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Chapter 268 I still have a trump card

Under the stone ridge, corpses were strewn everywhere, and the red flames had not yet been extinguished.

In this purgatory-like scene, there is a young figure leaning on the ground with an umbrella.

At this time, all the soldiers' attitude toward Li Rui was complete admiration.

The enemy frantically sent three generals to stop their army. At first, several generals felt that something was wrong, so they pulled the army back and began to retreat, thinking that if they were overtaken by the other side, they would suffer heavy casualties.

Then Li Rui took the initiative to come out again.

The three mini-bosses have given them a lot of experience, and he won't let them go.

The large army fought and fled, while Li Rui stared at several monster commanders from behind, hit one of them and ran away, then shot back with his carbine.

These commanders were not as good as General Bai Fei and Huo Huoben. They couldn't resist them at all. After a few rounds, the offensive and defensive momentum changed.

The monster team that originally chased Liang Tingjun realized that something was wrong after two of their commanders were killed, and began to escape in reverse.

There was only one barbarian leader left, and he was a bright-minded person in the Golden Scale Daze. He couldn't figure out why the human army could maintain such a strong combat effectiveness after just experiencing the fierce battle at Stone Ridge.

Aren't they tired?

Then, before he could figure it out, he saw a golden light flash from behind to the front, and then a human face appeared in front of him that made him, a savage beast, feel ferocious.

Of course, the ending is uneventful. When a mini-boss encounters Li Rui, the only outcome is death.

At this time, he was holding an umbrella in one hand and pouring the spirit-reviving potion in the other.

This is the first bottle of medicine he has used since Crow Forest, which means he has a large inventory. If it were someone else, he would not be able to afford it, or at least feel distressed.

"Take a rest, Brother Li. We have attracted enough enemies. The rest is up to General Ning and the others."

Chang Fei had fought a bloody battle just now. Although Li Rui had already eliminated the main enemy, the monsters were coming from three teams after all. With such numbers, most people would not be able to withstand such a high-intensity fight.

After hearing what he said, Li Rui did not respond in a hurry. He turned his head and looked in the direction of Qingyunping.

"What's wrong?" Chang Fei asked.

"I always feel like they won't go so smoothly. We have to rush to Qingyunping quickly." Li Rui said.

Chang Fei looked troubled: "Qingyunping is still some distance away from here. Our brothers have just experienced a big battle, so it would be inappropriate to rush over there again."

That's what Li Rui said. If it were anyone else, he would have to curse.

It was purely a tactful dissuasion that did not comply with the art of war. To put it bluntly, it was just a gift. After all, this army was called three thousand, but in fact the most elite soldiers were assigned to the other two groups.

Li Rui waved his hand: "What I mean is, I'll go first, you guys can rest for now, and then come back when the soldiers are ready."


Chang Fei was shocked, "This is a bit rash, I mean, brother Li, don't you need to rest for a while, even just for an hour?"

Li Rui said: "It doesn't matter. I'm not going alone. I have helpers."

While he was talking, he pulled Zhao Jia, who was trying to dissuade him together, over.

"The two of us will take care of each other and everything will be fine."

Zhao Jia was confused:? Did I say I was going?

However, Li Rui whispered quietly in his ear: "Aren't you going to take the experience of the three big bosses?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Jia was naturally moved.

So far, he has been promoted to one level, and the main plot has not yet been resolved. If the attack mission on Soul Cliff is successfully completed, and when it is completely resolved, he may even win two levels in a row in a secret realm.

To be honest, he is very satisfied with this progress.

However, when the syllables "three big bosses" appeared in his ears, he felt that he was bewitched by the devil.

"Is it possible to upgrade to three levels in a row?"

He was very excited. He heard that those supernovas, and even the big guys in the supernatural department, were able to upgrade very quickly when they were young. They often upgraded several levels in a secret realm. Maybe he could get a ride this time.

So he also changed his mind, gave up the idea of ​​dissuasion, and said to Chang Fei: "Well, we two take care of each other, don't worry."

Chang Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Let's do this. I'll ask the deputy general for instructions and see who is still strong enough to rush to Qingyunping with you."

Finally, the middle army picked out a dozen of the best soldier cultivators and set off with Li Rui.

Shitou Ridge on Kaiping Road had just experienced a great battle, Qingyunping was fighting fiercely, and Zhuangshi Ridge, which had received the least attention, still had a thousand soldiers who were confused.

"Master Sun, are you telling the truth? There are only dozens of defenders in front?"

Sun Bing is an advanced assassin master. He has two stealth skills. He explored and assassinated along the way and helped the army defeat the defenders at the first level.

According to the original plan, they would pretend to attack the second pass called Guaizi Mountain to attract the enemy's attention, but they would not really pay a high price.

In order to ensure safety, he decided to go forward alone to reconnoiter the enemy's situation, and discovered a magical scene.

There was only one empty military camp on Guaizi Mountain, with flags planted inside, but there weren't many monsters at all.

He couldn't believe his judgment, and after confirming again and again, he finally believed the reality, and then told the leading officer the news.

"I don't know why either."

He was also confused, "Perhaps the main attack on Soul Soul Cliff has arrived at Qingyunping. They were under too much pressure and recalled the monsters stationed here?!"

This statement is indeed the most imaginable.

The commanding general said: "Then let's rush over quickly. If the defenders here are recalled, the pressure on General Ning and others will be too great."

The pressure on General Ning was indeed great, but it had nothing to do with the original defenders of Zhuangshi Ridge. The monsters there had been reduced to ashes by Li Rui's fire bell curse.

They encountered the worst situation here. The three final bosses were present at the same time, without the time difference mentioned in the guide.

Nan Jiumei and others felt even more strange.

Not only did the Savage Beast General appear almost at the same time as the two Demon Kings, but the Savage Beast that appeared was also something that had never been seen before, at least not mentioned in the guide.

The guy was two feet tall, with his upper body naked, revealing an ape-like body, and his lower limbs were legs shaped like tigers and wolves.

The most concerning thing is the white ball of thunder on its right paw.

The threat of that thing was quite high. It punched out and roared with lightning. Not only was it extremely fast, but it was also powerful and heavy, and its lethality was terrifying, making it difficult for people to guard against it.

Moreover, the two demon kings also treated him with great respect, as if their status was higher.

With such a strong boss present, the demonic beasts that had been empty due to supporting the opening of the road in the middle immediately took over and in turn surrounded Liang Ting Bingxiu.

Now, they passively defended against enemy attacks.

Qian Yi and Li Ding were both in heavy hearts, thinking that the mission was doomed to fail.

Because according to normal procedures, the other two routes will not reach Qingyunping.

The last hope in their hearts lies with Nan Jiumei, but the other party seems to have no way to break the situation.

They looked at the supernova, who noticed their worries and responded: "Don't worry, I still have a trump card."


"What trump card?"

The two of them became excited instantly.

Nan Jiumei smiled confidently: "As long as we wait for Li Rui to come, these guys won't be able to dance for long!"


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