Zuo Qoutian looked at the gray sky, raindrops falling on his frowning eyebrows.

The man who made tea and played the piano with him opened his umbrella and came up from behind to block his head.

"Something happened in Peach Blossom Spring. Someone untied the Three Yin Formations I arranged, and also sealed the remaining soul that I separated from a year ago."

"Is that peach blossom spirit awake?"


Zuo Qiutian's expression was a little melancholy, completely different from when he faced his enemies before, "But I suspect that it may be related to an extraterrestrial person I have seen before."

"How did you see that?"

"Back then, that person asked me about She Lei's clues, and I told him that it was related to the Liang Ting royal family. Maybe he had tracked down the Peach Blossom Essence."

"Why tell him?"

Zuo Qiutian frowned and said, "I had to answer at that time because it was an agreed deal."

The man holding the umbrella said: "Sometimes you insist on too many principles. Brother Zuo, you can't fight alone. It's better to give up your method and join us. Anyway, we will achieve the same goal through different paths."

He had said this sentence countless times, but was always rejected.

However, this time, he could feel that Zuo Qoutian's attitude had wavered.

He is the enemy of the world alone, is hunted by the Righteous Sect, has experienced many setbacks, and is probably a little powerless.

"I'll try again, one last time."

Zuo Qiutian made up his mind, "If we can control She Lei, there is still hope."

"What are you going to do? That Peach Blossom Essence fought with the Flame Demon back then to the point of injuring her. She was fine before, but now after being tortured by You's Three Yin Formation, the social thunder in her body has probably dissipated."

The person holding the umbrella was not trying to make excuses to dissuade him, but he really meant it.

Zuo Qiutian said: "No, I'm not looking for her. There may still be some power of heaven left in the place where the Flame Demon fell. I'm going to give it a try and go there myself."

Li Rui didn't expect that when he came to advance in the middle of the night, he would be accompanied by Guan Gui and Dong Sanchuan, two of the top three people recognized by Supernova. They wanted to see the results immediately.

Originally, Cheng Mingyue wanted to follow, but when she saw that it was too late, she shouted that she wanted to take a beauty sleep. However, Nan Jiumei ruthlessly exposed her: You are just lazy.

The three of them were in the wake-up room, already making preparations.

During the day, there were still people questioning what Li Rui was doing here, but now there are no more questions.

Although they didn't know this younger guy, the names of Dong Sanchuan and Guan Gui were well known, and those two accompanying them were definitely not ordinary people.

"Rain Master and Fog Master, these two advanced professions are the most common."

Dong Sanchuan said while helping to button the buttons, "In addition, there is also the rare professional Wind Caller. I heard that last year there seemed to be an extremely rare Rain Caller advanced profession related to ice attributes in the Polar Alliance, but we don't have it. I got the information, but I don’t know yet.”

"But don't worry, the raincaller profession is really useless at levels 10 to 30."

At this point, he saw Guan Gui's questioning eyes, "Okay, you are the evil ghost in the fog. You are useless, but after level 30, you will be more useful."

"Whether it is the Rain of Tranquility or the Mist of Healing, it will be of great help to local battles or all-out wars. Maybe you can become an all-round transcendent."

Guan Gui said: "It would be a pity not to attack by force."

Being able to attack, defend and heal is certainly more effective, but this will inevitably sacrifice specialization in a certain area. From a depth perspective, those who are more prominent in specific areas will go further.

But no matter what, even if he becomes an all-rounder, it won't be bad, but Guan Gui's vision is too high.

Li Rui nodded, but he was thinking in his heart that he could do something even if he entered the five-star secret realm. He didn't know what he would encounter with this advanced level.

After he lay down, he gave the two of them a firm look, then waited for the countdown to end and entered the Ascension Temple.


It was the same bad weather when I changed jobs again.

Li Rui stood in front of the majestic hall, feeling the strong wind and waves, and the water vapor kept hitting his face, making it ice cold.

Boom! !

A thunder struck across the sky, and there seemed to be something above the clouds, but he had already entered the hall and did not notice it.

"Don't have another unnamed mission this time, right?"

Li Rui murmured in his heart, but he also felt that anyway, there would be battles when advancing, and there might be other tests. If it was just like an unnamed mission, it wouldn't be difficult.

He walked up to the altar with ease and meditated cross-legged. According to others, he would be transported to another place.

Maybe we can’t call it a place, but time and space.

Some people have seen a certain experience in the past, some people will enter places in the secret realm that they have never heard of, and some people will be stared at by countless malicious eyes in the endless void.

These places may trigger battles, or they may be the heart-asking gate, but no matter which one, you have to deal with it carefully. If you die here, you may actually die.

When Li Rui opened his eyes again, he saw a long street with all kinds of creatures coming and going, making it very lively.

If it weren't for the different shapes of these creatures, some with three heads and six arms, some with black bodies, and some with no human form, he would have thought this place was Liang Ting's capital.

"But what exactly is this place?"

He walked among the crowd and found that other creatures seemed not to notice him. Whenever he approached, they would subconsciously step aside but would not give him a second glance.

Li Rui could feel that these creatures were very powerful, quite strong, but they were not malicious.

Turning around to look around, I saw that both sides of the long street were full of taverns, teahouses, brothels and theaters.

He walked forward along the long street. After a long distance, he finally saw a huge archway in front of him, towering into the sky. There were two symbols on the plaque. The strokes were complicated and twisted. Logically speaking, the meaning should be unclear, but he was I somehow understood the meaning.




Li Rui had no choice but to use a plant to express his inner shock.

"Did I really ascend to the upper realm?! I didn't even collect the five fucking thunders, did I?"

He rushed over and saw twelve divine generals standing several feet tall under the plaque, who looked like golden statues in temples and Taoist temples. They were holding heavenly weapons and wearing precious armor, and they were not squinting.

However, they also failed to notice Li Rui.

The steps leading to the archway were extremely high, and Li Rui had to jump up and down to get in smoothly.

Entering the archway and stepping onto the jade-brick road at the top, he continued walking deeper without hesitation.

The palaces and pavilions in Leicheng are also extremely huge, with plaques on each doorway.

Yushu God General's Mansion.

Thirty-six Thunder Drum Warriors Mansion.

Nangong Fire Bell Waiter Hall.

Observe good and evil, observe filial piety, disobedience, loyalty and duty.

Looking all the way in, at the end of the street is a majestic palace a hundred feet high.

Jade Qingzhen Palace.

[Note: The setting of Leibu is also after the magic modification. ]

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