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Chapter 119 Fully Automatic Brushing Experience


Six bombs lay under six stone doors and began to spew ominous scarlet mist.

At this time, all the chasing wild beasts seemed to have seen some natural enemies that were instinctively afraid, and they all stopped, and even began to retreat slowly.

Li Rui and Huo Yun looked at each other, feeling a little strange. The blood mist bomb was very powerful, but it didn't have a fear effect. Even if it did, it would be impossible to make such a large number of savage beasts retreat.

At this time, Li Ruiruo realized something.

"Do you still remember, Wei Xun said that Zuo Qiutian went to Jinlin Daze, and the things of the blood evil school are in his hands."

Huo Yun took a deep breath: "What did he do inside?"

The current situation is very strange, those savage beasts are anxious about the fact that the teleportation formation is occupied, but they dare not approach them, so they can only confront each other from a distance.

When Li Rui was sure that they were terrified of the red mist, he relaxed even more. He originally planned to use the mist flow control to drive the blood mist to separate himself from the wild beasts, but now it seemed unnecessary.

At least not for now.

He turned his head to look at the stone gate next to the formation, wanting to see if things went as he had planned.

Kong Hua took advantage of the situation and asked, "Brother Rui, what exactly is this?"

Li Rui explained: "This is a blood mist bomb made of blood marrow nuclei. These red mist are very lethal and will last for a long time before dissipating. In this way."

Kong Hua swallowed her saliva: "Savage beasts can't get through."

Huo Yun chuckled: "It's more than that."

At this moment, one of the stone gates shrouded in mist suddenly shot out bright light, and inscriptions were engraved on those stone bars.

With a flash of light, a tall figure appeared in the mist under the door.


The beast that just appeared from the door was dumbfounded.

The order it received was to pass through the mobile formation, rush to the front line to support the compatriots, and seize the pass of the human race. Who knew that when it came out, it was a bright red area, and it couldn't see anything clearly, let alone any of the same race.

Just as it was thinking about what was going on, an inexplicable palpitation swept over its body, and there was a tingling sensation in its fur and muscles.

It has been found wrong.

There's something wrong with this fog.

Thinking of this, it knew that it had to leave immediately, but as soon as it started to take a step, it felt a little out of control.


But it was too late at this time, it wanted to growl and let the beast come to save itself, but found that it could not use any force at all, the tingling feeling had spread all over the body, and its consciousness became blurred.

Then all the discomfort disappeared and was replaced by a feeling of ecstasy.

It seemed to see the golden light illuminating the earth, the savage beasts ruled the whole world, and all the human races, monsters, and spirits bowed their heads and bowed their heads.

It laughed and fell to death in sweet fantasies.

[Experience value +50. ]

The three of Li Rui watched outside, and they all swallowed.

This is the blood mist bomb, which makes the creatures in the mist die at the speed of light in unrealistic imagination.

From another door, another wild beast of unknown origin came out

[Experience value +50. ]

Although the result was similar to Li Rui's expectation, he still felt a little weird when he saw the savage beast laughing and dying.

"We just need to stay here?" Huo Yun asked.

"It must be guarded. Those wild beasts must have a way to blow away the blood mist when they come over. Don't let them get close."

The three of them turned their heads again, and found that the savage beasts chasing them were even more afraid of the scarlet mist after seeing the scene just now, and even retreated another mile.

Huo Yun laughed dryly: "It seems that we have no other choice."

Kong Hua nodded and said, "That's right, the escape route is blocked, and I can't even walk, so I can only stay here and wait."

Li Rui clicked his tongue and stared at the two of them dissatisfied: "What do you mean being stuck here? This is called hanging here to automatically gain experience!"

While speaking, another savage beast came out of the stone gate, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

[Experience value +50. ]


"That said, it seems to be correct."

The experience of this savage beast just now belongs to Huo Yun, because he was the one who threw the blood mist bomb at the stone gate.

Of the six doors, he sealed two of them, because there were only two bombs, and Li Rui sealed the rest. Whoever had a monster died in the door would get the experience and contribution points.

And the unexpected joy is that this teleportation array is one-way.

The savage beasts far away in Jinlin Daze didn't know what was going on here. Anyway, when the formation was available, they drilled into the door from there, and then entered Li Rui and Huo Yun's panels as experiences that fell from the sky.

"This is really cool."

Huo Yun was grinning from ear to ear. Wild beasts appeared in those stone gates continuously, and +50+50 were constantly added on his panel. Although the addition was not much at a time, the water flowed slowly. The key point was that there was no need to do anything.

At this time, the herd of beasts who were frightened by the blood mist couldn't sit still. They couldn't let a few humans control the formation like this, otherwise the attack plan this time would fail.

So the slightly stronger individuals began to try to lead the team to counterattack.

A golden-eyed beast called out a dozen or so uninjured wild beasts and rushed over. Obviously they were still instinctively afraid of the blood mist, so they sent a small number of wild beasts out to test the water first.

Li Rui glanced at Kong Hua: "Here comes your experience package."

The latter doesn't have blood mist bombs, so he can't hang up to earn experience, but he is a customer, and Li Ruide guarantees his income, so he leads the people to rush towards the rushing beasts, the flying dragon rides on the face and beats the brutal beasts, and then let Kong Hua Use Yinhua to make up for the knife.

When the two were fighting, the herd of beasts behind wanted to support them, and pressed forward one after another.

Seeing this, Li Rui didn't want to be surrounded, so he took Kong Hua back to the edge of the red mist.

"Ow! (Despicable!)"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho! (Kill them!)"


They shouted like this, but the savage beasts were not stupid. They were afraid of the red mist, and they didn't want to be the first to die, so they shouted fiercely, but none of them moved forward, and even started to retreat again.

After all, running is like sailing with the current, if you don’t retreat, you will advance. If everyone runs away, won’t I be the only one left to be beaten?

During some invisible infighting, they retreated again.

At this time, Li Rui led Kong Hua to attack again, and after chasing and killing a few wild beasts, he returned to the edge of the red mist and began to pull repeatedly.

After a few rounds, both sides were a little tired, mainly because of their hearts, so they fell into a short-term peace.

Kong Hua said: "It's broken, I have a negative state."

The three of them ran all the way from the front line to the rear of the enemy, exhausted a lot of physical strength, did not rest and eat for a long time, and the debuff of hunger appeared. It is still very shallow, but all damage is reduced by 10%, but if left alone, the range will increase. deeper.

As soon as Li Rui heard that the customer had a request, of course he had to satisfy it, so he took out an oiled paper bag from the inventory, which contained dry food for the march, and flour that could melt when washed with hot water.

Kong Hua tilted his head and asked, "Where did this come from?"

"I took it by hand when I was eating before. At the time, I thought it might be useful, but I didn't expect it to be right. I even made a pot by lighting a fire."

This scene was quite explosive in Huo Yun's eyes. He never imagined that one day, he would be deeply trapped in the enemy's camp, leaning against the bloody death trap, facing the swarms of savage beasts, and then lighting a fire to cook in the middle.

He cast his eyes on Li Rui.

But if the person is there, it feels normal.

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