Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 323 Want to tell a fortune

"Chief Priest, stay here. We will return to the camp immediately after being summoned by our elders. There is no need to send you off again."

Li Rui was saying goodbye to Chief Wu Huan. The leader of the Wu Crow tribe couldn't believe at first that Fu Liu was dead and that the ghost city was no longer a threat.

It wasn't until the three of them showed some loot that could only be found in the ghost town that they finally sent someone to investigate.

However, at this time, the favorability of the Wucrow tribe had risen to worship. Obviously, the investigation was just to confirm that Wu Huan had believed in the ghost city.

Li Rui and others followed the command of the headquarters and followed the giant back to Kongji's camp without any further delay.

At this time, the fat commander had not rested yet. His tent had been upgraded to a wooden barracks, and the conditions were slightly better.

"Brother Kong, we are back." Li Rui walked into the room and said.

"I'm back."

Kong Ji looked at the three people who had just come in strangely, "Why did it take so long? It's already dark."

He asked about Xu Xiliang.

In his imagination, if the two people had not entered the ghost town when Xu rushed there and were recalled directly, they would have arrived long ago.

If you have already entered the city and plan to get through, you will have to wait at least a while before coming back.

It was still early or late, and he was a little curious about what was going on over there.

Li Rui knew him well enough to know what he would be surprised about, so he explained directly: "With Captain Xu's help, we quickly passed through the ghost town and solved the problem."

"The favorability of the Witch Crow Tribe is now worshiped. It is estimated that several other demon clan leaders will come to pay homage to the dock within three days. Brother Kong, please welcome them. I heard that the headquarters wants us to go there?"

Kong Ji was confused by his series of words and subconsciously answered the question first: "Ah, yes, yes, but there is no rush. You guys have a good night's rest. It won't be too late to go tomorrow."


Li Rui and Cheng Mingyue said goodbye, turned around and left the barracks.

At this time, Kong Ji came back to his senses and asked: "What did he mean by what he just said? You speed passed the ghost town? Lao Xu, you are so good."

Xu Xiliang laughed dryly: "I didn't help much."

He told Kong Ji what happened after he set off.


Kong Ji said, "It's actually a hard pass. I thought you just stole the boss and ran away. Then the speed was too fast."

Xu Xiliang smiled and said: "Yes, young people today are really amazing."

Kong Ji couldn't help but think.

He originally thought that in this secret battlefield, as the leader of the elite team numbered 001, he would try his best to play his role and lead his subordinates to achieve as many results as possible.

But now it looks like those team members are trying to take him, the deputy commander, away.

Others are playing a role in the battlefield with the Western Kingdom. They are still in the stalemate stage and cannot be discussed for the time being.

But Li Rui and Cheng Mingyue actually used two days to speed through a large-scale trophy production area, and also conquered the nearby tribes. This was definitely a great achievement.

On the other side, Guan Gui also discovered a hidden source of medium-sized trophies, and did it by himself, which was also a big achievement.

"Hey, interesting."

Kong Ji felt that he needed to change his battle plan.

Early the next morning, Li Rui and Cheng Mingyue got up early.

"Let's get ready to go."


The two planned to go and talk to Kong Ji and leave, but when they saw the latter, they heard him say:

"The plan has changed. Mingyue stayed to assist me. Li Rui, you and Lao Xu go to the headquarters together."

"Ah? Oh, okay." Li Rui agreed.

Cheng Mingyue said dissatisfied: "Why don't you let me go? I have long disliked those guys in the Western Kingdom and want to beat them up."

Kong Ji said: "The Polar Alliance in the south is also ready to make a move. I need you to stay behind and beat them up."

Although what he said was true, it was not all his considerations.

The Polar Alliance did seem to want to cause something, but more importantly, he felt that with the current strength of the two, sending only one was enough.

He himself is a strong attack professional, so it is best to keep a big support, so he made such an arrangement.

Boom, boom, boom.

The giant man ran wildly through the mountains, heading straight to the northwest, which was to the west of Wang Zezhou and where the Dragon Kingdom's headquarters was located.

There are wetlands and swamps all over Wangzezhou, but at the edge, the mountains and hills become more obvious.

Ape Erliang lay on the head of Giant Hercules, looking at the outside world curiously.

He grew up in the sacred forest and had never been out. He could only listen to elders who had traveled far away describe the world outside the forest. Now that he finally saw it with his own eyes, he was very excited.

"Sir! Sir! There is a plank road ahead!"

He suddenly jumped up on top of the giant ape's head.

Li Rui climbed onto the shoulders of Giant Hercules and looked into the distance. He saw a valley in front of him, and a stone stack could be vaguely seen running through it.

"Captain Xu, we're almost there."

He checked the map and knew that he could reach the headquarters camp by crossing the valley.

Giant Hercules was too big to walk on the plank road, so he had to climb over from above. However, his movements were agile and his speed was still very fast. Before long, the ape stood at the other end of the valley, ushering in several paths from different directions at the same time. murderous intent.

Li Rui had already anticipated this situation and quickly identified himself loudly.

"I am 0109, one of my own."

Soon, several figures appeared from the forest, but they did not completely lower their guard.

"take inspection."

The leader looked to be in his thirties and should be the person in charge of the secret sentry team.

Li Rui and Xu Xiliang hurried down, and a woman came forward, holding a fist-sized glass ball in her hand, which shone a faint light at the two of them.

"no problem."

The leading man shook hands with the two of them and explained: "Beware of the shapeshifter."

Li Rui estimated that the same was true. Some shapeshifters, like Cheng Mingyue, used their skills to assist in combat, but there were also some who were cunning and could transform into others to spy on intelligence.

The other people in the team secretly looked at Giant Hercules, feeling very envious.

They are all thinking about how to increase their favorability, and they all have exclusive mounts.

In the secret battlefield, it would be much more convenient to have a helper who can carry things. After all, not everything can be stored in the inventory.

After Li Rui inquired about the route, he continued to move forward. After about two or three kilometers, he finally saw a camp ahead, a small town to be precise.

There used to be a group of monsters here who were powerful and lived by plundering. After Cheng Wen led the team to kill them all, it not only improved the favorability of all tribes, but also gained a place to stay.

The buildings here are based on bright yellow. I don’t know how the inside was built. Anyway, the outside should be made of local materials, loess and mud, mixed with something and painted on, making it look very solid.

At first glance, the overall style is dominated by vaults, but it also has a structure similar to cornices, which looks weird.

Li Rui first found a place for Julishi to stay and asked him and Yuan Erliang to wait here, and then he and Xu Xiliang found Cheng Wen.

"You guys are quite fast. Hey, where is Mingyue? Why is Lao Xu here?"

Li Rui explained Kong Ji's changes to the plan, but Cheng Wen didn't say much.

"Okay then, Lao Xu, you go and report to Deputy Commander Ning."

"Yes." Xu Xiliang left.

Li Rui said: "What about me?"

"Let me take you to familiarize yourself with the situation here. Oh, I heard that you have contributed a lot. Is there anything you need?"

Li Rui said: "Hey, I really do have one. The prophet is here, right? I want to ask him to tell my fortune."

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