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Chapter 292 Falling into a trap!

When Li Rui learned that a clan of deer demons had come to surrender, he immediately sneered.

I haven't fought yet, and you're going to surrender? Probably not very sincere.

But he didn't say anything, he just smiled and ran out of the village gate to greet her.

"Oh, the deer king understands the righteousness well and is willing to work with us. I am very grateful."

Yuan Erliang translated dutifully.

Zhang Yuanxu said calmly: "Your Majesty wants to do justice for heaven, and we admire him greatly."

"Wherever, please."

Li Rui first asked someone to take him to a resting place, and then called Yuan Ju.

"You bring him to the tribe and place him there, and keep a close eye on him. I'm afraid this person is not sincere in his surrender, so we can't give them an opportunity to take advantage of him."

Yuanju nodded and took the order and left.

Li Rui then caught up with Zhang Yuan and exchanged fake greetings with him. He always took him with him when inspecting the camp, showing that he took him very seriously.

Not long after, a scout came to report that the Yangli tribe directly led the other godswood tribes to attack. There were enemies on the northwest and east sides, with a huge momentum.

People in the camp were suddenly panicked. Most of the demon tribes were ignorant and had never thought about what would happen next to the Yanglu Antelope and the southern tribes. However, to Li Rui and other leaders, the Yangli tribe's offensive was predictable.

However, due to the extraordinary bravery shown by Li Rui in the process, the leaders believed that as long as they held on to the camp, the enemy might not be able to attack it. Moreover, the demon tribes were already loose and did not have any specialized military formations. If they could not attack for a long time, they would be impetuous. , even if they don't break up, at least they don't have the intention to attack hard.

At this time, all the leaders of the alliance gathered together, including Zhang Yuan, who had just surrendered, and they were all planning how to respond.

"The general has extraordinary military power and unparalleled bravery. Only you can stop Yang Moding and his concubine, Ye Ganqing, the Queen of the Fox Clan. We should use this as a basis for our formation."

"Yes, there are many experts from the Yangli tribe. It would be wise for you, sir, to take charge of the central army yourself."

Li Ruixu raised his right hand: "I should personally deal with the Yangli tribe and the Fox tribe, but I heard that there are nine other tribes in the forest, which are as powerful as the Black Bear and Sheep Deer tribes. How should I reject them?"

The new leader of the White Deer Tribe said: "My tribe is good at defense and can block both tribes."

In addition, some other demon clan leaders asked for orders themselves.

Li Rui nodded in agreement, and finally said: "Okay, according to your opinions, I will quickly draw the formation diagram, and then order all the ministries to set up defenses."

After the meeting ended, he asked again: "Chief Deer, do you have any opinions?"

"Sir, the arrangement of troops is very reasonable. I admire you."

Li Rui laughed and said goodbye to him.

By the time this wave of battles is over, the situation in the sacred forest will basically be settled. As long as Yangli and the Fox clan are defeated, most of the loot will be obtained, and the question mark in the central sacred tree can also be explored.

But the premise is that it must be a big victory.

He looked at the back of Zhang Yuan who was walking away, feeling very expectant in his heart.

It's up to you whether you can defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

At night, in the elite camp brought by the deer tribe, a sneaky figure groped outside in the dark.

He used his magical powers to walk silently along the bushes, bypassing the patrol posts and the guards at the watchtower, sneaking cautiously, and finally left the annexed Deer Clan camp.

The monsters on sentry duty here are all mediocre. It is impossible for ordinary people to leave quietly from such a formation.

This demon is indeed unusual. He is good at sneaking, and he is bold and cautious. The most important thing is that he is a demon under Li Rui's personal care.

"Don't let him go, don't disturb him."

Without this sentence, how could the demon leave the camp quietly.

After a while, the deer demon who reported the news found a response at the agreed place. Several fox demons who were good at the art of transformation waited for a long time.

He took out a piece of animal skin with Zhang Yuan's own handwriting on it: "This is the enemy's arrangement that my king has found out. Please take me to present to King Lin without delay."

Several fox demons led the way and quickly brought him to the army formation led by the Yangli tribe.

Yang Moding took the presented animal skin, read it carefully, and laughed and said: "Hahahaha, okay! I have this letter, and I will defeat those traitors tomorrow, and by then I will cut that general into pieces." , dedicated to the sacred tree!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The drums of war were beating loudly, and the two armies were ready to fight.

At this time, Yang Moding brought his wife Ye Ganqing with him. They were the leaders of the Yangli tribe and the Fox tribe respectively, and they were also the two most powerful people in the sacred forest.

"According to Zhang Yuan's report, the rebellious kid is ambushing me in the white leaf forest ahead, intending to sneak attack me. At that time, the Zhang tribe will rebel behind the enemy's army and cause chaos to the enemy. You and I will lead our troops to rush in and kill the leader of the bandit directly. .”

Ye Ganqing said worriedly: "Your Majesty, should we be more cautious? Zhang Yuan is now in the enemy camp. What should we do if the information sent is false?"


Yang Moding said, "The thieves are few and our forces are strong. How could he abandon the light and turn to darkness?"

Ye Ganqing said: "What if you are deceived?"

"The traitor attacked the city by killing the leader and then intimidating his tribe. He is obviously a fool, how could he deceive Zhang Yuan, who is wary by nature? You worry too much." Yang Moding shook his head. smiled.

Ye Ganqing hesitated to speak, and could only say: "I hope so."

Not long after, local battlefields in the sacred forest were already being fought. According to the plan, they only had to wait for the enemy's backyard to catch fire and take the opportunity to rush in and kill them.

Yang Moding was very calm, even if there were loud killings nearby, he would not move.

After waiting for a long time, the little demon finally returned.

"Your Majesty! The enemy's formation is in chaos, and all units are retreating."

Yang Moding raised his eyebrows: "Okay! Zhang Yuan must have taken action. Send the order and charge with me!"

He had the highest level of cultivation, the strongest strength, and the most courage. He was the first to lead his team into the White Leaf Forest, followed by hundreds of elites from the Baiyang Li clan, all of whom were good players.

These monsters were carefully selected and came specifically to kill Li Rui.

The fox demon Yeganqing led several warlocks from the Yeganhu clan followed closely behind.

When the monsters rushed into the forest with the force of thunder, they only saw fluttering flags and some straw men in armor, but no living creatures were seen.

Yang Moding was shocked: "Fell into a trap!"

However, it was already too late for him to repent. At this time, loud shouts of killing came from all around, and countless demon clans came out from all directions, heading straight for the Yangli clan and the Fox clan.

"Your Majesty, retreat quickly!"

The ministers on the left and right stepped forward to cut off the rear, while the other demons ran back.

However, after taking only a few steps back, the team could no longer move.

Because on the way back, there was a man holding an umbrella who blocked them.

"Yang Mo Ding, your death is about to begin, just kill me if you pull your neck."

"Squeak squeak!!!"

Yuan Erliang hid on the treetop nearby and conveyed this sentence.

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