Li Rui and Guan Gui checked their skills before they set off, and they were pleasantly surprised to find that they could still cooperate.

The blocking effect of fog is irrespective of friend or foe. As long as you are inside, your vision will be restricted.

But the resurrected don't need vision, their actions rely on the dead air's perception of the environment, whether it's in the fog, in the dark tomb passage, or even being blinded, it doesn't affect their actions.

Therefore, Li Rui's mist control weakened the enemy, but his own side was not affected. Rounding it up, it was pure strengthening.

Moreover, Guan Gui has kept his hole cards from the very beginning. Those resurrected people who were rapidly cooled and frozen into popsicles were the main force in the past, but now the version has been updated.

After he dug out the boss of the Xingyang ancient tomb from the coffin and beat him, the main force changed, but he never showed his cards until William West bumped into him.

Guan Gui is not an inexperienced stunned young man. He knows the current situation. What the opponent most wants to do is to use skills to blow away the fog. An ice mage above level 40 is capable of doing it.

So he won't give this opportunity to let the boss of Xingyang ancient tomb chase after him, and at the same time, he will keep sending other relatively inferior resurrected people to harass him.

William felt a little uncomfortable. Originally, a mage like him hated being entangled by a steady stream of enemies, but now that his vision was poor, he couldn't get rid of it. He could only use teleportation skills to try to escape.

After passing it twice, he found that he couldn't figure out the direction.

how so.

William was fighting against the boss of the Xingyang ancient tomb in the mist, feeling like a dream in his heart, and he didn't know why things turned out like this.

Will the skill of a rain caller make such a big change in the battle situation?

No, what about the others? Why hasn't that evil spirit been solved yet?

Just as this idea came into being, suddenly, four black figures jumped out of the fog.


His heart constricted violently.

Crucifixion? !

It's over.

In the first battle in which the Death in Black became famous, he used this formation skill to kill a gang leader who had been famous for a long time.

The witch Zago had already run away in a hurry. He thought he had a grudge against the man carrying the big black umbrella, so he had no intention of staying.

However, the members of the Blood Knife Alliance, the Bamboo Gang, and even the Screaming Marauders just stayed in the distance, and miraculously lived in peace, pretending not to see each other.

Looking at the confused fog and listening to the roar from inside, everyone was frightened.

The leader of the Blood Knife Alliance is dead, but their goods are still inside, and they want to leave but dare not.

The people in the Bamboo Gang are just doing things, they hope to get more information.

Screaming Marauder maniacs are reveling, and someone even whipped out a beer.

The two brothers Snake Eye and Snake Yat didn't leave either. They squatted behind a small rocky mountain, staring blankly at the cloud of mist.

"It's like we've met some really big shots."

"This kind of thing, even if you go to a bar to brag, no one will believe it."

"Damn it, we actually asked Lee to run errands for us."

"Should we run away first, what can we do when he comes out to settle accounts with us later?"

"Impossible, he saved me back then. But, can he win?"

For the two of them, the Dragon Kingdom and the Western Kingdom were beyond reach, but Li Rui had been with them day and night for a few days, and emotionally speaking, he hoped that he would win.

Everyone is waiting outside, wanting to know the final result. After all, this is a head-on confrontation between the Western Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom. After knowing it, it will not only increase the bragging capital, but may also get some valuable information.

Even the worst way to use it, selling it to information dealers can make a small profit.

The fog piled up on the ground, like dark clouds falling from the sky. If possible, they really wanted to blow it away and watch the battle process carefully, but unfortunately they couldn't do it, even if they could do it, they didn't dare.

After waiting for about half an hour, after a series of roaring explosions, there was another loud noise, and the entire misty cloud was blown and rolled.

Then, everything returned to calm.

As everyone knows, the battle is over.

Bai Yang stood behind Qin Ying, staring nervously at the fog. The answer is about to be revealed, who is the winner between the Western Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom.

Suddenly, the mist began to dissipate. Unlike the natural dissipation, it was very fast, and it disappeared completely after a few breaths.

A container truck turned around, and then swaggered towards the eastern border of Keoli as if it didn't know that there were many spectators around.

Nobody noticed that there was a missing person in the lingering jeep.

The body of William West fell to the ground at the position of the battle just now.

The senior detective of the Western Kingdom who was active in the chaotic land died.

This kind of news is much more explosive than the killing of a gang leader, or the disappearance of a senior thug of a local organization.

The seriously injured bandit leader Max howled frantically:

"Fuck! Big news, hahaha!"

Guan Gui was driving, because Li Rui didn't have a driver's license for a large car, and although places of chaos generally wouldn't check such things, he was a new driver after all.

The purpose of driving away the van with the captives was to rescue the poor people, but it was not just for the sake of chivalry.

Because before departure, the mission requirement that the president said was to reduce the impact of the incident.

And now, despite being forced to do so, the impact of the matter is already great. It is estimated that this battle will be the focus of discussion in all the taverns in the Chaos Land for at least a few months.

So Li Rui suggested that they simply rescue the hostages in full view. In this way, it would seem that their purpose was to save people. No one would think of traitors, and the prestige of the organization would not be affected. damage.

As for the Western Kingdom, it is even more impossible to take the initiative to mention it.

It's too embarrassing to set a trap by yourself and send an entire elite team, but the entire army was wiped out.

Days later, those rescued were handed over to a credible refugee resettlement agency, and the defector was captured alive.

Li Rui and the two of them inquired about it, and seeing that the rumors did not reveal the real purpose of their actions, they were relieved, and even went around the border to bring the informant Liang Qiucheng who had already run away.

In the original plan, after the assassination of the target, Li Rui was to fake death or flee to avoid being implicated by the introducer, but I didn't expect that the whole incident was planned by the Western Bureau of Abnormalities. .

Sitting in the car, Liang Qiucheng didn't dare to breathe.

How could he have known that these two people were the god of death in black and the devil in the fog.

Although he is one of his own, he grew up in a chaotic place, and naturally cultivated a way of thinking that respects strength, and he dare not show his air.

After all, the land of chaos is becoming more and more evil now.

The latest version of the rumor has been updated, and the two together wiped out an integrated armored division in the Western Kingdom.

"Fuck! Brother Chuan, look at the forum!"

Nan Jiumei ran into the outpost noisily, yelling at Dong Sanchuan who was on duty.

"What forum?"


While speaking, Nan Jiumei had already taken out her mobile phone and placed it in front of the other party.

Dong Sanchuan didn't know what this guy was doing, and subconsciously glanced at the screen.

[The God of Death in black and the ghost in the fog teamed up, and the senior detective of the Western Anomaly Bureau died! /eat melon/eat melon/eat melon]

Click to see, the post has been lost.

Nan Jiumei said with a smile: "A few days ago, I said it was training, but it turned out that I went on a sneaky date. Brother Chuan, you are green!"

Dong Sanchuan rolled his eyes: "Li Rui's strength is getting stronger and stronger, which is a good thing."

"Don't tell me, I found someone to inquire about the situation in the chaotic land. Now all the famous forces are robbing the rain caller who can blow the wind. Hahaha, I heard that the salary has been doubled several times. I am afraid that when the time comes Can't handle that fog."

Nan Jiumei was as excited as if she was the person involved, "Hey, this kid will definitely be a big shot in the future, do you think he has a chance to be a minister? At least he can be a deputy minister?"

"Stop talking about those useless things."

Zhang Huju said, "You might as well care about his secret realm. The problem now is that he has to upgrade from level 25 to level 30 at once."

"If you miss this secret battlefield, the impact may be great." Jiang Yu said.

Dong Sanchuan waved his hand: "It's meaningless to talk about it now, and I'll ask him when he comes back. Get ready, pack up after the shift today, and the ministry is urging those who have passed the preliminary examination on the battlefield to go back and select."

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