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Chapter 198 Participate in the General Assembly

Kong Ji shook his head and smiled softly: "Don't think that everything will be the same after entering the level. The frequency of the secret realm and the experience value required for leveling up are different. Those with slightly weaker strength may not be able to level up after entering the level. .”

Li Rui said, "Okay, then I'll go in and have a look first."

"Well, although there is no need for a training camp, don't be in a hurry to leave these two days. After all, the candidate has been confirmed, and there must be a meeting for a few days to explain things clearly."


Li Rui frowned, "It will take a few days, I still have something to do."

"What's up?"

"School is about to start."


Kong Ji didn't expect this answer. There are many secret agents who have not completed their university studies, but this is the only one who has not completed their studies and still wants to participate in the secret battlefield.

After all, even if a normal person is awakened, even if the start is not bad, at least it will take a while to achieve sufficient strength. It is basically impossible to catch up with the first battlefield encountered. Once you miss it, you have to wait for several years. It's time to graduate.

This time, because the upper limit of the level is low, the lower limit has also been raised. If the upper limit is set at level 70, you may have to be above level 40 to sign up.

Li Rui followed Kong Ji's instructions and stayed in the capital first.

After several rounds of final selection competitions, the big list for participating in the secret battlefield has been basically determined. Of course, this list is temporarily overflowing. After all, no one knows what will happen within three months.

To put it bluntly, if any official participant is lost in the secret realm during this period, there must be a substitute to fill the vacancy.

The efficiency of the Ability Department was very high. Li Rui didn't wait long at the hotel. He sent a notice early the next morning to hold a meeting in the afternoon.

Due to the large number of people, it was inconvenient to gather in the Ability Department, so the meeting place afterward was chosen at the military base that participated in the selection.

Li Rui got into Cheng Mingyue's car, along with Dong Sanchuan's group of four, while Guan Gui was still traveling alone, and his whereabouts were unknown.

"The two of us should be a team."

Cheng Mingyue said while driving, "It's all under the command of Boss Kong, as well as Guan Gui, and some seniors I don't know."

Li Rui asked, "Is Brother Chuan not here?"

"Well, his individual strength is sufficient, but because their small group is very tacit, so they don't plan to separate him out."

Cheng Mingyue said, "The assignment of tasks is not rigid and only depends on combat effectiveness, right?"

Li Rui nodded.

While speaking, the car had already driven into the parking lot outside the meeting place, the two met Dong Sanchuan and the others, and then walked into the meeting place inside the building together.

Compared with the conference room in the Ability Department building, this is a real lecture hall with a stage and curtain in front.

Li Rui saw that every chair in the auditorium had a name on it.

He found his seat on the side closest to the window, a few rows behind, next to Guan Gui and Cheng Mingyue. As for Dong Sanchuan and the others, they were not in the same area because of the different distribution system.

After sitting down, Li Rui elbowed the black-clothed god of death next to him: "Brother Gui, what are you going to do after the meeting these few days? Go home?"

"No." Guan Gui replied briefly.

Cheng Mingyue secretly smiled, thinking that this person would not chat with you.

But Li Rui made her guess wrong again. Although Guan Gui couldn't get a fart with a few sticks, he continued to ask persistently, "Then where are you going?"


"Is it just to study the secret realm? There shouldn't be a rush to go abroad, right?"


"Then if you have nowhere to go, you can come to me."


To be honest, Cheng Mingyue was shocked.

To be honest, Cheng Mingyue was shocked.

Although Guan Gui, who can't exceed five words in one sentence, still cherishes words like gold, he actually accepted someone else's invitation.

"Hey, then you can find a place to fight with me if you have nothing to do." She hurriedly tried.

"Something happened."

Guan Gui responded coldly.


Still rejected!

Cheng Mingyue was speechless.

It can only be said that Guan Gui did not say "no" directly, but said "something" in a slightly euphemistic way, which is already very face-saving.

Li Rui felt strange, this big sister usually looked lazy, if it wasn't for today's meeting, she would probably come here as soon as she put on her slippers, but why does she like to fight with people so much.

Maybe it's the kind of martial idiot.

"Sister Yue, are you from the Chijia Club?" Li Rui started chatting on the other side again, mainly because the meeting hasn't started yet, and he has nothing to do.


"Do you usually have a lot of field work over there?"

"It's not bad, a little more than Bai Lihui."

Cheng Mingyue laughed, "Because it's closer to the southern part of the chaotic land, there are more smugglers and illegal immigrants, but it's still a little more peaceful than the northwest."

The two of them managed to chat, and after chatting for a while, everyone at the venue finally arrived.

Cheng Mingyue introduced to him in a low voice: "The fat lady in the first row is the president of the Chijia Association's south-facing Gaoguanhu branch, and those next to her are all city-level presidents or vice presidents. The one in the middle The people around are probably from the Ministry, and they may be people who have the potential to become consultants."

"Hey, the ones sitting in the front are all bosses anyway, so juniors like us should stay in the back."

She can think about it, "However, those sitting in the middle rows should not be underestimated. They are all elites selected from across the country, at least level 40 or higher."

Li Rui silently recorded the extra information, and paid more attention to the people next to him.

These are probably under Kong Ji's command, and they belong to people with stronger individual combat power, or people who are better at small teams or even single-person operations.

If the people in the entire lecture hall have one thing in common, it is that they are not old on the whole, and it seems that around forty is the upper limit.

It seems that age is also one of the reference criteria for selecting into the secret battlefield. After all, there are many opportunities in the secret battlefield, so we must focus on the future.

Of course, the most important thing is that the upper limit of level is below 50, and those like He Pengxi who are strong but have already passed the upper limit will naturally miss out, not to mention the old God of War like Song Yao.

Not long after, Kong Ji also came in, and the people with him were obviously more mature and prudent.

Although the selection of the battlefield must consider the future, but also have to know the bottom line, these top people are Dinghaishenzhen.

These people's seats were in the row above the podium. Li Rui found that Kong Ji's position was quite in the middle, but the one in the most important position was the real commander in chief, the core figure who gave orders in this secret battlefield.

The man was wearing a light blue shirt and a pair of silver-rimmed glasses. He looked gentle and gentle.

Li Rui asked in a low voice, "Who is our commander-in-chief?"

Cheng Mingyue also replied in a low voice: "The senior consultant of the Strategy Execution Department of the Ability Department, a level 50 Yu Jianshi, was called the Scourge in the Chaos Land a few years ago, because at the beginning, he assassinated the target at a super long distance, and made no one feel ashamed." I can’t even figure out how people died, and I thought they were condemned by God.”

"Sounds so handsome, hey, how do you know so clearly? He is also a supernova?"

"A supernova at a young age."

Cheng Mingyue chuckled, "Because that's my uncle."

Thank you Senge for your reward, I wish you good health and a happy life!

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