Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 123 Where the Thunder is

Seeing the expressions of the two, Wu Yun knew that it was not easy to wash, so he could only nod and said: "My memory is wrong, in fact, this king knows a thing or two."


Li Rui thought to himself that the King of Zhendong looked quite reliable during the battle, but why did he look like a mentally handicapped man after the battle, "Please tell me clearly, my lord."

However, Wu Yun obviously didn't want to say it, but he didn't want to reject those who had meritorious deeds, and it could be said that it was a great achievement in changing the situation on the battlefield, so he seemed very entangled.

Wei Xun cupped his hands and said, "My lord, this Brother Li is not someone of unknown origin. He prevented Zuo Qiutian from resurrecting the demon king in the Silent Forest that day, and today he destroyed the beast's moving formation. It can be said that he has made great contributions to Liang." Besides, Daoist Chongxu of Shenxiao Palace passed on his exercises, and Daoist Zhenyue gave him a token, which shows his recognition of his character."

Wu Yun was a little surprised: "It's true that people can't be judged by appearances. I didn't expect Li Shaoxia to be recognized by half of the four sons of Shenxiao at such a young age."

The fourth son of Shenxiao?

It sounds awesome.

While thinking, Li Rui took out Zhenyue's token and held it up in his hand: "My lord, please have a look."

Wu Yun reached out to pick it up, but found that the other party didn't intend to hand it over.

There is no way, there is another savior above, Li Rui will never give things to anyone, he must be extremely safe.

Wu Yun withdrew his hand embarrassingly, and could see the clear name on the jade plate: Zhang Keyue, after all, he could no longer doubt it.


He stroked the beard on his chin, struggled for a while and said, "Okay, since there is a guarantee from the Taoist priest of Shenxiao Palace, this king can also reveal a thing or two. This secret was passed down by the Taizu when the country was founded, but there was no Evidence, but it has a lot to do with it.”

"If we start from the beginning, Shelei has a great relationship with Liang Ting's founding of the country. When the Taizu led troops to drive back the Northeast monsters and kill the Southwest wild beasts, he had already established a firm foothold, but the two parties secretly joined forces. The war was once unfavorable.”

"Although the Taizu is brave, but in the end, it is difficult to use two fists four times. At a critical moment, a fairy came and defeated the barbarian emperor and the demon emperor with purple lightning, which is the way to control the thunder of the society."

"Taizu asked the immortal to teach him, but the other party only said that the virtuous live there, if there is a destiny, he will find it."

Li Rui thought to himself, no wonder this guy was reluctant to tell at first, not because he was hiding something, but mainly because the secret involved the royal family's prestige.

Because according to historical records, it was the Taizu who fought back the monsters and wild beasts with all his strength, established his achievements, and changed the country. It took a long time, but it was actually because of the help of immortals.

"Please rest assured, my lord, I will never disclose this matter to others."

"This king trusts you."

Wu Yun actually trusted Shenxiao Palace.

"Then, now that we have said everything, can the prince reveal one more thing, if you want to ask Lei Fa, where should you go to find that immortal?"

Li Rui was not interested in other people's founding history, he just wanted to find the location of Shelei.


Wu Yun pondered for a few seconds and said, "It's not that I don't want to say it, I really don't know. However, the Taizu once said that there was a faint death energy in the immortal, and maybe there was a hidden disease in him. It's hard to say. Already immortal."

Immortals will die too? It doesn't look like a real fairy.

Li Rui was complaining to himself when he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

The Department of Abilities gave a list of secret realms within the Liang Ting Ancient Country, one of which was called the Tomb of Immortals.

The Five Thunders Law involved a lot, he didn't just throw away the information when he got it, but studied it carefully, and knew that the tomb was west of Liang Tingguo, in the boundary of the strange land.

The human race is hostile to the monsters, but they don't interfere with those mountain spirits and live in peace. Both of them are divided into the large area of ​​​​Liang Tingguo.

"It's no wonder they haven't found any clues for so many years, because the Shelei incident is related to Liang Ting, but it's not within the border. Could it be that the immortal is not a real immortal, but a powerful ghost in a certain form?"

Li Rui felt that the clues could be linked together, "We don't even deal with spirits and monsters. Although we don't say good-neighborly and friendly with the human race, at least we don't violate the river water, and there are good reasons to help."

"The Tomb of the Immortals is a level 35 secret realm, and you will have a chance to enter it after you advance. It just so happens that your ability will be greatly enhanced after you advance, and you will be more confident in getting it."

After all, that "immortal" used to fight against the barbaric beast emperor and the monster emperor, even if he died, it would be very difficult to get Shelei.

But in any case, at least the goal is there.

Li Rui thanked Zhendong King, then took his leave and left.

"Brother Wei, I still have important matters to attend to, so I won't stay any longer."

"Why do you have so many important things?" Wei Xun looked at him suspiciously, and said the same thing in the Silent Forest last time.

Nonsense, I still stay for a meal? That is not enough in reality.

"I'm sorry, Brother Wei, there are still too many injustices in the world, and I can't just sit idly by."

The translation is: There are many secret places, and I still have to clear them.

Wei Xun respectfully said, "So, where is my brother going?"

Li Rui strode forward without looking back, "The world!"

Wei Xun froze.

"In such a big situation, I only thought of recruiting him into the town demon division, which really pales in comparison."

"Wei Xun, Wei Xun, your realm is not as good as that of a young man, you need to cultivate your mind!"

Li Rui walked to the distance, took a look, and found that Huo Yun and the others had disappeared, presumably they had already left, so he also walked out of the gate of the camp and disappeared into the world.

"Come on, help me out."

Kong Hua was lying on the chair howling, and the support team in the Northwest was relatively rough, leaving people in the wake-up room and leaving them alone.

Hearing the shout, the first one to rush in was not the logistics staff, but a big fat ball.

Kong Ji ran in, not in a hurry to untie the buckle, but asked, "How is it, success or failure?"

Kong Hua turned his head, did not look directly into his eyes, stared at the wall on the other side and said, "Successful."

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, how about it, what power leveling I found for you is reliable."

When Li Rui was mentioned, Kong Hua became a little more excited: "Brother Rui is very good, thank you."

Kong Ji was a little surprised. This kid has never been kind to him. Of course he has a thick skin and doesn't care, but it's quite rare to hear a thank you.

Well worth the money.

"What's the gain, let's hear it?" He didn't care about the attitude of the other party, and continued to ask what he wanted to know.

This time, Kong Hua became even more excited: "One rare skill, one skill point, a dozen attribute points, and some strengthening materials, not many, two or three sets."

Hearing this, Kong Ji was stunned for a moment: "You, what are you talking about, rare skills?"


Kong Hua wanted to pretend not to care, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up, "Skills are hidden weapons, and they can cooperate with the analyst's insight into weaknesses. From now on, I can also take the aggressive route."

After hearing this, Kong Ji was overjoyed. Analysts have a relatively narrow range of jobs, and most of them are in the auxiliary direction. A hidden weapon skill has almost completely changed the follow-up career development, and the impact is very far-reaching.

Just like Jiang Yu, who was originally a field doctor, took off on the spot after getting Gu Qinggu's skills and became one of the supernovas.

"My brother Li is really not bragging, the money is well spent."

Kong Ji said happily, "Add money, you must add money!"

Thank you Fusheng Buddha for your reward, thank you Foge!

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