Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 138 Showing a bit of edge

Li Rui glanced at the sun again, and it was already slightly shifted downwards. It probably came in shortly after noon. In a few hours, the sunlight should not be so intense.

He suspected that his unlucky physique would also lead to not being able to meet people. The place where the fight was lively, when he rushed over to take a look, there were only traces left by the battle, and the people had long since disappeared.

But even so, he still accumulated 7 points, after all, as long as everyone he meets can't even think about surviving.

He was not in a hurry, but just followed the traces of the battle or the sound to find someone. After going around, he found a spirit ball that had not been absorbed. The translucent ball was shining with blue light, floating on the back of a collapsed broken wall. .

However, the problem is that he doesn't consume much at all now, and absorbing it is useless.

"Since that's the case, why don't you just sit back and wait for the rabbit? According to the strategy, the spirit guard ball is a more useful strategy."

He hid behind a broken wall, but suddenly froze for a moment, because he received a reminder and added a point.

I dropped an explosive trap at a far corner just now, and some unlucky guy stepped on it.

Being overcast made Li Rui feel very happy, even happier than when he got the three points before.

Taking a look at the leaderboard, despite his bad luck, he is still in the top ten and has already surpassed most people.

"Wait, then."

He crouched behind another wall and began to wait for his prey to come.

None of the five people expected that they would meet the other four strongest opponents shortly after the start of the secret realm.

Little Holy Blade, the black-haired, blue-eyed young man holds a thin sword, Bai Yang wears gloves and knuckles, and looks like fighting with others, the witch Zago hides behind the demon servant, looking very vigilant, Kawina The scimitar in the right hand and the musket in the left hand kept turning the muzzle of the gun, pointing at whoever threatened him.

They all knew that there was a despicable villain from the Blood Knife Alliance watching in the dark, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

Around them, the already dilapidated ruins became even more shattered, and even turned into a flat ground piled with rubble. They had already fought a battle just now, but under the restraint of others, no one could gain an advantage. So awkward.

At this time, the witch Zago suddenly raised his hand, and a rotating black light popped out from his palm. At the same time, the demon servant also made a bold move, rushing towards Bai Yang who was closest to him.

The latter showed a fierce look in his eyes, his body dodged the black light, and his steps twisted and circled like lightning. It seemed that he wanted to get close to Zago, but the next moment, the humanoid servant who was several meters high flashed up, blocking stay in his way.

Bai Yang had no choice but to use a spinning kick, which is a martial artist's professional skill, whirlwind strike.


The Servant's thick black wrist collided with the kick, and both sides backed away, again no distinction was made.

At this time, Little Holy Blade and Kawina were also ready to join in, wanting to seize the opportunity to find the weakness of both sides in the fight. However, after a closer look, they found that Zago's figure had quietly disappeared in place.

A moment later, the demon servant also shattered and disappeared completely.

"Damn, that guy's shadow shifting is too cunning."

Little Saint Renning turned around and met Kaweina and Baiyang again.

"Since no one is sure of winning, let's stop fighting? We are wasting time here, and that Zago will continue to score elsewhere." Kaweina said.

"Hey, the one who hides his head and shows his tail, what do you think?"

Bai Yang yelled, and then spat again, "He ran away."

The three of them looked at each other, each retreated in different directions, and finally turned over and left their original positions. A local battle with no obvious advantages or disadvantages just ended like this.

Zago hoped that the remaining young people would be more angry, and it would be better not to die, so that he would have more time to harvest other vulnerable people.

Like the guy from before who yelled at him for attention.

"I have to find a spirit ball first. That bitch Kaweina has a lot of tricks. Swallowing the bullets of that gun consumes a lot of mental energy."

He thought sullenly, "Recover the state first, and then start harvesting."

In reality, Zago is a gambler who often goes to and from casinos, so after entering the secret realm, he points a lot of lucky attributes, and he is also lucky, so he finally got this skill. The place became famous.

It was the same this time, he thought about looking for a spirit ball, and he found one.

"Hey hey."

He smiled silently, and approached the broken wall, but before he could step forward to absorb it, he suddenly felt a murderous aura.


Despite the high consumption, he immediately summoned the demon servant.

At the same time, he found that a figure shining with golden light appeared in front of him. If there were no demon servants blocking him, he would be in danger now.

"So fast, who is it?"

Zago took a closer look, and anger welled up.

It turned out to be that talkative kid.

He gave strict orders to the genie.


The big fool roared, his two sharp claws flickered with black light, and grabbed the ambush figure.

Zagonin laughed, as if he could already see the scene where the demon servant tore the kid to pieces.

But he has been in the chaotic place for many years, and he has developed the habit of being steady and steady. He raised his hand, summoned a black light again, and went straight to the target.

His profession is a wizard, and his skills have three tricks:

Epic-level summoned demon servant, with both speed, strength and physical strength, can advance, attack, retreat and defend;

The rare skill cracking ray, this is actually the ability of mages. Generally speaking, wizards cannot have it, but he just encountered a hidden NPC with his extraordinary luck attribute, and got this skill after a narrow escape;

Another skill, Shadow Shift, is a life-saving magic skill, which has helped him save himself from danger many times.

When he was down and out in the early years, he could only struggle in the low-level stage. Now luck has come, he only took a short time to rise to level 25, and his reputation has risen. The future future is visible to the naked eye. This arena is in the In his eyes, it is just a springboard on the road to success.

And that no-name guy who is overwhelmed is not even a stumbling block.


He suddenly remembered such a word, and at the same time, the ray had already pierced out.


The wave barrier unfolded out of thin air, blocking the rays.

Zago was not surprised. Judging from the strength of Xiao Shengren and his group, those who can be selected into this secret realm must have two brushes, and it is not surprising that they can block the cracking ray.

But he saw clearly just now, after the kid deployed his shield with a strange umbrella-shaped weapon, he had already jumped on the face of the demon servant.

"He has no room to dodge."

Even so, Zago still didn't intend to give up easily, he had already carefully calculated the angle, and he crossed the wave barrier with a single Shadow Apparatus, intending to add another cracking ray from behind.

However, it was such a move that made him see a scene he would never forget.

The young man with the umbrella unfolded the shield, closed the umbrella, turned around, and then shot a plain physical attack.

"Impossible, my servant is epic, unless."

Zago couldn't move his mind, he just opened his mouth and stared, making his rough and ugly face even uglier.

On that unpretentious physical attack, endless golden thunder suddenly emerged, like the roar of a giant dragon.


The ground was torn apart and the vibrations continued. The demon servant standing there was smashed to pieces by the rounded thunderbolt like a wonderful horn.

Zago couldn't believe his eyes.

An epic servant who can't withstand an attack?

Hallucinations, must be hallucinations!

If this was true, then the confrontation between the five of them just now seemed like a joke, no matter what little holy blade or princess he was, he would be defeated in front of this person.

But he didn't understand, he hadn't heard of such a powerful person in the chaotic land recently.

There was a flash of gold.

A slap that grew bigger and bigger in his field of vision told him that it was indeed true.


Like many people who experienced Li Rui's demeanor for the first time, Zago also felt his head buzzing.

But he was slapped by Dabidou.

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