Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 157 Finding the Target

After some research, Li Rui found that the little cat was quite dead, and it probably wouldn't last long. Moreover, the level of the peripheral members was too low, and anyone with a bald head would find something wrong with it.

At the same time, he saw that there was a bell that would not ring tied to this guy's chin, and a thin thread was exposed. He pulled it out with his hands, and it was a small crumpled piece of paper.

[Is there any information? Write it here. ]

Li Rui frowned.

I don't even have a pen.

After thinking about it, he bit his finger and wrote with blood on the zipper.

Who knows the family members, squatting in the toilet in the middle of the night to write blood books, this task is an old sin.

After he finished writing, he put the dried note back into the bell, and then walked out of the toilet with the cat in his arms.

The people who had just experienced the battle also just entered the room, ready to rest for a while on the Datong bunk, and then saw the master Tommy Lee coming out of the locked toilet with a limp cat in his arms.


"One cannot, at least one should not"

Li Rui walked out of the lounge expressionlessly, then went to the corner and threw the cat out.


Li Rui slept lightly for six hours and it was dawn. He walked out of the lounge amidst everyone's earnest greetings, and went to the big room where the official members stayed.

As soon as I entered the door, I felt a serious atmosphere.

He was a little puzzled, and sat next to the bald head in the corner first.

"What happened?"

"The last batch of goods is about to arrive, and the alliance has sent powerful characters to follow along," said the bald head.

Li Rui snorted, pretending not to care, and asked, "Who?"

Inquiring about the enemy's configuration is also a very important undercover task.

The bald head said excitedly: "You are really lucky. The alliance headquarters sent a senior instructor. He is Mikael's teacher."

"How many levels?" Li Rui jumped word by word, because others assumed that Banluo language was not good.

The bald head didn't care, and replied: "I heard that it is above level 45, and not only him, Mikael is also coming."

? !

Li Rui cursed inwardly, what a fucking thing, he has to come anyway.

While he can wear a hat and mask, which is common in the Land of Chaos, there's no guarantee Mikael won't recognize himself.

He asked: "I, have a chance to meet them?"

The bald head thought for a while and said, "If you're lucky, you might be able to, but don't expect to get close enough to say a few words."

He didn't care if the other party understood or not, anyway, he just started talking.

"Those two are incredible people, and we don't usually see them. I heard from the gossip that Mikael is in a bad mood recently, so I came here with the teacher to relax."

"Perform yourself well. If you are attracted by that kind of big shot, you will be lucky."

Of course Li Rui heard it clearly. He was relieved at first. Since it's not easy to see, it's fine. If he keeps a low profile, he shouldn't be noticed. Besides, he was thinking about a problem.

Is Mikael and that senior instructor really just because they are in a bad mood? Is it possible that you have to come in person because you have an important target to escort?

However, it seemed that the low-level members like the bald head couldn't figure out what was going on. Indeed, if an important target was to be secretly transported, it would certainly not be casually told to many people.

So he became even more curious about how Liang Qiucheng got the information from, so he managed to arrange himself for this project.

As for the chance to meet the "big shot", Li Rui definitely didn't need it, at least he couldn't be recognized by Mikael before the fight started.

Li Rui still helped run errands to get the food delivered, but this time he was running errands for the official staff. At the gate, he deliberately took out a cigarette and smoked it for a while. This was the secret signal agreed with Guan Gui, indicating that the target was about to come Appear.

After all, even if you are already a quasi-official member, you still can't get your mobile phone, and you have to wait until the mission is over before returning it.

When he was notified, he went back indoors and began to wait.

The task requirement is to reduce the scale of the conflict, not assassination, just wait until the transport team drives to the deserted highway, and then kill them. As long as a street is not blown up in the city, it is not a big deal.

In the evening, when the setting sun was like blood, a jeep stopped at the gate of the yard where the "cargo" was held.

Everyone was called out and stood in the yard waiting.

A total of two people got off the bus.

One with a short gray beard should be the senior instructor, and the other one is naturally the old acquaintance Mikael.

To be honest, it was the first time for Li Rui to see what this guy looked like. He was so fast in the arena that he didn't even notice.

He hid behind the bald head and a group of other people, no one would pay attention to such a taciturn person.

Around him, those who were still peripheral members all stretched their necks, wanting to look up at the famous genius killer.

Of course, Mikael and the senior instructor would not say anything to this group of low-level minions. They just talked to the leader of this stronghold for a few words, and then returned to the car.

Li Rui carefully observed the jeep with the black film on the window. There seemed to be another person inside, but he didn't dare to get close to look, it was too obvious.

So he made an excuse to go to the bathroom, whispered something to the bald head, and then ran to the other side, looking in through the front windshield of the car.

The senior instructor and Mikael were talking, completely oblivious to the man coming out of the crowd of minions.

So Li Rui seemed casual, but actually glanced intently several times, and finally saw that there was indeed someone in the back seat.

With small eyes and thin hair, he was sipping a piece of dry bread and eating water.

He was the target of this mission, a defector with classified information on his mind.

At least so far, half of the task has been completed, and all that needs to be done now is to wait for the car to leave the urban area completely.

After a while, all the prisoners locked in the building were brought out and packed into two vans.

The peripheral personnel such as the Snake brothers and Pence continued to board another car. This job is not over yet, and they are still valuable.

Li Rui hadn't become a full-time member yet. Although the bald head who had received benefits was actually promoted, he was not a formal member in name, so he still got in the same car as other peripheral members.

"It's Mikael."

"Sure enough, it looks very powerful."

"The senior instructor next to him is also very strong."

"But he has only played in many secret realms. If he returns to his youth, he will definitely not be as strong as Mikael."

Those people seem to always have endless gossip, but in fact, they are talking about clothes and cosmetics with women. The men in the chaotic place are nothing more than discussing famous people, and secretly fantasizing that one day they will be known by others.

Li Rui was still taciturn, and even closed his eyes to rest his mind, but this time no one dared to laugh at him for not knowing Banluo language.

No one noticed that a black cat had already got into the gap between the cargo box and the front of the car, and then turned into fly ash and dissipated, leaving only a piece of squirming flesh and blood sticking to it.

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