Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 20 That Kid Killed the Copy

When the secret agent level on Li Rui's engraving was completely transformed into the number six, everyone had to believe in this reality, because if the main task failed, not only would all the side rewards disappear, but they would also be deducted from the original one. experience.

In other words, if Li Rui really failed, he should still be level 1 now.

However, the engraving is not deceiving, it is like the identity verification of every secret agent.

The three team leaders who had already left soon all returned. Like the others, they didn't say anything, but just stared at Li Rui several times, wondering what was going on with this man.

These scrutinizing gazes were so direct that even Li Rui couldn't bear it, so he took half a step back towards Wen Yan.

Zhao Wuji twisted his wrist, as if he wanted to dissect the young man on the spot, but obviously he couldn't do it, he just said: "Xiao Li, how many hidden events did you trigger inside?"

Li Rui said: "Indeed, there are quite a lot. I can't count them. The scene was too intense."

Liu Shanshan shook her head: "Your deeds will definitely be reported to the provincial branch, and even sent to the Ability Department."

"Isn't it?" Li Rui was a little surprised. No matter how awesome he was, he was only at level 6. Within the scope of the municipal branch, the president was usually around level 40, compared to just a younger brother.

"You do not understand."

Liu Shanshan stared at him all the time, as if she was looking at a beautiful painting, "Most, no, all the agents of the secret realm have never reached level 6 after completing the first dungeon, even if they entered a 5-star Dungeon, and successfully cleared the level, at most it will be level 3 or 4."

Li Rui had actually expected this, because he triggered almost all the events in the Yaofeng Temple, which was difficult for other teams unless they were particularly elite.

"Brother! You are really awesome."

Hu Dali slapped Li Rui's back, but it felt wrong, "Hiss, something's wrong, how much has your body lost?"

For ordinary people, when they meet a secret agent with extremely high physique, they just feel that their muscles are tighter, but Hu Dali, who can be the team leader and manage more than a dozen secret agents, is different. Great experience, just one touch and feel the difference.

Li Rui glanced at the panel: "25 o'clock."

Hu Dali pressed his shoulders: "Have you got all the attributes in order?!"

"No, I still have 25 points of energy, which should be distributed evenly," Li Rui said.

Wusun counted with his fingers: "When you entered, you got 6 points each, and now they are all 25 points, which means you got 38 points in the dungeon?! No, it's 15 points after being upgraded to level 5, and there are another 23 attributes Where did it come from?"

Zhao Wuji said: "Xiao Wu, you're out of your mind, he triggered many events, there must be rewards, cough cough cough. But I'm curious, how did you survive?"

At this time, Wen Yan came over to chase people away: "Okay, okay, let's talk about it later if you have any questions, if you have nothing to do, go out, I want to give Xiaorui a comprehensive physical examination, and go out."

Bai Li in Huangliang City will have many action teams, but there is only one support team, which is responsible for everyone's auxiliary logistics. Those team leaders dare not offend her, otherwise the support for the next field mission may be gone.

"Hahaha, you guys go first."

Wang Ba's face was about to die from laughter, "After all, he is a member of my team, so I can just worry about it by myself."

At this time, he stood out as a villain, but the other three team leaders had no choice but to leave the venue with their teeth itching in hatred. They had no choice but to not accept Li Rui during the meeting, and now they only have jealousy. .

Everyone was noisily parting, and suddenly, a notification flashed from the bottom of the field of vision.

[Attention all secret agents, there is an error in the copy of Yaofeng Temple, it has been removed from the lottery sequence, and the recovery date is waiting for notification, we apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. ]


The big office fell completely silent.

Wusun asked dumbfounded: "No, Li Rui, you, what did you do in there? Why did you destroy the copy?"

Of course Li Rui knew that what he had done went a little too far, but he didn't expect that this secret game would have to notify other people.

However, he is used to things like stabbing Lou Zi, and he is not too embarrassed. He just replied: "I met a world NPC, and I joined forces with him to kill the boss of the future version."

"Oh, so that's the case." Wu Sun nodded in understanding.

"What the hell did you understand! Join forces with the NPCs in the world to fight the next version of the boss? No matter how it sounds, it sounds outrageous!"

Wang Ba pushed him aside, moved a bench and sat down, "Xiao Li, tell me carefully, what happened in the dungeon?"

Li Rui waved his hand: "Wait a minute, I received an email from the system, saying about dungeon compensation, talent level promotion coupons."

As soon as a sentence was finished, all the eyes of seeking knowledge instantly turned into jealousy.

"Talent Level Up Coupon"

The experience of being promoted to level 6, dozens of attribute points, talent rank promotion vouchers, just these few things, they are already jealous.

Especially the final system compensation can improve the quality of talents. Common becomes excellent, excellent becomes rare, and so on.

In another burst of exclamation, Wen Yan drove everyone away again, and then used various equipment from the support team to check Li Rui's physical condition, mainly a brain scan. After all, he just came out of the ten-star dungeon, so he was worried about something. What hidden wounds are left by things on the body.

During the inspection, Wang Ba kept leaning over to ask questions, and then ran to the corner to call Wu Mengying.

I don't know what he said on the phone, but after hanging up, he came back and said to Li Rui who had just come out of the examination room: "Come with me, the president said, I'll make you a regular today without waiting half a year for observation The deadline is up, the basic salary will be increased by 30%, the access to the intranet will be unlocked, and other things, I will tell you alone."

Wang Ba said earnestly, "Also, there is another thing. Aren't there four organizations under the jurisdiction of the Department of Ability? Besides our Baili Society, there are Xuanling Society, Chijia Society and Cangyun Society. If you When you meet people from these organizations, or those families on their committees, they, um, hehe, if they want to get in touch with you, they must tell me as soon as possible, everything is easy to discuss."

Li Rui was just a student. He stood there and thought for a few seconds before he figured it out. This meant that if someone poached someone, he should first inform him.

Headquarters of the Mysterious Spirit Society.

The four-person team that once entered the Yaofeng Temple finally completed the field report and is about to disband and return to their own lives.

"Team leader, you can ask your cousin, I still want to know about the newcomer."

"Yeah, if he can survive, maybe beating the administrator to get perfect initial attributes is an option that can be considered."

The team leader shook his head and picked up his phone: "You guys just want to gossip, I'll send a message to ask."

He unlocked the screen, and before he had time to type, he saw the system notification below his field of vision, and the copy of Yaofeng Temple was closed.

At the same moment, everyone shouted in unison: Damn it!

"What the hell?"

"The kid killed the copy?!"

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