Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 249 Have you turned on the modifier?

Li Rui didn't know the organizational structure of the Department of Superpowers. He had only heard them say before that the extraordinary people who were organized here were all big bosses. Even supernovas, not all of them could pass the selection and be transferred from the local area to the capital.

Compared with other places, the treatment here is not the key. The main difference is the authority and future development. If you can be selected, your future will be bright.

In particular, some people can enter the supernatural department in the middle and early stages, receive guidance from various senior masters, and their gains in the secret realm are also significantly improved.

However, there is one kind of person who is different.

For example, Guan Gui has a very special profession. After clearing the first few secret realms, it is foreseeable that he will become a master, so he has been part of the establishment here for a long time.

For this kind of people, there is no need to pass the selection test like other secret agents to enter, and someone will naturally recruit them.

But now another kind of person has appeared, and that is Li Rui.

He just thought: If I blast a secret realm, if they want to give me some advice, I'm afraid they have to point out their psychological shadow, right?

When they left the building and there were only two of them, he did not agree to which side on the spot. Song Yao then gave a suggestion.

"Don't worry, you are not an ordinary person. You can wait for the price and wait until the secret battlefield is over."

The old man said as he walked towards the parking lot, "They are robbing people now anyway. The choice is in your hands. Maybe the conditions will be better then."


Li Rui humbly accepted this opinion and decided to wait.

There are many opportunities in the secret battlefield, and maybe the situation will change again when you come out.

Since it was less than a month before the battlefield started, he did not choose to return to Huangliang City. Dong Sanchuan and the others were all in the capital anyway, and they could usually discuss their experiences and experiences in previous battlefields.

Early the next morning, he rushed to the military base, which is now the base camp for battlefield participants, both for training and assembly.

Here he met Kong Ji and others whom he had not seen for a long time. Although he was in charge of the elite special operations team, he was also a training instructor.

At this time, a group of people were listening to the teachings in front of him. It was Duan Ling and others who had just returned to normal yesterday. They had been bedridden for several days. If they were to be replaced by ordinary people, they would probably be disabled for a period of time. However, extraordinary people are different. A little rehabilitation can quickly get you back to normal.

At this time, Kong Ji no longer had the cheerful face as before, but looked very serious.

"I have read your secret report in detail. There are many details that are not in place. From now on, I will conduct special training to target your shortcomings. Run 20 laps first, go!"

A group of people were thrown out for a long run without daring to say a word.

After Kong Ji clasped his hands behind his back and stared at them running out, his face suddenly changed and he said with a smile: "Brother Li, why are you here?"

"I came here with Mr. Song yesterday."

Li Rui replied, "Something happened. I will probably stay here until the battlefield starts."

"That's a good relationship, come and help me train these people." Kong Ji joked.

Li Rui quickly waved his hands: "How can I do this."

This time, he didn't ask what happened in the secret realm. From the attitude of Duan Ling and others who never mentioned anything, he could tell that it was kept secret.

Kong Ji asked casually, "How many levels are you?"

The person who came out of the secret realm was personally warned by the people from the Department of Supernatural Powers and signed a confidentiality agreement. He dared not say anything, so he didn't know.

Li Rui replied casually, "Level 40."


Kong Ji's eyeballs rolled around several times.

The goal he had set before was that level 36 was enough, but now the two secret realms were actually level 40.

He thought as the commander of an elite team:

Since the above requires confidentiality, it means that something terrible must have happened inside, and it can still be successfully cleared, and it has been upgraded to so many levels, and the harvest must be considerable.

At level 40, he is definitely much stronger than the same level. I can just call him level 45.

Rounding it up, isn't there another Guan Gui? !

Kong Ji beamed with joy, who wouldn't like to have more strong men under his command?

"Hey, Brother Li, tell me about it. Did you gain anything big in the secret realm?"

Li Rui thought for a while and realized that this person was his superior after all. He had to be responsible for commanding him after entering the secret realm. It was reasonable to reveal a little bit.

"There is a legendary equipment."


Kong Ji was really startled, and then started to roll his eyes again, "If that's the case, I understand, you come with me."

"You guys, keep running until I come back!"

He yelled "viciously" toward the playground, and then led Li Rui away.

"Brother Kong, you are already an extraordinary person, why do you still let people run around in circles?"

"They have been in bed for so long. I'm worried that the strength of their muscles and meridians cannot keep up. Before starting every day, I should go for a run as a warm-up."

For extraordinary people, jogging 20 laps is really just like a warm-up.

Kong Ji took Li Rui to a combat conference room, which was regarded as the headquarters of the secret battlefield in the real world. A group of senior officials were discussing tactics nearby, and Cheng Wen was among them, nodding towards the two of them.

Everyone only thought he was greeting Kong Ji, but they didn't know that they were both the target of greetings.

Ordinary participants are definitely not allowed to come to this place, but a small group of Kong Ji's men are elite soldiers with strong strength and flexible tasks, so they can also enter here.

He sat down on an empty table and pulled out a notebook with Juanxiu regular script written in it that was extremely inconsistent with his figure.

"Here are the minutes of the meeting. Take a look."

Li Rui found two names written on it.

Fons Mansch Kremm.

Roger Simon.

"The first one I know is the Rainmaker from the Polar Alliance. Who is the second one? 0"

"People from the Western Kingdom."

Kong Ji said, "You can understand that these two are you from the Western Kingdom and the Polar Alliance. According to the latest information, they all have legendary items or skills. I was originally worried that you wouldn't be able to cope with it. Now it seems that there is no relationship between you." I’m afraid some of them will be beaten, hahaha.”

Li Rui pursed his lips: "What level are these two at?"

"One of them once wandered through the Land of Chaos in his early years and was nicknamed a barbarian, but his level was not high at that time."

Kong Ji said, "He should have been around level 25 at the time, but he single-handedly killed three advanced people during a mission and tore them all into pieces. Then he was recalled by the Anomaly Bureau."

Li Rui nodded. It seemed that this person was indeed very strong. He was level 22 when he killed the advanced players in the abnormal round. Simon was only a few levels higher than himself when he killed the advanced players.

"What about the man named Feng? Do you have any new information?"

"What is certain is that there is a legendary skill related to ice attributes."

Kong Ji joked, "Because they are very superstitious over there and insist on calling him Son of Uler. It's easy to find out."

Li Rui nodded: "What level do you estimate they are now?"

"Absolutely the same as you."

"Okay, then I'll work hard in the next secret realm and try to surpass them by two levels."

Kong Ji blinked, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

What, you turned on the modifier? How many levels do you want to upgrade, right?

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