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Chapter 296 Burned to the Fire

Those who were called to the bottom of the sacred tree to look after them were all the demon elites that Li Rui trusted most. They were not only loyal, but also extremely powerful.

Others may not think much about it, but Yuan Ju must know that this is to prevent the Yangli tribe from plotting against him when he goes deep into dangerous areas.

But this move was just for insurance. After all, the elder of the Yangli tribe really didn't think about what he was going to do.

In his eyes, Yang Moding and Ye Ganqing were masters higher than the sky. If they were both killed in front of the battle, it would be a certainty that Li Ruilai would be the co-leader of the Shenwood.

Resistance will only increase casualties and waste time.

However, as the evil star disappeared at the entrance of the cave for longer and longer periods of time, his mind became more and more alive.

"What if?"

"If he really dies in the cave, I can contact the sorcerers of the Yegan clan and promise to win over various tribes with huge profits and restore the orthodoxy. If that doesn't work, it would be better to let the Yegan clan serve as the leader. It is better than falling into the hands of outsiders. "

His eyes were rolling around, but he always felt that there was a vague threat falling on him. When he looked up, he saw that it was Yuan Ju holding an iron rod.

"This guy has a keen mind and is the most difficult to deal with. If he wants to cause trouble, I have to kill him first."

While he was thinking about the Yangli tribe's revival plan, some other tribal leaders were extremely anxious.

"Why hasn't the general come out yet? The situation is now settled and there are many matters that need his decision."

"How can this be so? How can this be so?"

"If the general has three strengths and two weaknesses, what should he do?"

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense."

Although they looked anxious, none of them had the courage to go into the cave to take a look.

The general's life is precious, but his own life is even more valuable.

While everyone was having different thoughts and confused thoughts, the cave suddenly began to spit out evil energy. All the monsters retreated one after another as if they were facing a powerful enemy. A few elite soldiers were attacked by the slightly black wind because they retreated too slowly. , turned into skin and bones in an instant, black energy floated out of the seven orifices, blending into the evil spirit.

Seeing this situation, all the monsters were shocked.

"What on earth did the general do inside?"

Then, countless black cracks climbed up along the entrance of the cave. In an instant, the outer bark of the towering tree became like a fishing net, making people's skin crawl.

What followed was a scene that all the monsters in the forest would never forget.

The sacred tree, whose crown could be seen from the edge of the forest, shattered into pieces in an instant, turning into dust and scattered between the sky and the earth, and a green rain fell.

This rain seemed to be to welcome the creature that was born from it, a harpy bone demon composed of black and gray bones.

Its huge wings flap like clouds hanging from the sky, its mouth spits out billowing evil energy, and its two giant claws are wrapped with the light of magic.

As soon as it appeared, it grabbed countless green light blades and shot them towards the ground.

Boom boom boom!

The blades wielded by the giant monster with its sharp claws were each one foot long. When they fell on the ground, they could instantly cut a house into two pieces, causing many wooden palaces to collapse instantly.

There are monsters trying to resist those light blades, but they are not a single enemy at all. It is good to be able to protect themselves from them.

Facing the world-destroying bone demon, the elders of the Yangli tribe suddenly changed their mentality.

The strength of that monster is much higher than that of Yang Moding, the original clan leader, and no one among the monster clan can stop it. If it is allowed to wreak havoc here, everything the clan has built will be destroyed.

So at this moment, he desperately hoped that the general was still alive.

The only one in the entire sacred forest who can deal with this giant monster is that one.

"Hey, you are so flustered, what a shame."

A voice that he missed so much came from the smoke, and then Li Rui's figure appeared in front of the monsters.

"You Yangli clan are not offering sacrifices to any sacred tree. This is pure breeding Gu."

He walked up to the monsters and said, "In a few years, the evil spirit will be connected to the heart of the tree. By then, you will get a moving super sacred tree. The first thing it will do is to kill you all." Kill it."

Li Rui was really speechless. These monsters seemed to know nothing about using evil energy to raise powerful ghosts. The resentment of the dead monsters was so strong that it almost crystallized inside.

It can only be said that the sacred tree does protect this forest. If the heart of the tree itself had not given birth to the crystal to absorb the evil spirit, countless evil ghosts would have rushed out from the ground and slaughtered the place, turning the forest into a ghost forest.

But the crystal itself has reached its end and will break into pieces in a short time, unable to control its evil aura.

Li Rui's early arrival ended the process of erosion of the sacred tree, allowing the evil spirit to be forcibly released and gathered into a giant skeleton monster.

He judged that this monster alone would have to be dealt with with a big move. If it was the worst-case scenario, he probably wouldn't be able to deal with it.

He looked at the crazy giant monster in the sky and quickly judged that he had to use strong methods and could no longer hold back his strength.

That thing is a combination of evil spirits and demon bones. It has two attributes. It has a tough body and powerful spells, so you must be careful.

So he thought about it and fired eight thunderbolts directly into the open space.

Seeing his actions, the other demon clans were shocked.

Is the general scared out of his wits? !

They didn't know about the powerful talent of being scarred by battles. They thought they found that the monster was too strong and there was nothing they could do about it, so they could only rage with impotence.

Of course Li Rui didn't care what they thought. Anyway, he had increased the battle-scarred bonus to nearly 100%, and at the same time stuffed various rare consumables into his mouth.

As the level of the secret realm increases, there are more tasks that directly give higher-quality props, and there are also many affordable and useful things like Dali Pills.

When the buffs were stacked up, he was ready to use the Dutian Thunder Fire Spell to kill it instantly.

The reason why he was so cautious was because he suspected that the monster had something good in it, but he was afraid that he would not be able to kill it instantly, but would frighten the opponent away and give the loot to others.

You know, although the godswood demon clan may not be able to defeat it, there are people from the Polar Alliance and the Western Kingdom on this giant island, and they have ways to deal with it.

So to be on the safe side, Li Rui decided to kill him instantly with one blow.

But when everything was ready, he suddenly discovered a problem. The giant monster flew too high, but Dutian Thunder Fire Curse was not good at speed, so it might be avoided.

"We have to find a way to lure it down."

Li Rui was thinking this in his mind, but when he turned his eyes, he happened to see a huge creature running this way. The high-ranking horse Hercules saw the movement and came to "escort" it immediately.

He immediately rushed to the opponent's feet and shouted: "Quick, throw me towards it."

Giant Hercules had long been accustomed to obeying orders. He stretched out his hand, grabbed Li Rui, and threw him out with a groan.

The skeleton giant is using its instinct to inflict killing on the earth. In the blink of an eye, the area near the Yangli tribe has been ignited with evil flames, and the chaos is still expanding.

But at this moment, it suddenly felt a burst of life approaching it. It turned its head and saw Li Rui flying towards it.

Then it made a pretty smart decision.

He rushed over to confront him head-on and strangled the man.

When Li Rui saw that this guy not only didn't run away, but came towards him, he was naturally overjoyed.

He formed two seals with one hand, and for the first time he activated the Dutian Thunder Fire Curse in the secret battlefield.


The flowing red thunder swept away like a tsunami. The giant skeleton monster was shocked when it was flying halfway. It flapped its wings and turned around to escape, but it was impossible to avoid it. After all, the distance between the two sides was only a few feet.

Next, the entire forest saw that the strange bird that had exuded a terrifying aura since its birth was burned to the ground in an even more terrifying aura.

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