Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 239 The Origin of She Lei

Not to mention Duan Ling, Yu Xin and others who knew nothing about the secrets of this place, even Zuo Qiutian was confused by the sudden change.

You put on a desperate stance and fought me, just to hit the barrier and die?

Yu Xin had been close to the barrier before, but was bounced away before she even made contact. The huge impact almost caused her to fall directly into the magma lake. If Zuo Qiutian hadn't taken action, she might have turned into charcoal inside.

Now Li Rui rushed forward, so what if he didn't die?


Duan Ling barely broke free from the restraints of the blood river and opened his mouth to speak, but was silenced again before he could explain clearly.

At the same time, Li Rui had also rushed forward.

Just like before, before he even made contact, an impact hit him, making it almost impossible for him to stabilize his body.

So he activated the new skill of the administrator's coat at this time.

Immovable as a mountain: The forced displacement effect received within 3 seconds is reduced by 80%.

Everyone watched helplessly as he crashed into the looming barrier. They were so shocked that they had no time to think about what Li Rui was going to do.

Zuo Qiutian narrowed his eyes. He didn't know what this guy who had repeatedly ruined his plans wanted to do, but he was very sure that it was a heavenly barrier. Even if it could avoid the impact, how could a mortal body touch it? If it touches it, both body and soul will be destroyed.

But something magical happened right before his eyes.

After Li Rui came into contact with the barrier, not only did he not suffer any damage, he even made the barrier disappear directly after a flash of light.


Not only did others not expect it, but Li Rui also didn't expect it.

"I used the key on horseback, but you just tore down the door for me?"

He used all his strength to attack Zuo Qiutian, in order to make him think that he was trying to fight for his life, so that he could approach the barrier unexpectedly. If he didn't let the opponent feel the danger, he might be able to guess his intention and intercept him directly.

Li Rui originally thought that if he could only rush into the barrier by himself and seize the She Lei, he might have a chance to delay for some time.

But now the barrier has simply disappeared.

The withered peach tree, which was obviously not a mortal thing, was exposed in front of everyone without protection.

Li Rui knew something was wrong. He knew that Zuo Qiutian would stop him without even guessing.

When he turned around, he saw that Xuehe no longer continued to form a formation, but instead rose up from the ground and attacked him overwhelmingly. A blood lotus directly wrapped him from the outside to the inside.

"Li Rui!"

Because the blood river was drawn away, Yu Xin and others were no longer restrained, and they all shot from behind, trying to stop Zuo Qiutian's spell.

However, the latter snorted coldly, and waved out the evil force wind with his other hand, which directly knocked them all away, and they all fell to the ground and vomited blood.

The gap was so huge that Li Rui had to use all his strength to defuse Zuo Qiutian's casual attack, but the river of blood and the wind were endless, and there were as many as he wanted.

Even Li Rui needs to use his powerful moves to fight, let alone others.

At this time, they could only watch the blood lotus wrapping Li Rui in it.

"No need to waste your efforts."

Zuo Qiutian said, "This lotus blood soul transformation method was taught to me by Master Biyang Gu Fusheng. It needs to be driven by essence and blood. It seems ordinary, but even an expert like Chongxu Zhenyue cannot withstand it. I only have a few breaths." In time, his body will be gone."

"This is my last respect and condolences for Li Xiandi. He is a powerful person. Although his level is not high, he can make me feel troubled. In order to express my respect for him, I let you go."

He even showed a trace of pride, as if he had defeated some fateful enemy, "When the time comes, his body will no longer exist, and his soul will not remain."

Everyone felt that their internal organs were being disturbed by the evil spirit entering their bodies, and the remaining sanity felt even more painful when they heard these words.

No one would say that we would not survive if he died, but the fact is that his life was indeed earned by Li Rui's hard work.

Although Zuo Qoutian's decision may not have been what Li Rui expected.

They watched in despair as the blood lotus changed from budding to full bloom. The despair in their hearts became deeper and deeper until a little golden light came out from the lotus.

Zuo Qoutian, who was approaching the peach tree stump, also changed his expression.

Indeed, they would not be happy if Chongxu Zhenyue was allowed to directly resist this attack, but this did not mean that they did not have the means to resist.

Zhang Keyue's token.

It has no attributes and no special effects. It has only one entry, called the savior.

That was the effect of using ninety-nine and eighty-one Yuan Yuan Yuan avoidance talismans, supplemented by the blessing of Zhenyue cultivation.

The golden light protected Li Rui as safely as a mountain in the blood lotus, without any harm at all. After the blood lotus dissipated, he rushed towards the remaining lightning-struck peach tree.

At the last moment, he saw red thunder leaping above the dead branches.


The sky is clear and the mountains are lush with greenery. Countless plants and trees are swaying gently in the breeze, making a pleasant sound.

On this sunny hillside, all the vegetation grows particularly well. At the highest point, there is a particularly tall peach tree.

She is so eye-catching. If someone could come here, they would definitely think that there is no peach tree stronger than her in the world. If they were interested in it, they would probably compose a poem.

However, this place is deep in the mountains, there is no one there, and there are still some little monsters wandering in it, so it is unlikely that anyone will come here.

All of this appeared in Li Rui's eyes.

He overlooked everything in the mountain from a God's perspective. He could not move or speak, he could only watch.

Time flies very fast. Season after season, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the peach trees become more and more lush, and even the flowers bloom turn bright red.

Until one night, the bright moon hung high in the sky, and the climate was warm and pleasant, just like most of the time.

But suddenly, a red light flashed across the horizon, coming from far to near, heading straight towards here.


A red thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit the peach tree blankly.

Everything on the hillside burned very quickly, and everything contaminated by the thunder and fire was burned to ashes in an instant.

The demon clan that originally lived here became possessed by demons and lost their lives in an instant.

In the apocalyptic scene, only the peach tree is still standing, but it is also undergoing changes visible to the naked eye.

The trunk became a body, the branches turned into limbs, a head of black hair hung down from the top of the head, and all the petals flew up, turning into a veil to cover the body as white as jade.

The woman, who was a foot tall, looked at the burning mountains, frowned, and waved her hand, causing countless peach petals to fly and begin to extinguish the mountain fire.

She seemed to be born with the aura of a superior person. Wherever she passed, the flames retreated, not daring to stop her.

The Heavenly Thunder Mountain Fire gradually began to extinguish due to her efforts. Just when everything turned around, the remaining flames suddenly began to gather, and the Peach Blossom Empress frowned again.

An old man was born in the fire. His beard, hair and eyes were all burning, his skin was wrinkled like a deep valley, and his robe was covered with lines of flames.

After the two parties met, they started taking action without any verbal communication.

Li Rui found that he had underestimated the peach blossom essence with a gentle tone.

When these two spirits born from the power of heaven fight, it can only be said that the world will collapse.

Even the hills where peach blossoms were born have been flattened into depressions.

In the end, the aging Lava Ancestor was defeated and dissipated, turning into a lake of lava. The Peach Blossom Empress was also seriously injured. She did not want to stay in this scorching place, staggering away from the lava lake and disappearing into the lake. foot of the mountain.

But Li Rui's perspective is still fixed here.

After the war, many fire spirits were born from the lava lake and grew with the help of spiritual energy. They built totems in front of the lake and often worshiped the lake (fire).

Whenever a Fire Spirit dies, it will lie down by the lake and burn up, turning into earth and stone.

In this way, time continued to pass quickly, and the Peach Blossom Empress never came back.

The lives of the flame elves are very short, and they often come to an end in a few years. Then they use their bodies to build the tombs of their lava ancestors, and in the end they build a mountain forcibly.

Li Rui finally knew that the huge hole in the mountain was not hollowed out, it was just a roof.

His perspective was getting closer and closer, and as the last Flame Spirit pounced on him, he was also sealed in the belly of the mountain.

After an unknown amount of time, a piece of land floated out of the lava lake, with vegetation growing on it, which was the vibrant island.

In the center of the island, a young sapling grew up and became a brand-new peach tree. When the branches and leaves flourished, what bloomed was not a flower, but a fiery red bell.

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