Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 127 He is the unlucky one

Wu Di had met Li Rui and knew that he had killed Li Xiaolin. To be precise, many people in Xifeng Province knew about it. But he didn't know the specific situation of this person, what level, what occupation, and he never paid attention to it.

Anyway, there are many masters coming to the Northwest, so we can't inquire about all of them.

But now he has a clear understanding of this young man, because he knows who Dong Sanchuan is.

This recognized supernova who can rank among the top three in strength invites Li Rui to go to the border, which is a stamped recognition of strength.

In other words, in Dong Sanchuan's eyes, they are people on the same level, or sooner or later.


Pu Tong said, "Do you need me to do any formalities for you?"

Li Rui didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Brother Pu, I just wanted to ask you, do I need to go through formalities to go to the border?"

Pu Tong shook his head again and again: "It's not necessary, it doesn't matter if you hang up in the Qingyuan branch, it's just like going out to work."

"That's it. I'll take my driver's license and leave in two days."

"Okay, let's go, have a farewell meal, I invite you."

The two walked away shoulder to shoulder, leaving only Wu Di jealous behind.

Oh shit! Why didn't such a good thing happen to me!

It is a good thing for the team leader to go out to the field and hang under the name of an action team, but not much, but it is different when going to the border. There are many opportunities for meritorious service in catching wanted criminals, and the resume recorded in the action team in the future is also good-looking. Have the opportunity to comment on some advanced collectives and the like.

However, there is a reason for this.

Pu Tong usually doesn't fight or snatch, and he feels like an old scalper, so when Song wants to greet him, his superiors directly assign people to him, because other people will find it troublesome when they see a 17th-level rain caller.

But now, if others find out that this rain caller can bring benefits, there is nothing they can do.

When Li Rui returned to his residence, he was still in shock when he saw He Chengli lying on the sofa in a daze.

In the secret realm just now, a level 30 elite monster appeared. Without further ado, Li Rui rushed forward with a move of thunder, and gave that guy a second.

For a level 19 assassin, the impact of this skill is too huge.

Huo Yun came out of the room and asked, "Have we finished talking?"


Li Rui nodded.

When He Chengli heard the movement, he also came back to his senses: "Then, then we are leaving."

The border area was even more dangerous than the inland northwest. Even Li Rui didn't dare to take the two young masters to take risks. He was sure of avoiding danger, but he couldn't guarantee that he could protect them well.

So after thinking twice, I decided to let them go home first.

It was a matter of safety, and the two of them could not be willful. Although they were actually very curious about the border, they still did not raise any objections.

The next day, Li Rui personally sent them to the plane, and then went to the driving school to practice driving.

During the recent period, he went to the driving school to practice for eight hours every day except for the time when he was in the 30th level. Two, practice one more day today, and go to test subject three tomorrow.

With Kong Ji taking care of him, there is no problem in making an appointment for the test, and he can take the test whenever he wants. A few days later, Li Rui got his driver's license amidst the coach's constant exclamation, and mastered the driving skills that were not jerky.

After finishing what he was doing, he contacted Dong Sanchuan.

"Are you here today? That's a bit of a coincidence. It's an urgent mission. A group of illegal agents sneaked in. How about you come directly to the scene?"

"no problem."

Li Rui agreed straight away, "What level are those people?"

"About level 30. The prophets measured it, but they seem to have prophets too, so they are not sure. Please contact me when you come."


After the two made up their minds, Li Rui went to say goodbye to Kong Ji, then kicked the accelerator and drove the car up the Gobi.

In principle, he just got his driver's license and can't go on the highway alone, so instead of taking the main road, he chooses to cross this no-man's land directly, leave Xifeng Province, and reach the location Dong Sanchuan mentioned.

Sand and dust were accompanied by stones hitting the glass, and the accelerator almost never stopped, but this off-road vehicle was modified by Kong Ji (for the record), and its performance on the Gobi was also very good. Can drive at high speed.

When he was practicing on the road, the coach said that Li Rui was driving too violently, and now he stepped on the accelerator to the end, never letting go from the beginning to the end.

The main reason is that he is getting more and more powerful now, and he is slow to see everything.

Running all the way along the dry land, Li Rui bypassed the last big city before the border, and saw the blockade post ahead.

After showing his credentials, he got a customary reminder and was let through.

This area of ​​the border is not suitable for human survival. It is almost no man's land, only secret agents and border guards patrol.

However, because the border line is too long, there is no guarantee that there will be guards everywhere, so it has become a high-risk area for illegal secret agents to infiltrate.

In the land of chaos, anyone who is knowledgeable knows how to sneak into different countries. It is generally accepted that if you want to illegally enter the Dragon Kingdom from the northwest region, it is best to bring a rain caller.

Of course, rain and fog will not work, you must be able to use the wind spell.

The purpose of bringing this kind of auxiliary occupation is of course not to fight head-on, but to be able to blow sand and dust at critical moments, making it easier to sneak in or retreat.

However, this is a common method, and someone with more advanced stealth skills like a shapeshifter or an assassin master would say otherwise.

At this time, under a cliff, there were five figures in the dark cave, four of them were staring intently at a woman with thinning hair.

Her face is a little haggard and listless, but it always makes people feel that she is not very old. In her hand was a bamboo stick, and she threw the stick on the ground over and over again.

"We were counted by the prophet, but he couldn't figure out the specific location. It should be the safest way for us to walk from the Old Stone Beach."

"Lin Hong, your computing power has increased again, and you can even calculate the route."

The prophet named Lin Hong shook his head: "No, I calculated the specific defense in that direction."

The man hummed: "Why? Arming defense should be more difficult to calculate than abstract danger, right?"

Lin Hong carefully put away the bamboo sticks with many inscriptions on them, and smiled: "Because I was very lucky, I just caught a road with people, and there is only one person, a level 22 rain caller."


Upon hearing this, everyone else became interested.

"No wonder, with such a low level, she must not be able to avoid Lin Hong's life-seeking chip."

The bamboo stick with the inscription on it was not an ordinary thing, but an epic prophet equipment.

However, from the profession to the equipment, the prophet is mainly a mystery. Whether it can be counted or not depends on luck.

"Is he alone?"

"Not disturbed by other breaths, it should be alone."

"Hey, maybe it's not because we are lucky, but because he is more unlucky."

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