Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 230 Then why did you run away just now?

Under normal circumstances, even if three mini-bosses are launched at the same time, their team should be able to catch them easily.

After all, these people have all been selected for the secret battlefield. As long as Li Rui is not mentioned, they can be said to be the most powerful people of the same level in the country.

But now there is a special situation, that is, the continuous burning state has caused most of them to suffer serious injuries.

These people are not Li Rui. Half of them are equipped with epic equipment and have dozens of percent elemental resistance. Even for someone like Duan Ling, there are only three epics in total, and the fire attribute resistance is 8% in total, and the others are even worse.

The three mini-bosses are also Balrogs, and the fire damage they cause complements the burning. If you fight them hard, you may die.

More importantly, the Train Flame King and the Black Fire Flame King also appeared suddenly, directly disrupting the formation they pulled out, which was equivalent to running for a long time in vain.

Now, Yu Xin is the busiest. As a Vajra Protector who focuses on defense, she has to protect everyone from the encirclement of the three Flame Kings.

Fortunately, the Golden Bell's defense was strong enough, and her own defense and physical attributes were high enough. After withstanding the flame fists of two Flame Kings, she only suffered serious burns, but she did not die on the spot, or even Breaking out of the encirclement.

However, in this way, one of the two pillars was severely defeated. The team was unable to continue to fight against the three bosses and could only run away with all their strength to save their lives first.

Li Rui felt worried for a while, and continued to run forward following the shadows, hitting the monsters in the way with Thunder Swirl.

In this secret realm, Duan Ling and his Fire Bell Curse were weakened. After all, the enemies were all fire spirits and demons, and the damage caused to others by using fire could only be said to be very limited.

"Fortunately, Dabi Kabuto has evolved the annihilation attribute, otherwise it would have taken some effort."

As a fusion skill, the thunder whirlpool naturally also has the power of annihilation. Apart from anything else, it is really miraculous in dealing with flames.

The three Flame Kings chased and used their magical powers to summon more Flame Spirits.

Li Rui could swear to God that he really didn't want to take the initiative to pull all the monsters this time. It was purely because he didn't want to lose the trace of Duan Ling and his team, so he had to postpone the fight against monsters.

He ran with the shadows that did not really exist, running around in the maze of fire.

That is to say, the people who come here are not bad at all. People like Duan Ling, even if they can't use the Fire Bell Curse, can still use the Jade Electric Gate Curse to block the enemy. Others at least have some rare skills.

Otherwise, the three mini-bosses will take care of them all in a short time.

Li Rui followed them and continued to run, holding back not only the mobs summoned by the three kings of fire, but also minions triggered by random events. There were more threats behind him than the phantom team encountered.

Moreover, this is a ten-star secret realm, and it is a long-distance run. There are quite a lot of events triggered, and various prompts are endless.

Another person would have panicked to death, but he has rich experience in this area and feels that it is not a big problem.

Although they were in a panic, they seemed to be guided by some force. Everyone ran and ran out of the flame maze by accident.

"It actually came out!!"

They were surprised for a moment, but then froze.

"The three Flame Kings are all bosses in the main quest."

"It has to be fought."

Duan Ling made a decision, "Delay will not allow us to leave here."

Obviously, everyone was tortured quite a lot, and what they were thinking about was no longer clearing the level, upgrading, and getting equipment, but that it would be great if they could get out alive.

At the same time, Li Rui followed them to this place.

In front of him was a hillside, which should have been full of pines and cypresses, but now there were only burnt dead branches and ashes floating in the air.

"The image disappeared, it seems that they started fighting."

Li Rui stopped. In this case, he also planned to deal with the pursuers behind him.


The three Flame Kings roared loudly, and a large group of Flame Spirits twisted and rushed forward.

Li Rui took out the Diamond Umbrella, threw two rare buff pills into his mouth, and then started charging.

The three great Flame Kings were born in the Land of Fire thousands of years ago.

With the death of the lava patriarch, the aura of this place was disturbed, and they also fell into a deep sleep. If it weren't for the remnants of Tianwei here, they would have died long ago.

But for some unknown reason, one day, they suddenly discovered that the aura had recovered, and the flame of hope was rekindled here, and their children and grandchildren became active.

They woke up, worshiped, and were extremely devout to the hillside that exuded a solemn atmosphere.

They thought that the ancestor was coming back, and they were waiting for a miracle to happen every day.

However, before the Lava Ancestor returned, they were the first to welcome new guests. Unexpectedly, the human race broke into the territory of the Flame Spirit.

They reveal their true form and drive away the enemy with their fiercest attacks.

This is the ancestral home of the Yanjing clan and will never be tarnished by outsiders.

The inherent impression was not wrong. The human race was always cunning and cunning. When the three Flame Kings showed up one after another, that guy actually turned around and started running away.

Still, their moods became less testy.

Just run away. At least this person still has a sense of respect for our clan. Maybe he just entered this place by mistake.

However, if you enter by mistake, you will die.

They moved their huge bodies and chased wildly.

It has to be said that that human being still has some strength. He uses the Flame Fist, the Flame King Sword, and the Flame Jade Flowing Fire. His attacks are constantly increasing, but the opponent is always able to save the day.

In the end, the Flame Kings became a little anxious, because the human race was actually close to their inviolable holy land.

"kill him!"

"He must be killed immediately!"


The three Flame Kings issued the final order, forcing all the Flame Spirits to catch up.

However, what pleased them was that the human race seemed to dare not approach the sacred hillside, but stopped at the foot of the mountain.

"Are you finally going to catch him without a fight?"

"It's quite reasonable."

"You can give him a good time."

The three Flame Kings felt very relieved until they saw the guy took out a big black umbrella and rushed over dragging golden thunder.


The extremely fast speed made several Flame Kings unable to react in time.

The human race arrived at the feet of King Yan in an instant.

The latter suddenly felt a crisis.

In desperation, he pressed his hands falsely, and the train struck!

Countless round hubs burned blazingly and fell from the sky like meteorites.

However, because this carbine was a bit too fast, and Yan Wang, who was chasing the opponent all the way, was careless and underestimated the enemy, before those attacks landed, the small human figure had already jumped in front of him.

Shock the ground!

Shock the ground!

Shock the ground!

Three consecutive attacks, anyone with a little less mental strength would not be able to use such a terrifying continuous attack.

The annihilating thunder instantly dissipated most of the flames on Train Flame King's body, revealing his hot and red core, and a flying dragon riding in the face.

boom! ! !

In just a few seconds at most, a Flame King was caught off guard and killed instantly.

The chasing Fire Demon Flame Spirit didn't even understand what was happening.

Both Black Fire Flame King and Sending Fire Flame King were stupid.

Are you sick?

So powerful, what did you run just now? !

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