Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 289 There must be a brave man under the heavy reward

When all the monsters heard what Li Rui was running and shouting, they all complained crazily in their hearts.

As a result, except for the powerful ape tribe, their favorability levels have dropped by one level.

Some even turned from fear to resentment.

But this situation did not last long, because the first reaction was based on what they saw before them. The warriors of the three major tribes chased him aggressively and rushed towards their formation, making them instinctively feel that something was wrong.

However, within just a few breaths, they suddenly noticed that the first half of the sentence had been ignored.

Li Huang, Bai Qianfu and Lin Wei have been crowned?

What does it mean?

He walked into the enemy camp single-handedly and killed three monster leaders who were not inferior to Xuan Hong, and then he was still alive and kicking, and even looked very energetic.

What's happening here?

The favorability level changed again.

Li Rui saw that in the task list, there were only two states left for each tribe, one was fear and the other was worship.


The matter has reached this point, and the two sides cannot make peace. The various ethnic groups in the south have been forced to lead the army to charge.

When Li Rui saw them moving, he turned around and rushed back.

In the last secret realm, he had already accumulated a wealth of battle experience, and he quickly accurately identified the mid-level and high-level commanders in the enemy formation and killed them one by one.

When the enemy's command system is in chaos, even if they are well-equipped and have higher cultivation levels, they will immediately lose morale and have no choice but to let themselves be slaughtered.

Not to mention that Li Rui, a killer, rushed into the formation, and the enemy's psychological shadow became larger and larger. In the end, he ran directly to the enemy's rear to intercept.


He struck the ground with a thunderbolt, tearing a crack in the earth.

"Anyone who dares to cross this line will die!"

All the sheep and deer from the three major tribes suddenly stopped, and then suddenly felt a little weird.

When others draw lines, they seem to be for defense. Why the hell are you using them to block people?

Li Ruike didn't care so much, and ordered the soldiers of the various tribes in the south to control all those who were captured alive, and then ordered all tribes to return to camp.

In the big room, Li Rui sat behind the desk, staring at the map and thinking carefully.

The leaders of the demon clan in the hall did not dare to speak. Until now, they were still confused.

I don’t know why. I thought I would become the master yesterday, but I didn’t expect that today I would kill the leaders of three large tribes and capture hundreds of elites.

But Li Rui didn't speak, and they didn't dare to speak out.

Now, Li Rui is considering how the Yangli tribe will react in the future.

He did this not because he really wanted to expand his power, but mainly because he took a look and found that the Godswood Forest is a vast area with dozens of named monster tribes. After gathering more information, the map was filled with treasure chests of various sizes. After a while, It is simply difficult to collect.

If we really want to fight each house, it will take at least more than half a month. This will be too inefficient. By the time the godswood forest is cleared, I am afraid that the Three Kingdoms War will have already begun outside.

So he has to use the fastest way, which is to hit from one line to the center, and kill whoever blocks him. This will be enough to establish his authority.

When the time comes, the territory of the Yangli tribe will be divided. Everyone will be satisfied and take the initiative to offer the spoils.

Along the way, other tribes are just minor problems. Only the Yangli tribe, the master of the sacred forest, will trigger a real fierce battle.

What he was thinking about now was which route he should take to approach the central area.

The tribal leaders sitting in the hall were hung up in their hearts. After holding it in for a long time, one of them couldn't help but asked: "Sir, what should we do next?"

Li Rui laughed and didn't hide it: "The three camps of Liyang, Bailu, and Linling were attacked at night. I had planned the route just now and fought all the way. They lost a lot of elites and they lost their leader. There will be chaos. We Take advantage of the situation to seize their territory.”

The leaders were all beating in their hearts.

Li Rui glanced at Yuan Ju, who understood.

"Sir, I am willing to lead the tribe to follow you."


Li Rui said, "There are fifty pieces of armor in the Black Bear Clan's arsenal. You can ask Yuan Gang to send someone to collect them. In addition, the Black Bear Clan's guards will be under your command from now on. After the Liyang Clan is captured, the best The three holy cultivation sites are all for your clan to use."


All the leaders were dumbfounded.

Why didn't you tell me about such a good thing in advance?

"We, the Tuhe people, are also willing to go with the king."

"We, the Hongma people, are also willing."

"Me too!"

So Li Rui promised them respective rewards in the future, then got on the luxurious horse Giant Hercules, and led his troops forward under the cover of night.

The ancestor of the Yangli tribe was a lynx, extremely ferocious and unparalleled in cultivation. He had unified the godswood forest many years ago and has not lost its prestige even now.

However, after several generations of reproduction and marriage with the fox clan in the forest, it has now changed its form.

This is not a bad thing. It has resulted in the current Yangli tribe having both the original fierce fighting skills of their ancestors and the magical talents of the Fox tribe, so their dominance has become more stable.

But now, as the lord of the sacred wood forest and the king of the Yangli tribe, Yang Moding heard about a strange thing.

"Your Majesty, have you subdued those rebellious people at the southern end of the godswood?"

The fox-faced princess leaned against him and asked lazily.

"I have asked Li Huang, Bai Qianfu and Lin Wei to lead my elite troops there in person, so don't worry."

Yang Mo Ding was not a born noble who only wanted to enjoy himself. This was thanks to his biological father. The previous generation of the leader of the godswood forest was ignorant and unreasonable. He demanded excessively and almost forced all the tribes in the forest to rebel.

At that time, the late king managed to put down the rebellion with the help of the fox wizards. Not long after, he suddenly fell ill and died. Before his death, he did the only right thing. Yang Moding succeeded to the throne.

This young Yangli tribe's methods were ruthless and he would subjugate anyone who disobeyed with heavy pressure. Soon no one dared to rebel again.

The reason why he is able to do this is because he is cautious by nature and never underestimates his opponents. In addition, he is resourceful and has strong cultivation strength.

So now, even though he thought that the southern tribes were just a mob, he still sent the three most obedient and powerful tribes to suppress them.

Not to mention it was him, even the fox girl said, "Since it's the three of them, I feel relieved."

Yang Moding was silent, because he always felt that he had a bad premonition.

At this moment, someone came to report.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! It's not good!"

A Yangli tribesman shouted at the door, even wanting to rush in directly.

Yang Moding frowned and said, "What's going on? You're so panicked so early in the morning."

"Last night, last night, the rebellion in the south swept across the three major tribes, Liyang, Bailu and Linling, and now they have occupied their territory."


Yang Moding slapped the table, and his furry claws smashed the stone table into pieces.

"I knew that they must have come out in full force and not prepared for their opponents to sneak attack on the camp."

"Your Majesty, it doesn't seem to be the case. According to the battle report, the three leaders of Li Bailin came out with their elite troops and were all killed by the formation. Then the rebel group attacked the camp at night. I heard that today they summoned twelve nearby tribes to ask for... We need to form a coalition force to fight over."


Yang Moding couldn't believe it, "You say that again?!"

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