Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 131 Frontier Mission

Zhang Huju explained a little more: "Among the supernovas, Brother Chuan is recognized as the top three. It's hard to say who he will be with the other one, but there is no dispute about who is the strongest."

Li Rui was whetted by them: "I remember reading it on the forum, they called him Brother Ghost."

"That's right, his full name is Guan Gui, and his occupation is a rare corpse exorcist."

Dong Sanchuan explained, "The last time we met him further west, we knew that the secret realm he was going to enter this time was the ancient tomb of Xingyang."

"What did he do? Why did the secret realms be removed? I didn't have this symptom before."

The four looked at Li Rui, who frowned, "No, what are you looking at me for?"

"I feel like you are more experienced in this area."

Li Rui was speechless for a while. He estimated that this prejudice would not be eliminated for a while, so he could only reply helplessly: "The answer is very simple. He is a corpse chaser. After entering the ancient tomb, the secret realm disappeared. If the owner of the tomb was dug out and taken prisoner, it must be some kind of boss with preconditions, which conflicts with the follow-up plot, so I sent it."

The four of them glanced at each other, and then gave him a thumbs up: "It's still your specialty."


Li Rui lowered his head and picked up two chopsticks of potato shreds.

"It's broken, his strength has improved again, Brother Chuan can't catch up even more."

Nan Jiumei put her head in her hands and said as if she couldn't catch up, although he really couldn't catch up.

Dong Sanchuan snorted: "I never said I would catch up with anyone."

Li Rui didn't care about their bickering, but was just thinking about a question: I don't know if my god Lei Ke can defeat him?

At this time, the mobile phones of the four people rang.

"Ouch, everyone in the group is frying pot."

Nan Jiumei said, "I just want to know what level of old corpse he made."

Li Rui asked Jiang Yu, who was sitting closest, in a low voice: "This corpse exorcist dug up the grave, and then he can release it at any time?"

Ms. Jiang explained with a smile: "It's not that simple. You need to wake up the dead with the skills of the corpse hunter, and you have to defeat it alone to conclude the contract. However, from now on, you can control the resurrected corpse. In addition, This ability can only target secret creatures, people in the real world cannot be revived."

Li Rui thought for a while: "Isn't that a summoner?"

Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment: "Uh, that seems to be true."

She felt that this guy's way of thinking seemed to be very unique. Everyone was lamenting the power of the corpse chaser, but he directly deconstructed it.

Li Rui was still asking the bottom line: "Then the question is, how did he get his first corpse? Since the conclusion of the contract needs to be defeated independently, it must be difficult for him not to control any living corpses when he first changed his job?"

"As expected of us, Li Rui, we are smart."

Nan Jiumei snapped her fingers, "That's why most of the profession of corpse exorcising is stuck from the first secret realm, and then a vicious circle continues to fail until death and the soul dissipates. But as long as you can survive the early stage , It will become more and more powerful in the future, and one person is an army!"

He said happily: "I'll just ask you a question. In the later stage, he can control ten or even twenty corpses at the same time. When he throws them out, they are all boss-level. How do you deal with them?"

"Kill them all."

Li Rui stared at him and blinked, but didn't think there was anything to ask.


Nan Jiumei sat back in silence, and the other three laughed so hard that they almost hurt themselves.

A few days later, a car was driving smoothly on the edge of the desert.

"The land of chaos is not the land of no man."

"There are many countries in this place, but after the opening of the secret realm, more and more people have mastered extraordinary powers. Because the government's control is not enough, wars gradually emerged."

The car slowly passed a broken road. This road has been broken for many years and no one has repaired it. On the opposite side of the road is an old small town. The small building that is still intact is covered with mottled marks, like bullet holes. Some collapsed ruins have not been cleaned up, and they have gradually become customary garbage dumps.

Through the car window, Li Rui saw a dark-skinned child kicking a ball made of cloth strips back and forth on the ground outside the city. Not far away, there were several young people with their arms folded on their chests, cigarettes dangling from their mouths. , carrying a gun on his back.

"This border city is already considered peaceful."

Jiang Yu held a can of Baby Hee Hee in his hand and sucked it violently through a straw, "Further to the west, there are countries that are constantly in conflict, and there are battles almost every day."

Zhang Huju leaned his head back on the chair, and said lazily: "In some places, there are no serious regimes anymore. Some extraordinary people occupy the mountains as kings and manage the people nearby like gangsters. Of course, there are also warlords."

Li Rui thought to himself, it would be too miserable for ordinary people living in that kind of place.

During this period of time, he has dealt with the situation twice with the team, both at level 35. After all, with their configuration, even a slightly lower level would be embarrassing to find them.

And today, it was the first time that he came so close to the place of chaos.

Dong Sanchuan lowered the car window, looked into the distance with the binoculars, and asked through the intercom: "Did you find the target?"

"Not yet." Nan Jiumei's voice came.

The task this time is to pick up someone from the edge of the chaotic land.

All five people got the photo of the target person and the password for the meeting. No one asked what the target was doing or why he came to the border to pick him up. Since they didn't say anything, they were not allowed to ask.

After a while, a small van drove out from the back of the border city. The young man who was watching the children play football walked slowly to the front of the truck and took the gun from his back.

The two sides exchanged a few words, and something came out of the car, which seemed to be banknotes, and then the young man gave way to the side of the road to let him go.

The truck slowly drove closer again.

Li Rui was a little curious. The driver was obviously not from Longguo, and he didn't look like that. He had curly hair and dark skin like that of Chaos Land.


The driver got out of the car and did nothing, just stretched out his hand and said such a word.

Jiang Yu took out two gold bars.

The man took it, inspected it roughly, put it away, weighed it, and gave him a thumbs up without any further verification. It seemed that he trusted the person who connected with him.

He walked to the back, patted the carriage four times, and then heard the lock unlocked inside the carriage, and then a middle-aged man with a child jumped out, who also looked the same as the driver, at least from Li Rui's point of view, he looked almost.

Dong Sanchuan pointed to the off-road vehicle with an extra seat at the back, the man glanced at the driver first, the latter nodded, and then he obediently got into the vehicle with the child.

"All. Switch the mission mode, escort the target to the outpost safely, the highest alert level, only success is allowed, and failure is not allowed. If you encounter enemy attacks, the first priority is to cover the target's evacuation."

With his words, all the leisure completely disappeared, and from this moment on, the mission really began.

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