Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 166 Begging Brother Zuo to Appear

Li Rui has gone through the information and kept some doubtful points in his mind that may be worth exploring. He must find ways to extract experience from various corners.

Although the secret realm that was released is not good, the worst result has not yet happened, so we can't give up on it.

As time passed day by day, his research was fruitful, and even Kong Ji, who had been dragging away from going to the capital, was surprised to find that there were some places worth exploring.

But the truth is still the same, the goal of most people is to complete the main task and pass the level, rather than trying to find ways to get around.

"The good news is."

Kong Ji ran to the residence and stayed there: "At least, this secret realm has a large area, and there are many side missions."

Li Rui nodded: "Indeed, after thinking about it, I think it's good to be fully prepared. No one knows what will happen in the secret realm. Maybe a world NPC pops up suddenly to give you experience?"


Kong Ji thought to himself that others were eager not to see the NPCs in the world, but he did the opposite.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Li Rui ran over to take a look, and found that it was Kong Hua.

"Yo, just right, your brother is here too."

Kong Hua, who was smiling like a puppy, suddenly collapsed.

Kong Ji smiled facelessly and said, "Come in, what else can you do?"

So Kong Hua had no choice but to sit on the other side of the sofa and explain why he came.

"Brother Rui, this time the secret realm is only five-star, I didn't expect that those customers I contacted before"

It was only then that Li Rui remembered the matter of power leveling, but in the final analysis, a five-star secret realm was moderately difficult, not to the extent that power leveling was necessary, so he did not contact the client of this secret realm.

Seeing the guilty look on the other side, he said dumbfoundedly: "What a big deal, I was just playing in the secret realm and helping out by the way, mainly out of morality, not for reward at all, it's a pleasure to help others."

Hearing this, Kong Ji was in awe: "So that's the case, I didn't expect you to be such a person, I am really impressed."

Li Rui snorted: "Brother Kong, you really underestimate brother."

Kong Ji nodded: "Indeed, this is my problem. Originally, I still have a client to introduce. Since this is the case, it seems that I don't need to pay for it? Anyway, it is fun to help others."

Li Rui was deeply saddened: "Don't let the good people feel cold!"

A few words from him can make Chongxu help him with part-time jobs, and make Zuo Qiutian's plan fail, how could he be subdued with just a few words, it is absolutely impossible for him not to charge.

Now that the matter was brought up, Li Rui simply put aside all the printed strategies and talked about who the client was this time.

If you want to say, you are not a stranger. The person you want to serve this time is He Yang who was beaten up in the club last time.


Kong Hua was a little annoyed, "When he bullied us because of our age, he didn't say that we have to hug our thighs."

Li Rui said sternly: "Hey, Xiao Hua, I have to say something. As a human being, you can distinguish clearly. Likes belong to likes, and benefits are benefits. If I overcome my boredom, I can get a piece of rare equipment. Is it a loss?"

Kong Hua didn't answer Kong Ji, but he respected Li Rui, and quickly pecked at the rice.

"But Brother Kong."

He asked again, "I think that He Yang still has two skills. Why does a five-star secret realm need power leveling?"

Fatty Kong explained: "That's right, He Yang also got a five-star secret realm last time, but the process after entering it was not smooth, and he was upgraded by one level when he finally came out. Now he is 21."

"This level is a little low for a level 21-25 secret realm. In addition, in fact, he has failed in several secret realms in a row, and the gains are not high. Some even failed. Now he is about to enter the vicious circle channel. , The He family does not want to see such a result."

In this way, Li Rui understood.

Because the first few secret realms were not going well, the props and attributes harvested must be very few, which means that the overall quality cannot keep up.

Of course, with the He family behind him, no matter how bad he is, he won't be far behind, it's just compared to other people around him.

Li Rui asked, "Is this mission assigned by that Mr. He?"

He was referring to He Pengxi, of course, the two of them have never met each other, although they have met several times indirectly, for example, the informant Liang Qiucheng was placed by the He family.

Kongji replied, "That's right."

Li Rui must pay attention to this person. In the northwest area, He Pengxi's words are very effective. Even the backbone of the five major families are vaguely headed by him.

The main reason is that He Jiaju's mother is rich.

"What else does he want?"

Kong Ji replied: "There is no requirement, but he said that as long as He Yang can reach level 23 at one time, he is considered qualified. Every time he goes up one level, he can get more money."

Hey, it's not that Kong Jia'ai has been taken advantage of for a long time, it's that the whole northwest is like this.

In fact, it’s not a matter of ethos. The main reason is that the northwest side is generally richer than the Chijiahui and Bailihui in the southeast, at least richer in secret realm products.

Li Rui thought about it, and he didn't plan to meet the client in advance. Anyway, he called him once, and he knew it well. At that time, the opponent was level 20, which should not be much different from level 21 now.

Kong Ji ran away after finishing his business, but Kong Hua stayed and wanted to help out, sorting out the secret information and so on.

The two were chatting while doing their hands.

"What's going on in your club recently?"

"No, that's it."

Kong Hua said, "Hey, Brother Rui, have you ever been to the border?"

"I've been there, what's the matter?"

"Have you met Dong Sanchuan and the others?"

"I also did missions with them."


Kong Hua immediately stared at him, "Tell me quickly, is he really as powerful as in the legend?"

"It feels stronger than the legend."

Li Rui recalled Dong Sanchuan when they were on a mission together, and thought to himself that even if the fog was turned on, it would be impossible to beat him.

Kong Hua asked for a long time like chasing stars, then changed the subject.

"Brother Rui, you are at the border. Have you ever heard of the ghost in the fog? I heard that he and Guan Gui made a lot of noise in the chaotic place!"


"Guan Gui should be stronger than Dong Sanchuan, I guess, the one whose codename is the ghost in the mist must at least be ranked second in the supernova."

".I don't think it should be that powerful."

Li Rui scratched his head, "You don't have to find someone with the same strength to perform the task."

Kong Hua patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Brother Rui, don't be jealous, I believe that when you level up, you will definitely be better than that guy."

"To upgrade, you have to thoroughly study the secret realm in front of you."

Li Rui changed the topic, and then the two of them started to sort out the strategies together.

A few days later, the day before entering the secret realm, Li Rui went to meet He Yang first, and agreed to meet before entering the secret realm.

Then he thought about how to use the contribution points on his body.

Because William West is an important person, this kind of person's bag cannot be licked, and all the data must be recycled to the organization, so the contribution points are very, very large. Even if he did not complete the task independently, Li Rui got 1500 points.

He ran to the Qingyuan branch, and after inquiring, he learned that the organization had allocated a new batch of strengthening materials to supplement.

So he happily wiped out the batch of stocks that had just arrived.

After sorting the materials into categories and putting them into the equipment according to their respective properties, the administrator's coat was upgraded by three levels.

Among them, two levels have been upgraded to all elemental resistance, a total increase of 8%, reaching 30%.

The two levels are only 8%, which seems small, but it is not, because there are four types of elemental resistance, and in theory it has to be multiplied by four. Of course, there must be a discount for packing upgrades.

Another level offers a new skill.

[Active skill - poison barrier: additional 10% reduction in poison attribute damage, duration of 3 seconds, cooldown time of 2 hours. ]

This is a skill that targets the soil block, but it is only aimed at the poison attribute.

Li Rui couldn't help but think that Zuo Qiutian's blood evil school was classified as poisonous, and if he encountered the one-hit death attack that day again, he might not be so embarrassing again.

Thinking of Zuo Qiutian, his mind moved and he prayed secretly.

"Brother Zuo, I beg you. It is fate to meet you. My brother is in trouble now. Please show your spirit. Go to Taohuayuan and bury me a big gift bag of experience. I don't need to stay. Thank you Brother Zuo, Amitabha, Blessed Boundless Heavenly Venerable."

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