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Chapter 363 The content is too outrageous

The flowing thunder rushed out without much suspense, covering the wind and snow in the sky with an irresistible force of courage. The ice crystals dissipated wherever it went, and the strong wind gave way, heading straight for Feng Si.

All the monsters on the battlefield felt extremely fearful and even wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy. This was natural restraint.

At the same time, the human superhumans of the Polar Alliance were extremely shocked. It was the first time they saw Feng Si at a disadvantage in a head-on confrontation. The strongest among them were shocked and immediately used their own skills to help stop him.

The light and shadow kept crashing into the menacing red fire thunder from behind, and then disappeared into smoke.

Not to mention the enemy, even Li Rui himself did not expect that the skill could have such a strong effect, but it made sense. This was the strongest combination of skills between himself and Cheng Mingyue.

After the initial panic, Feng Si finally calmed down. He continued to exert his mental power and tried his best to maintain the ice storm to block the Dutian Thunder Fire Curse.

Finally, the last ray of ice wind was submerged in the sea of ​​fire, and the Dutian Thunder Fire Curse arrived in front of him. But at this time, two iron tower-like twin strong men rushed over, one on the left and one on the right, each raising a shield. Expand a light barrier.

Buzz! !

The thunder and fire spell suddenly dispersed when it hit the barrier, but it did not disappear immediately, but wanted to penetrate it.

However, this skill has been weakened by Ice Storm and many other skills. Although the barrier was burned and broken, it was unable to move forward and finally dissipated. .

Li Ruido took a look at the twins. They both looked like one-handed swords and shields. They seemed to be both powerful and acted as Feng Si's guards at this time.

The strongest young men on both sides stared at each other without moving.

The move just now failed to hurt Feng Si, but it attracted a large number of people to block it. Long Guo seized the opportunity and smashed the enemy's formation into pieces.

At this time, the Polar Alliance had to start to retreat as a whole.

The bearded man nodded to Li Rui, and before he could say anything more, he led the people and chased him forward. The area soon became empty.

"I heard that you went to Hanfeng State, why did you come up from below?"

Cheng Mingyue regained some of her strength and walked over from behind, asking questions as she walked.

"Then... it's a long story."

Li Rui's answer was very vague, and he fell back and closed his eyes as he spoke.

Cheng Mingyue quickly stepped forward to hug him and found that the guy had fallen asleep.

"No, brother, you should tell me before you sleep."

She raised her head, looked at the whole group of evil ghost riders without embarrassment, and laughed dryly, "Um, are you his friends?"

On the frontal battlefield west of Liangshui, the Dragon Kingdom has re-stationed to the north of the Central City, and has once again cautiously pushed southward.

Although they have only advanced a few dozen miles, according to the current situation, as long as they hold on to these dozens of miles, they can get at least a dozen more trophies, several of which are medium-sized.

Cheng Wen thought about the map for a long time, but still couldn't figure out a problem.

"Why on earth are they withdrawing their troops?"

He initially speculated that the pressure from the Southern Polar Alliance was too great, causing Ulysses to send troops back for reinforcements, but he soon discovered that he was wrong. The main force of the Western Kingdom stood in front of the Central City and never retreated. There was no counterattack organized.

Now that the war has just stopped, the situation is still relatively chaotic. It is useless to just think about it. You have to wait until the intelligence from all parties is gathered before you can restore the incident.

"Report, Commander Cheng, there is new news. Ulysses has withdrawn all strongholds A1 to A5 in the direction of Hantan Col in the west."


Cheng Wen was even more confused, "Why? I didn't plan to attack in the direction of Hantan'ao. Did someone attack there without authorization?"

In the second half of the sentence, he became serious. Regardless of victory or defeat, disobeying orders is a very serious problem. Even if he has made meritorious deeds, he must be criticized first.

But he soon learned that no one had been in that direction, and the Western Kingdom had withdrawn on its own.

"Don't rush in, it might be a trap."

Cheng Wen explained, "Li Jun, you lead a team of assassins to explore carefully and confirm the situation."


Just as the man named Li Jun took the order and left, Dong Sanchuan came from another direction.

"Commander Cheng, Guan Gui, no, there is no winner between 0107 and Simon. Both parties have escaped safely. Commander Kong asked me to report."


Cheng Wen nodded. He didn't expect to kill someone like Simon so easily. "Thank you for your hard work. Go and take a rest."

Dong Sanchuan nodded and left.

The nearby command levels were all sighing with emotion.

"They are really two animals. They have been fighting until now."

"It's estimated that that whole mountain forest will be razed to the ground."

"Fortunately, Guan Gui, otherwise there really wouldn't be any spare candidates to fight against that Simon."

People like Cheng Wen and Kong Ji are certainly capable, but they also have to deal with other top combat forces.

While everyone in the headquarters was marveling, someone else came to report the news.

"Battle report on the southeastern front! Battle report!"

The visitor was Duan Ling, who had become a full-time correspondent. He rushed over and shouted out of breath.

"Speak slowly, don't rush." ​​A deputy commander said.

However, Duan Ling seemed very excited, as if he couldn't wait a second, and said hurriedly: "Li Rui is back! We attacked the troops led by Feng Si from the south. The enemy has retreated, and we have captured Qiangjian Beach. "

As soon as this statement came out, the crowd became excited.

"We actually hit Qiangjian Beach?!"

"Why did Li Rui come out from the south?"

"You took advantage of the chaos to break out, right? Maybe the Polar Alliance helped a lot."

Cheng Wen was very excited. He had already thought that Li Rui would not be able to come out, but the good news came unexpectedly. He suppressed his emotions, grabbed Duan Ling's arm and asked, "Where is Li Rui?"

Duan Ling gasped and said, "I'm sleeping. It must have been several hours now."

"Okay, okay, sleep well."

Cheng Wen's face was full of smiles, "Then did he say how he broke out?"

Not only him, but others also gathered around the young man Duan Ling with great concern.

The Polar Alliance on the southeastern front was attacked and then defeated. There must have been losses. In addition, our own casualties were also very important.

Duan Ling finally regained his breath at this time, and he immediately replied: "Li Rui met three members of the Redfield family in Hanfeng State, and they explained the situation."

"They subdued nearly a hundred undead knights in the area close to the plateau in Cold Wind State. They were once one of the twelve elite assault riders of the Wind Slave Royal Court."

Everyone nodded frequently. If you want to kill them, you must have help. It would be good to bring back a few people from the Redfield family. The elite undead cavalry is an unexpected surprise.

"What next? What route did you take to bypass the enemy's siege?"

Duan Ling cleared his throat: "Well, he barely avoided many enemies, and he was able to break through all the obstacles."

"Huh? Just rely on this few manpower?"

However, Duan Ling didn't explain it, and he couldn't explain it either, and what was even more shocking was yet to come.

"He led the undead cavalry all the way to the Central City, defeated the enemy's base camp, chased the Blood Barber to the main army formation in the north, and killed him face to face. After returning to the Central City, he went all the way south and bypassed Bailidu, from The broken wetland passes through the lower reaches of Liangshui,

Then go north along the river, kill the cursed priest of the Polar Alliance, repel the Western Kingdom pursuers who catch up, and kill the flame controller Landry, then continue north to the southeast front battlefield, and cooperate with Cheng Mingyue to repel the Son of God of the Polar Alliance Vons. "

When he finished reading, no one around him said a word, mainly because the content was too outrageous and he had not yet digested it.

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