Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 179 It's a fart if the difficulty is full, double it for me!

Li Rui frowned, and he was relieved to say something unpleasant.

This Empress Peach Blossom has become a spirit since hundreds of years ago, so she must have great magic power. If she is really lost by the evil spirit, she must be at least at the level of Fang Manjun and Wei Xun.

It cannot be awakened now, at least it will not cause one more world NPC-level enemy.

However, unlike him, several elders panicked and ran to surround him.

"Daoist, you must save the empress."

"Daozhang, you are an expert in Shenxiao Palace, you must have a way!"

Their anxiety is not only because of their feelings for their own mother, but also because once something happens to Empress Peach Blossom, the forest spirits here will die sooner or later.

Li Rui signaled to all the elites to be safe and calm. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly remembered that the weird reminder might be a quarter of the way away.

Could it be here?

He looked around carefully and found that there was nothing unusual. Suddenly, he had an idea and remembered that he still had a skill.


As soon as the blood eyes opened, the elders of the surrounding tree spirits were startled. This way, combined with the vicious spirit, it looked even more evil.

However, Li Rui didn't care about others, because as soon as he opened his bloody eyes, he found that this place was unusual, and a vague evil spirit floated among the peach petals, looming and lingering.

At the same time, he also saw a spherical black shadow wriggling not far from under the tree, and from time to time emitted a wisp of evil spirit, floating all the way to the treetops.

Li Rui once again refreshed his understanding of Zuo Qiutian.

That person is really too powerful, not only super powerful, but also with treacherous and changeable means, this blindfold has been maintained for a year, and it is so ostentatiously placed in Lin Jing's home, but has never been discovered.

What's more, don't look at the previous time in the Silent Forest, he used tricks to deceive Zuo Qiutian, in fact, the other party is not stupid, these methods are not only low-key, but also sophisticated.

The place where the Peach Blossom Empress is located is full of aura, which can be used to cover up the coldness of the evil spirit. It seems to be done casually, but it is just right.

Even if the evil spirits in Beishan were more dangerous, even if the forest spirits were less repulsive to outsiders, as long as there is a small difference, the result may change.

Of course, no matter what the layout is, it can't resist the breaking of the people from outside the sky.

It can only be said that maybe this is the way of heaven that even Zuo Qiutian himself fears.

Li Rui said, "Back back."

He opened his blood eyes alone and approached the black mass.

tons tons tons.

Drinking medicine and adding buffs, the Shenxiao Benlei Heart Sutra is activated, the big black umbrella is in hand, and the equipment is neatly dressed. Even if there is a sudden boss battle, it can be guaranteed to be in full bloom.

It wasn't until everything was ready that he slapped the Ben Lei Palm.


The divine thunder collided with the black evil spirit, creating a strong air current.

A gust of wind reverberates here, making the fallen peach petals dance.

Several dryad elders were worried and afraid, and they didn't know whether to retreat or advance. He Yang also held a hammer and was ready to support at any time.


The group of black things burst suddenly under the burning of the divine thunder, and then gathered again, gradually turning into a human-shaped black shadow.

The shadow squirmed again, with eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose, hands and torso, legs and feet in clothes.

Li Rui recognized the figure immediately.

Zuo Qiutian.

After he arranged everything, he didn't leave, but stayed in this place.

Despite his preparations, Li Rui still felt a chill behind his back, and his skin got goosebumps.

[Clue collection 4/4, unlock the world task: Taoyuan conspiracy. ]

[Mission objective: Defeat Zuo Qiutian's avatar and prevent Peach Blossom Empress from being controlled by evil spirit. ]

[Task rewards: experience value +700000, free attribute points +10, epic equipment x1, epic reinforcement materials x5, epic consumption items x3. ]

[Warning: A high-risk boss battle is about to be triggered, and the ending will change the direction of the world plot. ]

Li Rui's first reaction was to shout to He Yang: "Hand in the main task immediately."

The latter didn't trigger an event to gather clues before, and there certainly wasn't a world quest either.

And this battle, judging from the rewards alone, is extremely dangerous, not to mention it will affect the direction of the world's plot.

The point is, what is in front of you is Zuo Qiutian.

Although Li Rui could tell at a glance that this guy was not the main body, even if it was a doppelganger, it was a very terrifying existence. To He Yang, it might even be fatal.

Dying at the hands of this guy may result in not being able to wake up in reality.

So at the last moment, he stuck to the principle and let the customer leave safely first.

He Yang had already been completely convinced by him. After hearing this, without saying a word, he immediately gave the exit password to Elder Banyan Tree Jing to hand in the task, and then rushed out of the gate in a hurry.

Seeing that he was gone, Li Rui also relaxed a little. If he had to protect others later in the fight, he would be dragged down instead. Anyway, with He Yang's strength, he would never be able to get involved in a fight of this level.

At this moment, Zuo Qiutian glanced at the peach tree, then looked at all the people in front of him, and instantly knew that the matter had been revealed.

He was still the same as usual, gentle and elegant, and leaned forward as if strolling in the garden.

Those tree spirit elders knew the details of this person, and they were so frightened that their legs became weak. If their mother was not still here, they might have run away in a hurry.

Li Rui didn't dare to be careless, and he didn't dare to make a move first. He just stood there, holding his umbrella and staring at the other party.

Zuo Qiutian noticed the fear of the dryads and chuckled lightly.

"It seems that I don't need to say anything more, the next thing I can do is not to die."

He didn't rush to act, but stared at Li Rui again, and looked at him, "But before that, can you tell me, who is your lord?"


He doesn't know me?

Li Rui reacted immediately.

The timeline did not jump back one year from the border of Liang Ting, and the clone in front of him, Zuo Qiutian, had no memory of himself.

That is to say, the guy who is not the main body now does not know that he once ruined his big event in the Silent Forest.

As his thoughts turned, he almost didn't pause, and immediately put on a smiling face.

"Brother Zuo? I finally woke you up, my little brother has been looking for you so hard!"

If I can fool you once, I can fool you a second time!

The nanny of the He family obeyed the boss's instructions and would go into the wake-up room to check the situation every once in a while.

Although she didn't understand what these people were doing, she knew it was a secret project, and she signed an agreement. This agreement alone increased her monthly salary by 10,000 yuan, so she kept her mouth shut, and the He family was very satisfied with her work.

She pushed open the wooden door of the awakening room, walked to He Yang, looked at the rolled up sleeves, and began to count the stars.

"One, two, three, four, five, black."

She wrote it down in her heart, and then sent a text message to He Pengxi, but the other party would not reply, but this procedure was a must.

When the nanny was about to leave, he suddenly saw black ink blots appear next to those black stars, and another star soon formed

"An extra one? Mr. He never said it would happen."

If ordinary people see the "tattoo" moving, they will definitely be shocked, but she has already seen the strangeness, and is just hesitant to report it, because she has never seen an extra star come out of thin air.

In the end, she still edited a text message and sent it out. She thought she would still not receive a reply, but unexpectedly a phone call came back directly.

"You said five black stars became six?" He Pengxi said straight to the point.

"Yes, Mr. He."

"Count again, now, are you sure it's six black stars?"

"One, two, that's right, it's six."

"I see. That's it."

He Pengxi's voice was as cold as ever, but the nanny who was familiar with him could feel that he was not calm.

Of course he couldn't calm down, how could it be possible to conjure up six black stars in a secret realm with five white stars? Something must have happened inside, and it was something very special.

Just as the phone was about to hang up, the nanny looked down subconsciously, and suddenly exclaimed: "Oh, sir, there is another one!"


This time, He Pengxi couldn't keep calm either, "You, see if it will continue to increase, don't hang up."

"Sir, it has really increased, and it is now eight stars."


"Oh, ten!"

The nanny was also excited. Although she didn't know what she was excited about, she always felt that she had witnessed something extraordinary.

Finally, with a groan, He Yang woke up leisurely.

"Sir, he's awake!"

".Tell him not to move. I'll be back in ten minutes."

Thanks again to Brother Sen for the reward, the boss consumes rationally.

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