
The fight on the field was still going on. Li Rui stood by and observed. He reckoned that the two of them were also in the tenth class. Judging from their strength and speed, they were already at a good level.

But after the battle with Li Xiaolin, he felt a little weak no matter how he looked at it.

In fact, this kind of fighting is not very dangerous, and it is also an improvement made by these young people after the family intervened. In the beginning, they fought in actual combat, but the elders in the family were worried that they would cause danger, so they stopped several times.

In the end, they had to compromise, promising to fight only with fists and kicks, and at most get injured, which allowed the club to survive.

Li Rui was a little puzzled. Since he likes to fight, why didn't he arrest illegal secret agents or deal with overlapping situations? In fact, he didn't want to understand that when others were in their teens, they could only fight at 10 or so levels. It is not safe for the enemy to wander around in the northwest.

He watched it boredly for a long time, and finally, the match on the field ended, and the shirtless and strong guy won.

This person's physique was obviously higher than that of his opponent, and he kept suppressing during the sparring just now, but he didn't have enough fighting experience, otherwise, from Li Rui's perspective, he would have had the chance to end the fight several times just now.

Kong Hua winked at a Sheniu kid next to him, who understood, trotted to the center of the field, and shouted loudly with a loudspeaker.

"There is a temporary playoff match today, eh, eh, Du Lun, please don't leave."

He stopped the shirtless guy from leaving the field, "We have a new challenger, he is... an unknown soldier! Hahaha, I'm sorry buddy, our place only recognizes strength, only the strong can have a name."

It's quite a sophomore, but it's also the style of the northwest region.

Li Rui felt a little funny.

She Niu continued to shout: "On the other side, there is the devil muscular man who has just arrived, but has won all seven battles! Du Lun!"


There was a burst of clamor from the sidelines.

Only the shirtless guy covered his face with some headaches: "I don't call you a devil and a muscular man."

"Now, please play against both sides."

Du Lun was already on the field, while Li Rui walked to the center from the side. In comparison, his face was more delicate, and compared with the opponent's naked body, he looked a bit harmless.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, no one knows him, and no one is optimistic about him. After all, the opponent is not just good in shape, but more importantly, he has won all seven games.

"Both sides are ready."

Like a professional host, She Niu shouted with that long ending voice: "Three, two, one, get ready—fight!!!!"

However, the battle did not start because someone came out to disrupt the situation.

"Wait a moment."

A voice came from the sidelines. Looking around, I saw a young man with pigtails squeezed out of the crowd. There was no sound around, and no one spoke.

"That unknown soldier, you go down first, I'll fight this guy." He said this to Li Rui.

Li Rui glanced at this person, then looked back at Kong Hua, and found that the latter's face was not very good-looking, as if he was not very happy about the arrival of this unexpected guest.

"what's going on?"

Xiao Zhuang's face is obviously more mature than those teenagers here, as are the few young people who came together beside him.

It can be seen that other people are a little afraid of them, and a little disgusted, but no one speaks to stop them.

Kong Hua said with a dark face: "He Yang, didn't I tell you not to come?"

"Who called it?"

A young man named He Yang came closer, "Could it be that big brother you told others to pass on? It's a pity, I'm from the He family, so I don't need to listen to your Kong family's words."

"Besides, I heard that you and your big brother usually don't get along, but when you encounter a little setback, you run to him crying and begging him. Is that the nerve to talk?"

After finishing speaking, he ignored Kong Hua and Li Rui from the beginning to the end, but turned to Du Lun.

"You are new here. You have seven victories in seven games. It's not bad. Let's play a game with me."

Li Rui didn't help out and didn't give money, so he quietly retreated to the sidelines.

Although Du Lun on the field didn't know the situation, he could also see that the braided He Yang seemed to be very strong, and he was not popular.

So he decided to accept the challenge. If he succeeds, as a newcomer, he will definitely be able to integrate quickly and even gain everyone's respect.

The two sides stood on the field and were about to start a fight. Li Rui had no interest and just poked Kong Hua with his elbow: "What's the matter? My 20,000 doesn't count."

Young Master Kong was in a bad mood, so he kept silent, but the boy from Sheniu said quietly: "That guy He Yang is very annoying, he is obviously level 20, and I heard that he has participated in the task of arresting illegal agents, come here Pure bullying."

Li Rui asked strangely: "Didn't you say that you only value strength?"

Killing people.

The Sheniu boy was completely autistic.

Li Rui asked again: "Since he can go out to work, why does he still come to this place?"

The Sheniu boy didn't want to talk anymore, Kong Hua said: "The He family is a pervert, and the mind is not normal, but it is normal."

Li Rui didn't answer. The He family might also be a potential customer, so he stopped scolding him.

At this moment, there was only a bang, and when he turned his head, he happened to see Du Lun, who had won seven games and seven, rolling on the edge of the field.

In less than half a minute, the battle was over.

"He's stronger than ever"

Li Rui even heard a hint of despair from the exclamation of the Sheniu boy.

It seemed that even if there was someone who could beat Du Lun, he was not sure that he could end the battle within 30 seconds, and that He Yang could, although he was a bit suspected of being bullied by the big, but he won if he won.

After all, as I said just now, only strength is recognized, but normal people, but anyone over level 20 is embarrassed to come to this place, people want face, and now if they meet a shameless person, they will have to be beaten.

He Yang won the victory, and he began to smile with a strange ambiguity. It could be heard that this guy seemed dissatisfied with the crowding out of the people here, so he tried every means to humiliate him.

Li Rui could understand the reason. He had a weird personality, and it was normal for everyone not to like him.

He poked Kong Hua again with his elbow: "Hey, that Du Lun lost, what about my 20,000?"

"you are annoying!"

Kong Hua was already on the verge of going berserk, "Go, beat up that guy surnamed He."

Li Rui glared at him dissatisfied: "Why did you change your mind temporarily? The surname He is too strong."

The people around looked at him with strange expressions, thinking that this person is really the kind of shrewd philistine who only cares about money.

However, before Li Rui finished speaking, he added another sentence: "I need to add money, fifty thousand."

Although Kong Hua was losing his temper, he didn't hold back, and laughed out loud, "If you can beat him, I'll give you one hundred thousand."

Li Rui thought to himself that these two brothers are really biological, right? They are all big injustices of reverse bargaining.

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