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Chapter 168 Someone Was Arrested Before Entering the Main Line


When Li Rui woke up from the secret realm, before he could open his eyes, he heard the crisp sound of birds chirping.

This is the west side of Liang Tingguo, the settlement of Lin Jing, known as the Peach Blossom Spring.

If an elementary school student travels here, the opening of his diary should be: the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

But these two words are really not wrong.

There is a peach blossom above the head, and the surrounding vegetation is also beautiful. The sun shines through the gaps in the trees, guiding a path forward.

Beside the path, there are a few humanoid spirits, whose bodies are made of rattan, with hands and feet, and a piece of green "hair" on their heads, which are the rattan spirits from Peach Blossom Spring.

Several elite soldiers with swords in their hands looked at Li Rui warily.

"That man, why did you cross the market and go up the mountain? Don't you know that this is the holy land of our clan, and you are not allowed to trespass."

[Main quest update: Enter the Peach Blossom Spring. ]

Li Rui thought about it for a while. There was a market at the foot of the mountain, and it was also a place where humans and spirits traded.

The monsters in the mountains will bring medicinal materials, plants and trees to exchange items with the human race, such as the swords in their hands, and of course more daily necessities.

Being able to live in such harmony is also because Liang Ting had made good friends with these forest spirits when he founded the country.

Under normal circumstances, this is the first hurdle in front of you. You should use skills or talents related to communication and negotiation, either sneak or fight. Of course, it may be okay to be threatening by looking fierce.


The best way is to negotiate normally, because no matter sneaking or fighting, it will reduce the favorability of the Lin Jing here, and then reduce the way to gain experience in the future.

Li Rui looked around, but he didn't see He Yang's figure, so he had no choice but to find a way to negotiate with the fierce spirit.

"Please don't be offended, my lord, uh, I have traveled so far on the trail, and there seems to be an evil spirit growing in the mountain, so I came here to ask if I need help."

It is clearly written in the guide, the main line here is to help Lin Jing drive away the evil spirits.

Captain Vine Spirit, holding a waist knife, looked at him suspiciously for a while, and couldn't help but feel a wave of fear.

Scary value +20.

"Are you a Taoist priest?"

The other party should be able to see the evil spirit in the mountain, but this fierce person, could he be a decent Taoist priest?

Li Rui was full of confidence: "If it's a fake, I'm a teacher of Xiaodao, and I'm willing to help you out of your worries and problems."

When the captain heard the name, his green face turned slightly better. Shenxiao Palace is the leader of the righteous way, so it is natural to have this face.

It asked: "I don't know what to call the chief?"

Li Rui always felt that it's not easy to leave his real name when making up nonsense here, so he made it up casually, "Xiaodao Zhang San."

As soon as the captain heard the casual name, his expression changed slightly and became serious again.

Seeing this, Li Rui laughed dryly: "Feng, my name is Zhang Sanfeng."

The captain's face softened a little: "Who did Sanfeng Daoist learn from?"

"Family teacher Chongxu."

The captain's face became serious again.

Translation: Daoist Chongxu is the fourth son of Shenxiao, one of the few people in the palace next to the palace master. You are young, can you worship those old gods as your teacher?

Li Rui coughed again: "Here is the token of Xiaodao."

He showed the jade plaque with the savior once.

The captain's expression softened a little, and then he became serious again: "Isn't this the name of Taoist Master Zhenyue?"

No matter how isolated the place is, as long as it is a person (spirit) who is a practitioner, there is no one who does not know the four sons of Shenxiao.

Li Rui didn't change his face: "Xiao Dao accidentally lost the token of my teacher, so my uncle gave me this token again."

Captain Lin Jing no longer knew what expression to use to face this person.

Call him a bad guy, talk nicely here again, and take out a decent token, say he is a good person, which good person can lose Master's token? Could this thing be fake?

It looked at the somewhat scary face again, only to see that it was full of smiles, fierce and stupid.

"You and I will visit the elder and ask him to make a decision."

Li Rui thanked him again and again. He knew that the first small hurdle had been passed, which was actually quite normal. Most people could pass it as long as they had a good conversation, because Lin Jing was easy to trust, but there were other tests later on.

He didn't act rashly, and followed Captain Lin Jing to walk in. Behind this path is actually a giant wooden fortress, which is full of forest spirits with relatively high force values, firmly guarding the door leading to the depths of the mountain. .

Along the way, Li Rui saw many forest spirits of similar appearance, holding vine spears and javelins, staring at the outsiders warily.

"Dare to ask your honor, have you seen other human races?"

What he asked was He Yang.

The captain said: "Yes, just now there was a man who wanted to sneak in sneakily, but we have already captured him."


"I was arrested before I even started!"

Li Rui guessed that that guy was He Yang. After all, there was only one entrance to the secret realm just now. It seemed that only the two of them entered the secret realm this time.

Climbing up along the trunk texture of the towering giant tree, he followed Captain Vine Spirit to the huge hollow in the middle, a huge hollow like an air-raid shelter.

According to the main line, after passing the first checkpoint, the agent of the secret realm will see the elder tree spirit stationed in the fortress in this hollow. He has thought about ten thousand appearances of the so-called elders, and they should be more than ten meters tall. An ancient tree of war that several people can't hold.

As a result, I was dumbfounded when I met.

Who is this dwarf?

There was only a piece of gray dead wood in front of him, no more than 1.5 meters high. Most of the wood was still a big face, and underneath were a few roots with short legs.

The captain stepped forward and said a few words to the little wooden man, who nodded and said, "Please sit down, Daoist."

Li Rui felt even more uncomfortable, and his voice didn't look majestic and majestic at all, but rather like Donald Duck.

He arched his hands and sat down on a wooden pier next to him.

"I heard that the Taoist priest is a member of the Divine Firmament Palace. He sees evil spirits growing in the mountain, so he is here to help, isn't that right?" The elder tree spirit spoke very politely.


Li Rui replied.

"The Taoist priest is really a righteous man, but the mountain is the sacred place of our Lin Jing tribe, it is inconvenient for outsiders to enter, and they are not relatives or relatives, so they dare not bother, Taoist priest should rest for a while, and then go down the mountain."

[Main quest update, Phase 1: Thank you behind closed doors. ]

[Task objective: Obtain the permission of the tree spirit elder. ]

[Task reward: experience value +25000, excellent quality consumables x1, random quality enhancement materials x3. ]

Halfway through the elder's speech, another guy who looked like ginseng suddenly ran in.

"It's not good! It's not good!!"

"Elder, save Tengyao quickly, it has been infested with evil things!"

The ginseng essence's small nose and eyes were wrinkled from crying.

Behind it, a monster of the same kind as Captain Lin Jing lay on the ground, surrounded by billowing black air, thick as substance, and it is estimated that this guy will be completely swallowed by the black air in a while.

[Optional task: exorcising evil spirits. ]

[Mission objective: Remove the negative status of Teng Yao. ]

[Task reward: Permission from the tree spirit elder, experience value +15000. ]

This is the second level of the Peach Blossom Spring Secret Realm, pass through the fortress and enter the interior of Lin Jing's residence. There are many ways to pass the level, just like entering the door, anyway, as long as the goal is achieved.

Faced with this optional task, of course Li Rui didn't say anything, and just acted bravely.

"Wait a minute, I'm coming!"

He stepped in front of the elder tree spirit and ginseng spirit, glanced at them and said, "The evil spirit has entered his body, the situation is dire, but Xiaodao has a way to save him."

The former Captain Lin Jing frowned and said: "The elder said, please go down the mountain."

He was afraid that this person would suddenly cause trouble and delay their rescue.

However, Li Rui said: "Elder, life is at stake, why don't you let Xiaodao try it, so as to dispel your doubts?"

The elder hesitated and said: "You don't know, this evil thing is caused by the evil spirit in Wuguang Cave in Beishan. If you want to drive it out, unless you go outside the cave and find a way to lure it out, I'm afraid it will be difficult to save Tengyao's life."

Before it finished speaking, a golden light flashed on Li Rui's body, and he suddenly appeared beside the unconscious Teng Yao.


"What are you doing!"

Lin Jing was anxious and angry.

Li Rui didn't bother to talk nonsense to them anymore, so he raised his hand and let the divine thunder wrap around him, aiming at the black air to make a big match.

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