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Chapter 275 I’m right there

Bang bang!

Cheng Mingyue punched out with two punches, and the strange force in her hand smashed the resurrected monk into ashes. She clapped her hands and said dissatisfied: "Hey! Stop talking and just concentrate on it, Guan Gui!"

After saying this, she twisted her shoulders, stepped on the slippers she had just taken off on the sidelines and approached: "What did you say?"

Li Rui recounted the content of the conversation just now.

"Ah, yes, I also encountered a world event while playing in the secret realm last week."

Cheng Mingyue said carelessly, "But it's not as strong as what Xiao Guizi encountered."

Xiao Guizi?

Li Rui felt his scalp throbbing.

Guan Gui remained expressionless: "The frequency of world events is getting higher and higher."

The two looked at Li Rui.

"Ah? What are you looking at me doing? I didn't ask Brother Zuo to find you?"

"Who is Brother Zuo?" Cheng Mingyue asked.

"It should be related to the NPCs we encountered in the world." Guan Gui's observation was very detailed. He must have noticed some details in the secret realm before making an inference.

Li Rui was not in a hurry to explain, but instead asked, "Do you have any information from others? Has anyone else encountered a similar situation?"

"It's hard for us to understand this from a personal perspective."

After a brief period of excitement, Cheng Mingyue returned to her lazy state, "The Intelligence Analysis Department will have complete information."


Li Rui rubbed his hands, "How about we go and ask? Isn't Director Xiang Cheng here?"

He was talking about the deputy director, the person who showed up when he came to the capital that night.

Because he had information about many people clearing the secret realm, he was specially sent to assist the command of the secret realm battlefield.

Guan Gui blinked, and Cheng Mingyue said in disgust: "You can ask if you want."

"Want to try?" Li Rui said nonchalantly.

The three of them thought about it and decided to ask.

Anyway, the three of them are like the top students in the class, and they are easy to talk to the teacher.

So they sneaked into the headquarters building in the middle, and then sneakily reached the door of the large office where all the senior officials were.

Inside is the same as usual, with various sand tables, drawings and blackboards.

Li Rui also saw familiar faces such as Cheng Wen and Kong Ji. The battlefield was about to begin and they looked very busy.

"What should I do?" Only then did Cheng Mingyue remember that they had not discussed how to ask at all. The leaders of any department in the Department of Supernatural Powers should not be underestimated. They were probably all experts close to level 70.

Li Rui said, "I'll ask."

He walked directly through the door and walked alone to Deputy Director Xiang Cheng who was flipping through documents in the corner.

Cheng Mingyue glanced at Guan Gui and found that this guy still looked like a dead person, so she gritted her teeth and followed him.

Seeing the three people walking towards him, Xiang Cheng seemed a little surprised. He subconsciously closed the folder in his hand and put on a kind smile.

"Looking for me?"

Li Rui nodded.

"Is there a problem?"

Even when facing others, Xiang Cheng would not show impatience, but he would kindly express that he was very busy and that if there was anything he should go to the corresponding person, of course, most people would not dare to disturb him.

However, facing these three people, he decided to ask patiently.

Cheng Mingyue wanted to organize her words, but Guan Gui couldn't speak as usual, but Li Rui asked first: "Both of them met the world NPC next to Zuo Qiutian in the secret realm. Director Xiang, I want to ask, is it Isn’t it related to that day?”

Is it so direct? At least be polite and ask if he's busy.

Cheng Mingyue was still complaining in her heart, but Xiang Cheng smiled and nodded, and then started to answer.

"It turns out that this is the problem. I can tell you that it is indeed related. Just as we speculated that night, they really started to take action."

Cheng Mingyue didn't expect that the other party actually answered, and why did it sound like they knew each other?

Guan Gui was also a little curious.

If Dong Sanchuan is here, we can think that it must be related to the tomb of the Peach Blossom Lady. After the secret realm ended, Li Rui rushed to the capital overnight.

"Director Xiang, do you know the situation of others? Has the number of NPCs invading secret realms around the world increased?"


Xiang Cheng thought for a while and said, "Come here."

He took a few people to the balcony, lit a cigarette, and then said: "You can tell a little bit about what you are saying."

"Li Rui knows. Let me explain it to you two first."

He said to Cheng Mingyue and Guan Gui: "Zuo Qiutian, do you know them?"

The two nodded.

"He originally appeared in a small number of secret realms, causing trouble and violence at every turn, leading to the complete death of secret realm agents on several occasions. During Liang Tingde's seven-year timeline, he made peace with some famous righteous sects, including the Moro Sect, Baiquan Sect, etc. , seems to be planning some conspiracy to cause chaos in the world."

"Since the appearance of this plot, in all secret realms around level 50 and above, the frequency of NPC appearances in the world has increased significantly, and the plots of some secret realms have changed."

As if to confirm his words, everyone received a reminder at this time.

[All secret agents, please note that the difficulty of the five-star secret realm at the foot of Huiquan Mountain has been raised to eight stars. ]

"No wonder." Cheng Mingyue sighed, "I have received three reminders this month, and a new defensive secret realm of Qingyunping has been added."

Li Rui coughed dryly: "That's different, I did it."


The three of them were speechless for a while.

"all in all."

Xiang Cheng coughed and said, "What we can be sure of is that the plans of Zuo Qoutian and his companions will lead to major changes in the secret world. No, it should be said that it has already begun."

He put the cigarette into the public ashtray: "So young people, come on, improve yourself as much as possible in this secret battlefield, you will soon be involved in some unknown big event."

Li Rui nodded.

The good news is that most of Brother Zuo's influence is exerted on secret realms of level 50 and above. It is true that if the sky falls, there will be tall people who can hold it up.

The bad news is, I'm almost fucking tall.

He suddenly discovered that his luck seemed to have improved for once. When he was about to enter the level 50 range, he could fight a secret battlefield first. As long as he could get more benefits, he could better cope with the subsequent changes.

Unlike others, it is not very feasible for him to block his level and not get involved.

Because people with stuck levels usually give up the main line directly through the reserved exit of the secret realm, but some secret realms have no exit, so occasionally they need to actively seek death and then forcefully escape.

Anyway, as long as the other party has no means of traumatizing the soul, the probability of actual death is very low.

But probability is something that Li Rui has no control over. He doesn't dare to die casually in the secret realm, so it's better to seriously improve himself.

Since you can't avoid it, you can eliminate the oncoming crisis, just like you have done for so many years.

After Xiang Cheng left first, Cheng Mingyue asked: "That's not right. I just told the director that you knew that Zuo Qoutian and those bad guys were working together to cause trouble, but why did you know?"

Li Rui scratched his chin with his hand: "Because I was there when they joined forces."

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