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Chapter 265 Blowing out a hidden mission

Li Rui can charge into the battle alone, but under normal circumstances, he has to use lethal skills to clear the way first. If the enemy's death rate is limited and he can't take action, he still feels like his hands are tied.

He cut the soul bone pendant to the turtle phase, increasing the defense attribute by 5%, and then rushed directly under the tiger-headed banner in the formation, despite obstacles along the way.

The role of the flag is very important. On the one hand, it can be used to convey instructions and represents the command system of the supreme commander of the side. On the other hand, if the flag is lost, it will cause a serious blow to one's own morale.

Therefore, no matter who is playing, they will arrange their defense in front of the flag. This resulted in Li Rui facing a lot of pressure at this time.

He rushed in alone, surrounded by incoming weapons and flying spells. He couldn't fight back easily. If he accidentally struck hard, the enemy's casualty rate would increase.

At this time, the white tiger demon Bai Feijiang in the enemy formation felt that he had seen it wrong.

He was originally practicing his martial arts, planning to wait for Liang Ting's army to come close and then go out to charge into the battle. However, he didn't expect that there was someone tougher than him on the opposite side. The main force was still several miles away, so he rushed in alone. Aren't you looking for death?

"Kill him!!"

Although he couldn't understand it, he felt that this person was dead.

Hearing the leader's roar, more monsters were mobilized and surrounded by the golden light.


Poison barrier.

Fire shelter.

Wave barrier.

Because they can only be beaten passively, the monster beasts do not retreat, and all kinds of spells are thrown at them.

Li Rui used various defensive skills and finally rushed under the commander's flag under the disbelief eyes of the enemy.

The bad news is that Bai Fei, the mini-boss, is also nearby and is swooping over.

This white tiger demon was much more tyrannical than the Tiger Tiger of Demon Dragon Valley. He held a magic weapon and a long sword, roared, and rushed with the fishy wind. In just the blink of an eye, he was behind Li Rui.


The two-foot-tall body seemed to be overwhelming to the tiny human beings. The long sword was wrapped with blue light, as if there was an extremely cold wind and snow hidden in the sword.

This white tiger himself has practiced a very powerful frost technique, and the sword is also a magic weapon forged by Lord Yin Tao, which allows him to control the power of wind and snow.

With one slash, even if the enemy is not divided into two pieces, it will at least leave a wound that is deep enough to see the bone. There will also be fragments of extremely cold ice thorns embedded in it, making life worse than death.

At this time, the blade had begun to fall from mid-air, but Li Rui didn't care at all. He only saw the handsome flag.


The wild beast guarding the flag pierced his abdomen with its sharp claws, but he seemed not to notice it at all. He just twisted his body, ignoring the torn flesh and blood, and took advantage of the speed of Shenxiao Benlei Heart Sutra to shoot out from another direction. He grabbed the flagpole and exerted his strength with his arms.


The handsome flag was broken in the middle. Li Rui tried it for a moment. The thing could not be put back into the inventory, so he quickly turned around and held the flagpole, as if he wanted to throw the flag like a javelin.

At this time, General Bai Fei's long knife had been chopped off, and the high-speed rotating snow and ice pick began to cut his body like a chainsaw.

A purple halo circulated faintly on Li Rui's body, and the defensive attributes of various equipment were fighting against the incoming attacks. However, General Bai Fei was a level 40 mini-boss, so how could he be blocked by the defensive attributes.

A large amount of blood spurted out from Li Rui's chest and abdomen.

Fortunately, at this time, the flagpole has been released.


The flagpole shot high into the sky.

Bai Feijiang didn't know what was wrong with this man's mind. He became furious and used even more strength on his hands to tear this man's body apart. However, at this moment, he saw a strange expression on the other side. Smile.




The long knife slashed down, and the ground trembled. All the surrounding little demons were affected, and their corpses lay on the spot, but the daring human was nowhere to be seen.

Bai Fei was so surprised that he turned back to look at the thrown flagpole, only to see a figure in the flight path of the thing.

The human race who was under his hand just now and suffered various injuries actually appeared at the edge of the military formation intact and firmly caught the flagpole.

Li Rui chuckled, facing the bewildered but besieged monster beast again, he threw out a thunderous move that shook the ground.

Amid a burst of screams and wailing, he ran away carrying the flagpole.

Then another strange scene appeared on the battlefield.

Looking from a distance, there was a chaotic straight line in the middle of the formation of the monster army, which was the path that Li Rui had just entered. All the monsters on the path were in a mess, and they still haven't figured out what happened.

Outside the defense line, dozens of soldiers led three thousand soldiers to charge. A figure was walking in the opposite direction alone, shouting loudly as he ran: "One of our own! Don't do anything, I am one of our own!"

The battlefield is huge and it is impossible to give everyone a clear idea of ​​what is going on.

Like Li Rui, if he carries the enemy's flag and rushes into his own camp without revealing his identity, he can easily be killed as an enemy.

He ran to the formation and stuck the flag into the soil with a sneer.

"I am not talented enough to capture the enemy commander's flag and present it to my tent."

Several officers commanding the battlefield were stunned.

Others didn't notice, but they could see clearly with a telescope.

This kid just rushed into the enemy's formation alone, and suddenly came out again for some reason. He carried the flag and returned to his own formation. The whole process only took half a stick of incense.

The two armies faced each other, and the flag was taken away before the vanguard could take over.

I have never seen such a scene in my whole life of fighting.

However, Li Rui felt that just saying this was not enough. When he looked back, he saw that the frightened and angry General Bai Fei had already begun to charge, as if he wanted to kill himself to save the blow of having his handsome flag taken away.

So he couldn't help but brag again: "I think that Bai Feijiang looks like the one who sells his head by inserting bids. Please be patient, I will go get his head again."

Originally, it was just a casual comment as the atmosphere arrived, but unexpectedly a new prompt appeared.

[Hidden mission update: Kill the general. ]

[Mission goal: Kill Bai Feijiang before the enemy casualty rate reaches 15%. ]

[Task reward: experience value +400000, skill point +1, free attribute point +10. ]

As a level guarded by a mini-boss, the reward for two skill points is indeed a bit high, but the difficulty of these two tasks is indeed high.

Let’s not talk about Capture the Flag. After all, General Bai Fei is a mini-boss. That is to say, a supernova-level person can handle it at will. But for an ordinary person, just being guaranteed not to die is already good. The more powerful one is nothing more than normal. Fight the enemy with the army and defeat them.

The hidden mission of the general is even more outrageous. First, you have to successfully capture the flag, and then you have to brag to trigger it.

When a normal person comes back from a thrilling capture-the-flag experience, it would be nice to be able to breathe a sigh of relief and not be in the mood to brag.

However, Li Rui not only boasted, but also complained in his heart.

"This stupid trigger condition is really sick."

But the moment the prompt appeared, he had already taken steps to rush forward, thinking in his mind how to quickly kill the white flying general.

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