banned for half a year, but it has become more and more banned.

It's better to bet on this stuff now.

Instead of letting other cheats take advantage of it, it's better to strike first, stealthily earn all the money!

The plug-in is more complete and stable than others, and then makes other "Desert Bike" plug-ins have nowhere to go.


Plug-ins cannot participate in the competition, and the data of cheats cannot enter the leaderboard.

In a sense, it will not affect the experience of normal players in the game, which is equivalent to a private server.


When it's almost done, he can cancel the plug-in again...

The idea is probably this way.

Late at night.

Zhang Yang yawned...


He also saw the number of clicks on the "New Game Script Contest" project on the Cosmic Science and Technology official website and the attention paid to the new post bar of "Crazy Flat Grass Mud Horse".

The number of hits on the game project on the official website has exceeded 3,000.

It has only been two hours since Tieba's attention was established, and the attention has exceeded a thousand.

These are all good signs.

Of course, these cannot be optimistic.

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes, and then took out the phone again...

"Hello, is this Master Chen?"

"Yes, I'm Zhang Yang, Master Chen, are you free now? Can you come to our company for a meeting?"

"Yes, the more taxi drivers the better..."

"How about I invite you all to have a barbecue together."

"Do you have any masters?"

"That's even better!"


"Is it Boss Li from Xingxing Internet Cafe?"

"Haha, are you free today? By the way, do you have the contact information of other Internet cafe owners?"

"Haha, we want to talk to you about cooperation."


"Is it Mr. Liu from Entrepreneurial Advertising?"

"Yes, the more ads the better..."


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