Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 3 Is unlucky a punishment?

Early the next morning, as soon as Li Rui opened his eyes, he immediately put his left hand in front of his eyes, and saw that the engraving was basically formed, the largest level number was a blurry 1, and the secret realm and countdown below were still unclear.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and got up to wash. When he picked up the toothpaste, he felt a dangerous smell from the cap, so he lit the thing with a lighter and melted it, and the danger disappeared. Maybe the thing would have slipped from his hand and hit it The edge of the sink bounced into his mouth and down the windpipe.

Of course, this kind of trivial matter is already a daily routine for him, so it's not worth mentioning.

While eating breakfast, Li Rui turned on the second-hand TV he had found in a repair shop, and listened to the morning news. The world was the same as usual, as if nothing had changed, but for him, change was coming.

buzz buzz --

The phone vibrated.

Li Rui picked up the thing with a jolt.

"Come down, Xiao Rui, I'll wait for you downstairs." Wusun's voice came from the phone.


When Li Rui hung up the phone, he always felt that the guy's tone of voice was different, as if he was a little cautious.

The two of them didn't talk much in the car, they just turned around and came to an old office building in the old town of Huangliang City.

Guotong Building.

The paint on the signboard is a bit peeling off, and the cement wall that should have been light gray is covered with creepers, and an old man in uniform sits in the guard box, holding a tea mug in a daze.

This scene conformed to all Li Rui's imagination of an agency.

"follow me."

Wu Sun led him around the lifting pole in the parking lot, walked to a small elevator at the back of the building, swiped it with his fingerprint, and then pressed the top ten floors.

"There are fifteen floors in this building. Only agents from the Ability Department can enter the upper floors. Your aptitude is very good, and you should come here often in the future."

Li Rui was noncommittal, but he was thinking in his heart that I haven't agreed to join the gang yet.


When the elevator arrived, the metal doors had just retreated from both sides, when there was a sound of knocking and knocking.

"Who~ sent you to my side~"

"It's that~the round bright moon~"

Tianzhu girl.

DJ version.

The imagination just now was all shattered.

"Brother Wu, do you have an organization in this ability department?" Li Rui backed off a little.

Wu Sun blushed: "You, you sit at the front desk first."

Li Rui sat down at the front desk where there was no staff on duty, only a cup of steaming green tea and waited for a while, the music stopped, and Wu Sun and a thin, wretched bald man came over.

"Xiao Li, right? Hello, I'm Xiao Wu's team leader, and my name is Wang Ba."

"Hi bro."

Li Rui felt that the name was taken hastily.

Wang Ba was also taken aback by this strange title, but when they met for the first time, he just laughed dryly twice, and then said: "This is your first time here, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the situation first, and then you will arrive at the meeting that cost half a million yuan to decorate. In the living room, let’s start with the high-quality stereo set worth 200,000.”


Li Rui felt even more unreliable, so he asked again: "Brother Ba, are you really well-organized?"

Wang Ba raised his brows: "Oh! How do you know that the registered capital of 50 million, Bai Lihui, which is a local firm in name, is an organization controlled by the Department of Ability?"

"So what's going on?"

Li Rui instinctively suspected that this was a fraudulent organization, but when he remembered the certificate Wu Sun had shown, he felt very confused.

"Hahaha, as I said, we are an organization under the name of the Ability Department, but some of them belong to other forces in the extraordinary world. Take a stand."

"But we are definitely a serious official identity, and most of the time the authority is higher than that of the public security system. You don't have to doubt this."

Li Rui didn't doubt it at first, mainly because Brother Ba's debut was a little too unreliable, so he couldn't help but waver.

"Brother Ba, no, team leader, why don't you go to the support team to show him the engraving." Wusun said.

"That makes sense. You go out to the field. I'll personally take Xiao Li to the support team where any instrument is worth hundreds of thousands. As for the organizational background, let's introduce it after finishing the business."


Li Rui followed Brother Ba through the corridor, and went up to the twelfth floor through the emergency exit, and then saw a laboratory that was completely different from the one below, with clear windows and automated equipment.

"Group leader Wen, this is a newcomer found according to the prophecy, let's have a physical examination."

Wang Ba's voice summoned a short-haired woman with fair skin, beautiful skin, and tenderness who was no more than thirty years old from various devices.

"Li Rui? Hello, my name is Wen Yan."

She smiled and dragged out a round stool with wheels at the bottom, "Sit down, I'll find a way to manifest your engraving first."

She spoke in a very gentle tone, as if afraid of frightening the new boy.

Li Rui's affection for this person increased a lot, mainly because he spoke politely, unlike Wusun who didn't eat well or Wang Ba who was a money fan, it had nothing to do with her good looks.

"Sister Yan, what should I do?"

"Just put your hands here."

Wen Yan tied his forearm with a rubber band for drawing blood, then took out three kinds of reagents in glass bottles from the drawer, dipped them in cotton swabs and applied them to the bruises on the back of his hands, and then Both hands grabbed the back of his hand.

Even through the plastic gloves, Li Rui still felt a burst of warmth, which was not the temperature that should belong to the human body.

After Wen Yan let go of his hand, the engraving on the back of Li Rui's hand became very clear.



[Novice space. ]

"Oh, it's only half an hour. It seems that we can only wait for the physical examination later. Let me explain to you the registration process of the secret realm." Wen Yan stroked the hair on her forehead.

Li Rui tilted his head: "Registration?"

"That's right, after all the engravings of secret agents appear, they will enter the novice space to register for the first time. There, you will meet the administrator of the secret game."

At this time, Wang Ba slid another swivel chair and squeezed over: "Let me tell you. Xiao Li, time is running out and there is no time to say more. You must remember that after entering the novice space, there is a puppet with a brain problem. It's the manager."

A look of resentment appeared on Brother Ba's face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "To that guy, you must be hypocritical, say good things falsely, flatter, no matter what he says, you must respect it, at least you must behave Very respectful."

Li Rui asked, "Why?"

"Because it is responsible for guiding everyone to register, can determine your initial talent and attributes, and has a crucial impact on the subsequent exploration of the secret realm, so the grandson is your uncle at this time."

Wang Ba's face revealed an even more resentful expression.

Li Rui asked, "Is it powerful?"

"Awesome?" Wang Ba said with a strange expression, "If you only talk about strength, it's just a pile of rubbish in a plastic trash can worth ten yuan, and you can clean it up."

"But the point is not whether you are powerful or not. Although it is responsible for introducing newcomers, it is actually a game administrator, GM, you young people should understand, right? It not only affects your initial attributes, but more importantly, it can also change your character. If you offend him, the difficulty of the dungeons you randomly draw in the future and the random events in the dungeons will be the hardest!"

He backed away with some apprehensive tactics: "In comparison, unlucky signing is the most terrifying punishment."

Li Ruile.

This kind of punishment seems to me to be equivalent to non-existent? Anyway, I was unlucky.

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