Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 336 I’m afraid I’m thinking too much about resurrection.


After hearing this bizarre story, Li Rui felt very speechless. Maybe he was used to the organizational strength of big countries, and he always felt that these guys were too casual.

But it's understandable, after all, they were running for their lives while being hunted by the Western Kingdom, so it was pretty good if they survived.

Li Rui asked: "Do you know who has the final say here?"

Kavina said: "You should know, I will take you there."

She led Li Rui past two high-level killers with complex expressions, then passed through a passage with undead soldiers standing on both sides, and entered an empty cave in the heart of the mountain.

"There seem to be a few tough-looking guys here, and I don't know who they are." Kavina whispered in his ear.

Li Rui glanced around and saw that the cave was still full of undead, all of them motionless, like lifeless statues. On a high platform in the center against the wall, there were several more hazy tall figures, surrounded by evil spirits. More intense.

But when he got here, he discovered that the evil spirit in this cave was somewhat different.

Normally, the undead are transformed by the souls of the dead, and they usually have resentment in their hearts, so they often give people a gloomy and cold feeling. But these undead are different, they are like living dead people.

Li Rui walked under the high platform and slipped Yuan Erliang out.

"Hey, hey, do you understand?"

After the monkey demon translated, a few people on the stage didn't react at all, but after hearing the language that could be communicated, they suddenly became excited.

"Thank you Fengshen, finally someone can understand!"


Li Rui felt that the three Redfield family members had tortured these dead souls very much. They were able to live in peace with the three living people. They probably wanted something, but they couldn't explain clearly because of the language barrier.

"Who are you?"

He first needs to find out the identity of the other party.

Among the dead souls on the stage, one of them floated down. He also looked like an armored general. His appearance was similar to the dead souls outside, except that his figure was taller and his armor was thicker.

"We are the powerful heavy-armored cavalry under the Wind King's tent. My name is Juye, who are you?"

He was condescending, and there were several weeping souls beside him. He looked very imposing, and it was easy for people to feel three points shorter than him unconsciously.

Li Rui just said lukewarmly: "I am the General of the Shenwood Forest, and my name is Li Rui."

"It turns out to be the General of the Godswood. That's disrespectful."

The ghost general named Kuno clapped his breastplate with one hand, perhaps as a courtesy similar to cupping his hands and fists.

He may not understand what the title of general means, but he knows what the sacred forest is, so he feels that this is a person with a relatively high status in Zhangye State.

Li Rui nodded and asked, "You said you were under the Wind King's tent, do you mean that you were soldiers of the Chief of the Wind Slave Court on the plateau during your lifetime?"

"Of course."

Juno replied proudly.

"Why did you become a wild ghost in the cave?"

"It was because of the rebellion of the traitors that King Qin and I were defeated and forced to go into exile. In order to avoid persecution, we entered this evil cave and encountered evil winds that blew our bones. Our body and soul were separated, and we are now like this." Junye replied.

Li Rui frowned, feeling that the ingredients of these ghosts might be complicated. If King Qin failed, wouldn't that mean that the other party's rebellion was successful? In other words, the leader the other party was loyal to was dead.

He asked: "What year and month did the thing you mentioned happen?"

"Ten years ago."

Jun Ye said bitterly, "I have been thinking about revenge every day, recording the rising and setting of the moon, and it has been ten years now."

Li Rui thought for a while and said: "Let me summarize, what you are saying is that ten years ago, someone rebelled and succeeded. You loyal ministers and generals became rebels. In order to avoid pursuit, you fled into some evil cave. , and then became a ghost?”

Kuno said: "Absolutely."

"Where is the Yin Feng Evil Cave?"

"At the other end of this place, we escaped into the cave. We didn't know that the strong wind in it contained evil spirits. We are all strong men worth one hundred, but we couldn't resist such evil ways. The soul was separated from the body, and Unable to bear the yang energy from the outside world, I was trapped here.”

Li Rui finally understood and asked, "So, when you see outsiders coming here, do you want something?"



"We want to regain our vitality and fight back to the royal court."

Li Rui almost made him laugh.

"Do you know how difficult it is to bring someone back to life?"

He was just giving face by saying this. Even Chongxu would not say that there was a way to resurrect human flesh and bones. Only a lunatic like Zuo Qiutian would find a way to resurrect the dead.

Jun Ye said: "I know, but my master died because of our unfavorable protection. If we can't kill the enemy with our own hands, we won't dare to die!"

After listening to Yuan Erliang's translation, Li Rui touched his chin, thought for a while and said, "What kind of divine heavy-armored assault cavalry you are, is it powerful?"

Junye said proudly: "Back then, under the king's tent, there were twelve heavy-armored cavalry, among which my hundred cavalry from the divine power department were the most powerful!"

Li Rui thought to himself that there were actually a hundred demon souls here. If they had deliberately killed them before, Kavina and others might not have survived.

He asked: "Since you know that resurrection from the dead is almost impossible, why don't you take action against us living people?"

They had previously co-existed peacefully with the three members of the Redfield family, but later they took action against him because they were mistaken for being the ones who were hunting Kavina and the others.

Junye said: "That woman has been kind to us, how can she harm her!"

Li Rui asked Kavina again and learned that it was because as time passed, the souls here gradually dissipated and became weaker and weaker. When they came, there happened to be a soldier who was about to be annihilated.

She happened to have a rare prop in her hand, which she brought out from a secret realm of the undead manor. It contained the power of evil, so in order to express her goodwill and avoid conflicts, she gave the thing to the other party to save the undead.

Li Rui felt that the ghosts in Juye were quite moral.

"Maybe we can win over him?" he pondered.

[Undead Heavy Armor Assault Rider Favorability: Neutral. ]


Li Rui turned his head and said to Jun Ye, "Can you show me Yin Feng and your corpses?"

Although Juno felt that there was little hope, it was rare for a living creature to come here in so many years, so he thought it would be better to give it a try, so he nodded and led the way.


Li Rui followed him, Kavina followed Li Rui, and the senior killer of the Redfield family followed Kavina. The group of people walked deeper into the cave and came to an even larger cave in the mountain.

In this space, there is a kind of luminous wind blowing, which is light blue. It looks pretty good, but when combined with the neatly lined up mummies, it looks a bit weird.

Li Rui asked in surprise: "Is this where your body and soul separated back then?"

"Yes." Juno replied, "Now we only have souls left. If we encounter evil winds, our souls will fly away and we will be trapped in the cave."

This group of undead souls are indeed different from normal ones, and they look weaker than before. They cannot resist the strong wind outside the cave, nor can they withstand the evil wind inside the cave.

He looked towards the direction where the wind was blowing, guessing that something was causing trouble there, and it was probably the loot here.

"You guys wait, I'll go in and take a look." He said.

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