Kavina stood on a remote roof, half of her body was hidden behind a half-collapsed chimney, looking at the central battlefield from a distance.

The figure that she kept recalling in the space of consciousness was charging all the challengers alone.

Golden thunder flashed among the crowd, and the big black umbrella shattered the ground again and again, bouncing away the skills and people who attacked him.

Under such an intense offensive, that person could still hold on.

She had no intention of doing anything, neither besieging with others nor helping.

In her mind, this is an arena where the proud and strong show off their strength. She will not destroy this beautiful picture full of conquering gestures, that would be too disturbing.

However, Li Rui didn't think about it that much. He was already red-eyed, and all he could think about was fighting, fighting, fighting.

Since the appearance of the engraving, he has never fought such a battle with so many transcendents in the real world. Although he has a record of more than one enemy, the scale is also small, with five or six people at most.

He felt something stirring inside him.

It seemed to be a hostility that had been dormant for many years, and it seemed that this was what he should do.

The challengers were killed one after another, reborn after ten minutes, and then joined the battle again, a continuous stream of life and death.

Among the crowd, waves of skills flew from different directions. The various resistances provided by the administrator's jacket offset a lot of damage, but the two punches were no match for four hands, and the injuries gradually became serious.

"Hoo, hoo."

Li Rui felt that he was on the verge of falling, he was seriously injured, and his physical strength was almost exhausted, but under the attack of so many people, he couldn't absorb the spirit ball.

It seems that it is going to die.

He looked up at the list suspended in the air.

420, achieved the goal, and even exceeded the expectation by a lot.

Now he doesn't care anymore, no matter how much he has, he won't be able to kill him anyway.

The time is coming to an end, it doesn't matter if you die or not, in a few minutes, you can go out to get rewards, it depends on how many levels you can get.

The others were already terrified by his killing, but they suddenly saw that the man who looked like a big devil seemed to give up his attacking stance, and his condition was obviously not good to the naked eye, so they were ready to move.

Even if you can't win, but if you can grab a kill, you can boast that I am the one who killed the evil ghost in the fog.

However, Gui was eager to move, and after dawdling for a long time, no one moved.

Because they all know that the boss is not a person who talks about martial arts. During the battle, he threw traps, afterimages interfered, and all kinds of tricks emerged one after another. He didn't have the demeanor of a strong man at all.

So they worry that showing weakness now is also a trap set by that person.

Among the powerful people, Zago and Mikael, the witches, were thoughtful and even more deceitful. Luca relied on his identity and believed that taking a shot against a seriously injured person could not restore his dignity.

At this time, Bai Yang, who had just been reborn, was not going to wait any longer. He sneered, as if mocking everyone's timidity, and rushed forward by himself. Once the status skill was activated, the two-handed cannon hammer was also ready.


His body is like a vigorous tiger and leopard, leaping in the air, full of strength.

Everyone began to look forward to the scene where that person was blown away with a punch.

However, Li Rui was not happy at this time.

Anyone can kill me, not you kid!

Brother Kong hinted that he wants me to beat you more!

He is not seriously injured now, but he still has a hole card.

I haven't used it before, but because my physical strength is exhausted, my mental strength has bottomed out, and the 20-point reward won't change until the next kill, so I don't bother to move.

As a result, this kid who came from the organization with the worst relationship with Longguo wanted to send it up, so there was nothing he could do.

Live forever, start!

Li Rui turned over and stood up. The wounds all over his body began to heal visibly. At the same time, he drained all his mental power and swung out the last dragon riding face.

Boom! ! !

The blow of the two sides did not tell the winner.

But Bai Yang fell to the ground, didn't get up, and didn't take any action, because his mentality completely collapsed.

Just imagine, the people in the entire secret realm worked together to deal a blow to the boss, went through untold hardships, paid the price of dozens of lives, and finally let him be seriously injured, and he could go up to make up the last knife.

In the end, I don’t know why, after a skill, he healed from his injuries, and his state looked brand new, and it seemed that he had to fight again.

Switching to a normal game, that is, there is still a trace of blood to kill the boss, and suddenly the computer freezes, and the game starts again.

Who will not be mentally broken?


Almost everyone lost their fighting spirit, and a few bold guys hesitated to step forward, but were stopped by a slender figure.

Kaweina stood in front of Li Rui, looking at the others coldly as usual, with obvious meaning.


At the end of the countdown, all the buildings and rubble in the central ruins turned into fly ash, and automatically dissipated into the sky and the earth without wind. Most people failed to clear the level, and they automatically exited the secret realm after deducting the penalty for failing to clear the level.

The scene changed rapidly, shattered and then reassembled. After a long time, Li Rui looked up, and what he saw was outside the big iron gate of the arena, and the administrator sat on the gate again.

"Congratulations, everyone, you are the winners of this competition!"

Apart from one or two, the last three are Luca, Mikael and Bai Yang.

The five of them looked at each other. To be precise, all four of them looked at Li Rui.

Now that the competition is over, theoretically it should be a lot easier, but the other three dared not speak, only Kaweina extended her hand and introduced herself to her family.

Li Rui shook hands with her: "Hi, hello."

"I hope we have a chance to meet again. If you are free, come and find me in the manor under the seamount, okay?"

"no problem."

Li Rui agreed casually, whether to go or not, it's up to him to ask, if he doesn't have time, "But can you let go first?"

Kawina's cheeks were slightly red, and she withdrew her hand that hadn't let go after shaking hands as if she had been burned.

The other three looked dumbfounded.

This woman is good-looking, but she usually looks fierce and cold. When did she show such an expression?

The administrator didn't show any expression, because he was a puppet, but it could be seen that this guy had never seen anyone flirting in this kind of place.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, let's give out the rewards for winning the arena. This is the most exciting part."

He slapped the wood twice.

Bang bang bang bang bang.

Five boxes fell in front of the five people one by one.

The fifth place was a tattered small wooden box, the fourth place was a brand new wooden box, the third place was an exquisite iron box, the second place was a large silver box, and Li Rui, the first placer, was inlaid with four diamonds on the edge. Shining gems, plus a luxurious oversized gold chest with a large crystal in the middle.

The strategy guide shows the reward types of one to five places, but Li Rui's is still beyond the usual regulations. In comparison, the silver box is better, and the other three really can't arouse people's desire to open it.

"Cough cough."

The puppet seemed to feel that the gap was too big, so he said in relief, "The box is just a form. After opening, the rewards will still be sent directly to the inventory. Please go ahead, eh?! No, wait, what are you doing?!"

After he finished speaking, as soon as he turned his head, he saw Li Rui squatting in front of his big gold box, digging hard at the five stones inlaid on it.

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