Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 347 A single move affects the whole body

"There are quite a lot of people."

Li Rui stood on a hidden hill and used a telescope to observe the enemy's defense line in the distance. He has realized that the Western Kingdom's arrangement is to intercept and kill him.

The reason for such a big fight should be because of the death of Dylan Hager.

Even if the opponent is hit by the Polar Alliance Cursed Priest's skill, he is still a high-risk target after all. Being able to quietly assassinate and then leave shows that the person who did it is worthy of their large array to encircle and suppress him.

He had been leading the ghost riders in circles for a whole day, and found that the Western Kingdom's defense line was really like an iron barrel, making it difficult to break through.

Fortunately, he has a helper, Kuno, who was once the commander of the royal court's divine force.

This ghost was a fierce general in the Wind Slave Royal Court during his lifetime. He was good at judging the battlefield situation and could give reasonable opinions. Therefore, they could always avoid the areas with the most dense enemies and never encountered large-scale head-on conflicts.

"My benefactor, they are determined not to let us break through. In the current situation, it is not easy to break through forcefully."

Li Rui nodded: "Tell me, is it possible for us to flee north to Nuanyang Prefecture, and then go around to the east?"


Jun Ye immediately said: "Nanyang Prefecture is a barren desert with no grass growing and is very dangerous."

Li Rui had known this information before, and it was precisely because of this that none of the three major kingdoms were in a hurry to enter. He asked, just lucky enough to think that maybe Ju Ye, a local ghost, could come up with something better.

"Then we'll just have to wait."

"What are you waiting for?" Kuno asked.

"When the battle begins on the food and water front, the enemy will be in chaos and will have loopholes. At that time, it is best for us to seize the opportunity to break through."

Kauno asked: "How did you know there would be a fight?"

"I guessed it." Li Ruihun said without hesitation.

"." Juno remained silent. He did not agree but was polite and did not object.

Li Rui didn't actually guess. He just believed that Chen Cheng's prediction ability and the decision-making of the headquarters would definitely find a way to create a gap.

Cheng Wen rushed back to the Huangtucheng headquarters. The situation here was obviously more urgent.

"What's going on now?" He hurried into the combat command room, drank a glass of water that someone put on the table, and then immediately asked.

The bearded man lying on the sand table raised his head: "We failed to lock Roger Simon's position, but judging from the transfer, I speculate that he is likely to be on the front line."

"In addition, we have deduced that their current formation is basically to take the initiative to attack, and the purpose should be to force us back."

Cheng Wen said, "Where's the news about Li Rui?"

"No news."

"Chen Cheng doesn't count?"

"He has suffered a backlash and has been in a useless state these past few days."

The prophet who was listening in the audience rarely refuted. After all, it was not a glorious thing for him to be sensed by a berserker and then backlash.

Cheng Wen did not blame him and said, "Where is Kong Ji? He has gone to the Liangshui Pioneer Camp, right?"

"Yes, Commander Kong has handed over the acting command to me." The bearded man said.

Of course, now it is back to Cheng Wen's hands.

Not only her, but also several other people with No. 01 also stopped exploring the loot in Dongwang Zezhou. Although they did not rush back, they were all in a state of ready support.

The Western Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom brought most of their peak combat power to the front line. The direct reason was that someone assassinated a wounded man in the Cold Wind State. Normally, this battle would need a fuse, but Chen Bing from both sides There is an abnormal person on each border.

Guan Gui also didn't expect that he would cross the Liangshui River alone, and before he got very far, he would meet a person who even he couldn't tell the depth of.

He stopped and let the river flow behind him, while his eyes only stared ahead.

The person opposite has fair skin, short hair, slightly downward-slanted eyes, and a fleshy nose. Logically speaking, he should look a little dull, but this person just makes people feel fierce.

"Roger Simon?"

Guan Gui asked.

Even though it is a name, he still uses the transliteration of Longguo.

"The God of Death in Black." Simon grinned, but he did not switch languages.

The two looked at each other for six seconds, and a nest of crows on the tree nearby flew into the sky.

boom! !

When the smoke cleared, a large crater appeared on the ground.

Guan Gui's figure disappeared, replaced by four resurrected people wearing coir raincoats, and the evil aura on their bodies was visible to the naked eye.

Simon was holding a huge two-handed hammer in one hand. On his fair skin, bright red blood vessels protruded like flowing totems.

Both sides showed their core abilities right away. For strong men like them, they would die if they were not careful, so they did not dare to test with unimportant skills.




This one-inch-long small whistle made of bamboo by the Witch City Monster Clan is very loud. Three consecutive whistles are an emergency gathering order.

Dong Sanchuan stuffed the dry food into his mouth, jumped off the branch from which he looked out, and took a few quick steps towards the center of the camp.

"Brother Chuan, an unexpected incident occurred. Guan Gui and Simon encountered each other and started fighting."

Zhang Huju clenched his fists when he spoke. It seemed that as long as he was given an order, he would immediately rush out to provide support.

Dong Sanchuan is the actual person in charge here. In addition to the fifty Dragon Kingdom extraordinary beings, there are also two hundred monsters from the four tribes surrounding Witch City.

"According to the plan, except for those who stayed behind, the rest will go with me to get food and water."

As a person known for his stability, Dong Sanchuan had already made arrangements for emergencies, so he could get everyone to take action as soon as possible.

About half of the combat force was dispatched from the camp and went straight to the river bank upstream of Liangshui, where the peak showdown took place.

Dong Sanchuan led the way, holding a long sword with a simple shape. Although this thing is not a legend, it is a rare three-entry epic, and they are all useful offensive entries.

"Hurry up!"

Zhang Huju has very strong organizational skills. Specifically speaking, he has a very loud voice.

"Follow us all! Speed ​​up! As long as we kill Simon, everyone will take credit!"

Whether they are humans or monsters, they can use their merits in exchange for benefits.

The entire team moved forward quickly and in an orderly manner, and soon crossed nearly half the distance. However, at this moment, a long bamboo whistle sounded, causing all the monsters to stop.

"Prepare to meet the enemy."

Dong Sanchuan drew his long sword.

Needless to say, others also saw the scene ahead. Team after team of plateau monsters were waiting in formation. Their equipment was very sophisticated and the formations were neat. The row at the front held a large shield as high as one person. On the shield The silver pattern shines, which is an inscription that is enough to resist spells.

Before the charge could begin, someone from behind was heard shouting.


Whoosh whoosh!

Countless javelins rose in the air, dragging their tail flames and thrusting straight into them.

Those Wu clansmen who had not fought in a war for decades had never seen this scene before. Before they could react on what to do, they saw Dong Sanchuan facing the rain of javelins without retreating but advancing instead. He stepped forward and raised his sword to dodge.


A sharp sound blew through the air, and all the javelins were broken in mid-air and fell down feebly.


Zhang Huju roared angrily and followed closely behind.

boom! !

Before he arrived, Nan Jiumei threw a blast, directly blasting a gap into the plateau monsters lined up with shields.

Then, the four people from the small group fought their way out through the gap.

It was only then that the witchcraft of the demon clan on our side caught up, but the other side was also prepared. When the confrontation officially began, a meteorite fell from the sky, directly interrupting the Dragon Kingdom's charge.

A long-haired Westerner stood in the military formation, his hands burning with flames, and there were many human extraordinary beings beside him.


Dong Sanchuan's eyes locked on the other party, "I'll deal with him."

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