Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 216 We are the orthodox

Seeing that Li Rui was patrolling in front of the formation, and saw that the demons looked flustered and their fighting spirit was greatly reduced, he loudly called the leading elite monsters of each department to come forward.

"What are you worried about, tell me one by one, tell the truth."

Along the way, his charisma and strength are obvious to all. He is usually kind to others, but he is decisive in killing monsters with evil intentions. These monsters dare not hide a little bit.

Yue Ni said bluntly: "To be honest, sir, the position of the great king is passed down from the ancestors by the monsters of the Yaolong Valley. The legal principles and human relationships are all orthodox. It is different from the other leaders. If he calls, I am afraid."

Li Rui sneered.

"I don't know what it is, it turned out to be such thoughts."

"Everyone stand at attention!"


"Open your eyes and show me! What's around you!"

All the demons looked left and right, not knowing why.

Li Rui pointed to several leading elite monsters: "Say it, you guys! Speak louder."

"Yes, it's the prisoner of the old woods!" Pig replied honestly, already submissive now.

"What about you!" Li Rui pointed at a rebellious leopard leader.

"It's a soldier from the Demon Dragon Bend."

"You!" Li Rui pointed at the leader of the Bamboo Rat's Dart Guard.

"It's Shushu."


Li Rui put a heavy big bag on his head, then walked to the front, stood on a rock, and shouted in a voice that everyone could hear.

"It's the people!"

"There are also demon people!"

"The Demon Dragon Valley is not the Demon Dragon Valley of any one person, it is the Demon Dragon Valley of us all!"

"More than half of the five districts in the valley are here. Only by defeating the domineering king can everyone have a peaceful life!"

"What kind of orthodoxy is he as an oppressor? We are the orthodox!!"

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The crowd was so excited that they wished they could raise their swords to kill the enemy immediately.

Wu Bing and the others were already paralyzed. Who would have expected that this secret realm, which was supposed to be a surprise attack by an elite team, would be turned into a peasant uprising abruptly.

Li Rui came over and asked, "How many levels are you all now?"

Even though Li Bailang is the team leader now, he still admires this young man, and immediately replied: "32."

An Qing replied, "I'm 31."

Li Rui nodded. Although he was confident in what he said to the monster tribe, he should be cautious and meticulous. This is called despising the enemy strategically and paying attention to the enemy tactically.

He himself has now reached level 33, and he has obtained more than 30 attribute points along the way, which is a bit stronger than before.

"Then send an order and prepare to defend against the enemy."

Boom boom boom boom.

While speaking, the sound of war drums came from the depths of the Yaolong Valley, and there were more elite Yaozu troops marching, which must be the troops organized by the Great King and the Great King.

It's hard to say how the black bear demon's army is, but he himself is recognized as stronger than the other three bosses.

And the three characters "Da Wang" are more like a boulder to be placed on the heads of all the monsters, just imagining it makes people fear.

Although Li Rui mobilized the morale, it was impossible to give these monster races strength. Letting them share the monster pills would require long-term practice to be effective, and it did not happen overnight.

To deal with these two strongest bosses, he had to rely on himself.


An Qing said, "Having so many helpers is enough. If we still can't beat the boss, then it's only natural that we can't pass this secret realm."

"Well said, give me all the buffs later." Li Rui directly became the team bully.

However, Li Bailang didn't have any opinion: "Yes, give it to him."

There's nothing wrong with it, those who can live in it, and those who have a big brother must protect it.

Li Rui led the team out of the Jade Forest and came to the Great Plains under the Black Rock Slope, ready to confront the enemy.

At this point, the countdown in the task list has disappeared, because the remaining two bosses have already been activated, and only the main task of finding and rescuing the general's daughter remains.

Although judging from the current situation, Li Rui seemed to have taken the main line astray.

[Sub-quest update: Block like a mountain. ]

[Mission Objective: Kill Gu Long. ]

[Task reward: experience value +320000, free attribute points +3, random.]

[Update on the difficult side mission: The head of the Dragon Valley. ]

[Mission Objective: Kill Tiger Lou. ]

[Task reward: experience value +360000, skill point +1, free attribute point +4]

Li Rui did the math. After completing these two missions, plus the main mission, it is not a big problem to reach level 34. It is estimated that 35 is a bit of a problem, but it depends on how many random events will occur. If you are lucky (bad) and trigger more , Maybe you can really reach level 35.

Just as he was thinking, as the enemy army gathered, a new reminder came.

[Trigger a random event: Bear Warrior. ]

[Trigger a random event: Savage Tiger Guard. ]

[Trigger a random event: Killer in the forest. ]

Li Rui looked at the prompts one after another, and was very satisfied. He never expected that the two bosses would be attracted in advance, and all the incidents could be solved with ease. If you lead the team forward by yourself, you have to wander around to trigger it.

Different from his satisfaction, Wu Bing is more and more suspicious of life.

He couldn't help but open the attribute panel and take a look, confirming that luck is still the highest attribute.

In the past, he had been with ordinary teams to clear secret realms with one less frontal force, or even cleared the level alone, relying on high luck.

Events that increase the difficulty are rarely triggered in the secret realm. Even if you are in danger, you can always encounter unexpected plots and save yourself from danger, and you rarely fail.

This time it seemed to have completely failed.

In the end, he could only attribute it to the fact that the ten-star secret realm was too difficult, and if he was unlucky, there might be more incidents.

This idea is certainly wrong, but there is no need to belittle yourself.

The administrators who registered the space at the time were unable to modify Li Rui's core code, and Wu Bing, an ordinary secret agent's attribute points, was even less likely to fight against Mobi's physique.

While he was thinking about it, Li Rui had already looked at the opposite side, and saw that the army was in order and the morale was high.

There are two particularly conspicuous figures in the formation.

A tiger-headed man, wearing heavy armor, like an iron pagoda, but he didn't wear a helmet, because it would block his ears, causing extraordinary hearing loss. The exposed fur is golden, and even feels a little dazzling.

Next to it is a big bear with the size of at least two king pigs, which is naturally the king pig dragon.

He doesn't have much human appearance, but his hands and feet are a bit longer than normal black bears, and his expression is more humane.

He didn't hold human weapons like the other leaders of the monster clan, let alone armor. There were several hideous wounds that didn't grow fur between his chest and abdomen. He had experienced many battles at first glance.

But the most eye-catching thing was that his left forearm was completely severed, and replaced by a stainless steel cold iron thorn, eight feet long, with a cold light.

One of the aides of the king of the king wanted to please Li Rui, and he leaned over to Li Rui and said, "General, the armor of the rebellious mountain king and the fine steel thorns of the dragon are forged by the molten fire demon king of Dangkong mountain. , The evil spirit is stagnated."

"That's right, I'll credit you!"

Li Rui nodded, "The one behind, is the flag ready yet?!"

At this time, Tiger Lou and Gu Long were also watching from afar.

"The thieves are powerful, you and I have to lead the way." Although the tiger demon king said so, he didn't sound afraid. Over the years, he has experienced many battles, and he has fought against Liang Ting's regular army many times. deficit.

Gu Long also agreed, he has always been at the forefront.

While the two demons were discussing, they suddenly saw a large flag erected in the opposite position.

[Fight against the rebels, recover the Demon Valley. ]

Seeing this flag, the two kings were dumbfounded.

ah? Am I a traitor?

What am I wrong? Against myself?

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