Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 370 Decades ago again

The demon clan village in the quagmire has very strict control over its clan members, especially the young demon clan. The village strictly prohibits them from going out at will. After all, there may be threats from evil spirits nearby at any time.

Because of this, Bayan's disappearance immediately aroused vigilance and worry among the villagers.

It was no secret that this guy was eager to experience actual combat. His elders had always been watching him closely before, but eventually things got rough. Their long-term peace of mind made them relax their vigilance. After all, one of them slipped away without him noticing.

At this time, of course, the demon clan in the village had to organize a search, and Hu Neng had to call for help. However, before he could organize, he suddenly saw another demon clan coming to report.

"Bayan is back."



"You came back alone?"

The demons breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be a false alarm.

The village chief asked quickly: "Where did the child go?"

The other party said he didn't know and could only bring the real owner back.

Bayan explained with a silly smile on his face: "Grandpa, village chief, I'm sleeping at home."

The woman who was probably a fucking female monster grabbed her ears and asked, "Did you run out? That's nonsense. I searched the whole house and didn't see you."

Bayangan smiled and said: "Well, I, I remembered wrongly, I was sleeping next to the swing in the village."

The mother and son apologized while arguing, and only left after getting the consent of the village chief.

The village chief smiled bitterly and said to Hu Neng: "It's ridiculous that the child is disobedient."

The latter nodded and had nothing to say. He was just thinking, now that the little demons are back, where are Yu Xin and the reinforcements?

At this time, another person came to report: "President Hu, Yu Xin is back, and there is someone beside him. It is said that he is from Group 01."

Hu Neng was overjoyed. He didn't expect that the reinforcements came from Group 01. They were all masters among masters, with top-level combat capabilities comparable to those of the higher-ups at the headquarters.

With such support, the follow-up will definitely be easier.

He felt that compared to the previous few days, today was going too smoothly.

"Village Chief, look, we have a new helper here. Let's go meet him first. He is a much more powerful person than me. With him here, he will definitely be able to help."

The village chief pondered for a moment, nodded and walked out with him.

They walked out of the core area of ​​the village and saw two figures standing outside waiting in the distance, each holding a pile of tattered flags in their hands.

Hu Neng rushed to them first: "Hello, sir, may I ask?"

Logically speaking, the rank of ordinary members of Group 01 is also very high. They are directly under the leadership of the headquarters and can be counted as half of the command level. There is no problem if he is called "sir".

But halfway through, he became confused because the person he saw was too young.

"Hello, President Hu."

Li Rui put the flag on the ground, "I am 0109, and my name is Li Rui."

The two shook hands, and before Hu Neng could ask questions about where they were going, what these flags were used for, and how they got them, he saw the head of Jianmao Village rushing over from the side. He spoke, without even looking at the others, and just squatted beside the broken flags on the ground.

"This is this"

Yu Xin said carelessly: "We went for a walk in the swamp and scattered all the ghosts. These flags are the evidence."

Only then did Hu Neng understand what they were used for.


His eyes flicked between the two faces in confusion, "How did you find your way into the swamp?"

Just as Yu Xin wanted to speak, he was pulled behind by Li Rui.

"get lost!"

"We were wandering around and accidentally took a sidetrack, and then we stumbled in."

Hu Neng was not a fool. Combined with the news that he had just discovered that the young demon clan was missing, he immediately understood.

He glared at Yu Xin angrily, but as this young man Li Rui was a real number 01, he couldn't say anything.

He looked at the flag on the ground, frowned and said, "Looking at the logo, it seems like it belongs to more than one tribe?"

"Yes, we lost our way for a long time. We accidentally cleared the place where more than a dozen undead gathered. As long as there were flags, we collected them all." Li Rui said without blushing and without a beating heart.

Don't mention that you're lost, okay?

Hu Neng was speechless, but soon realized something was wrong.

more than ten?

They took a team of more than a dozen people to finally clear one spot, and the two of them pulled out more than a dozen?

What a terrifying efficiency this is.

Hu Neng didn't understand it for a while, but at this time, the village chief spoke.

"You two, you guys, did you really fight into the swamp?"

Li Rui said: "Can it be fake? Could it be that I conjured this flag out of thin air?"

Of course the village chief also understood the real reason for Bayan's disappearance, but how could he care so much at this time.

He had identified each of those flags, and they indeed belonged to other villages. Sometimes the miasma spread, or ghosts invaded, and the entire village would move and it was normal for some flags to be left behind.

"Quick, strong man, please come in. Let's go inside and talk in detail."

The village chief's attitude suddenly became extremely attentive, and nothing came as fast as actual achievements.

Hu Neng saw that his favorability instantly turned into respect, and he suddenly felt that the headquarters was really wise and mighty. They sent such a powerful person over, and the entire progress was greatly accelerated.

After seeing the recaptured flags, Arrow Spear Village was excited. None of the outsiders who had been buried in the swamp had done the same thing in the past. It seemed that they could really counterattack the swamp this time.

Li Rui received warm hospitality and sat next to the village chief instead of Hu Neng, listening to him talk about how difficult it was for the monsters in the swampland.

"Village chief, you are suffering so much, why don't you move away?"

"Strong man, how can this be done? The holy places of all our tribes are inside, how can we move away easily? Over the years, some tribesmen have left, and I have never stopped them, but at least I can't leave."

Li Rui didn't ask further questions, just said: "Village chief, when will you send me a guide to guide you deep inside, I can clean everything inside for you."

"You said that miasma gradually develops and appears. It is not something that has existed forever. I think there should be a source. As long as the source is solved, the poisonous mist of miasma in the mire can disappear."

After hearing his inference, the village chief said: "It is true, but the source is not an object. Once, a towering python came ashore from the East China Sea. The monster was seriously injured at the time. The ancestors killed it and divided the meat between them. , but they all died overnight and turned into ghosts."

"Hey, I was just a young child at that time. I only remember being taken away. At that time, our tribes in the Mire Plains began to decline. Now there are only a dozen or so villages left."

Li Rui felt something was wrong as soon as he heard it.

"Isn't this what happened decades ago again?"

"Of course it was decades ago." The village chief said, "A strong man is really good at predicting things."

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