Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 374 The hole that matches the jade ball

The explorers of the Dragon Kingdom soon began to clean up the plain area.

They were roughly divided into two teams, one of which was the extraordinary ones led by Hu Neng. They went down the mountain from the south and cleaned up the undead along the outside to the west.

Li Rui, on the other hand, headed east. Naturally, he led the gang of powerful ghost riders from Juno.

"We only go outside, clear the enemy in a circle, and meet due north."

Hu Neng said, "You must be careful when moving to avoid attracting the undead on the inside. Once you find danger, retreat to the outside."

Everyone, including Li Rui, agreed and then started taking action.

"Be safe, I'll see you in the north." Hu Neng said.

"Okay, President Hu, you should also pay attention."

After Li Rui finished speaking, he called on Ju Ye to lead the team eastward.

Generally speaking, the Yin Qi demon is more powerful at night, but it doesn't matter to them, after all, this team of knights are also ghosts.

"You just charge into the formation, and leave it to me to deal with anything difficult to deal with."


The ghosts agreed and then mounted their horses.

In order not to alarm the ghosts in the ruins of other tribes in the distance, they did not shout to kill, but just sprinted forward in silence.

When they reached the plains, it was easier for the cavalry to perform. After one charge, the resentful souls crawling out of the old ruins were wiped out. Li Rui continued to use the Thunder Palm to continuously destroy the undead, and then quickly searched for the loot.

At this time, the powerful ghost knight will continue to move forward and rush towards the next target. When they finish charging, Li Rui will almost follow, and then repeat the previous steps.

This combination is extremely efficient. The only regret is that the output of sporadic loot here is not very good, which may be because the final loot is relatively generous.

When Li Rui and his group rushed all the way to the northern part of the outer circle, Hu Neng hadn't arrived yet, but the distance was not very far.

Li Rui turned west again and joined them.

Although he was actually only a short time faster than the others, it still surprised them. After all, there were many of them, they were all secret agents, and their functions were relatively complete.

Hu Neng gathered everyone and said: "The goal of the first stage has been completed, and it took less time than expected. Next, the inner circle will be closer to the place where the evil energy gathers. You must be more careful. Who has difficulty?"

One of the handsome young men said: "Sir, I am under too much pressure. One person cannot treat so many people."

Hu Neng glanced at him, hesitated to speak, and finally encouraged: "Xiao Wang, you are the only healer in our team, grit your teeth and hold on. Everyone else should also pay attention! Try not to get hurt, or find a way to use your own means of reply.”


"But boss, there's nothing we can do. The undead's attack methods are too flexible. Who would want to get hurt by a serious person?" Someone who was familiar with him said with a playful smile.

Hu Neng glared at him. Before he could speak, he heard Li Rui say, "I can also treat him. If anyone needs it, they can come to me."

Everyone burst into laughter, thinking that he was joking and didn't take it seriously.

No matter what, they couldn't believe that a person who was so outstanding in the field of attack would also have the ability to heal.

But now everyone has been treated by the young field doctor, and their bodies are in peak condition, so there is no way to verify it and they can only move on.

Sure enough, the closer to the huge snake bone in the center of the plain, the stronger the monster becomes. Sometimes the powerful ghost knight cannot disperse them in one round, and one more round trip is required.

Now there are more manpower to clean up the mess, and others have discovered that with the addition of such a powerful person as Li Rui, their pressure is actually less than in the outer circle.

Some of those who participated in the secret battlefield for the first time had a better understanding of the number 01.

During the process, Li Rui asked several times if anyone needed treatment, but no one answered. It was not until the end of the inner circle that someone finally appeared injured.

"This doesn't require much healing intensity," he muttered.

Hu Neng smiled and said, "That's because you bear most of the pressure."

Li Rui said, "Okay, let me do it."

The field doctor said: "Just leave this minor injury to me."

Normally, of course, this kind of thing would be solved by the serious therapeutic profession.

But Li Rui was questioned just now, and he had to show off. He jumped to the wounded man's side in two steps, and used the resurrecting peach mist to start cleaning the opponent's wounds.

"Brother Xiao Li, are you serious?" Hu Neng didn't even stop.

Seeing that his doubts were eliminated, Li Rui finally felt comfortable.

"It's a small skill, hahaha."

He waved his hand, "Go on."

Everyone was also amused. They didn't expect that such a powerful person would care about such a trivial matter.

After another not too fierce fight, everyone finally finished clearing the ruins outside. At this time, it was already dawn.

"Take a break for half an hour."

Hu Neng said, "Try to restore your physical and mental strength."

Even when it was time to rest, the atmosphere in the team became more serious than before, because everyone could see how terrifying the remains of the giant python not far away were.

After getting closer, the thing seemed even bigger.

A head is several stories high, and the body is hidden in a pool of evil energy, making it even harder to see clearly.

Li Rui stared at the skeleton carefully and felt that the evil spirit in it was somewhat familiar. Not only him, but also Juno and other ghost riders were looking at it curiously.

"If this thing is also related to the upper world, the strength of this boss will be a bit scary."

He thought to himself, and then suggested to Hu Neng: "We'd better divide the group into groups and spread out those who are not suitable for boss battles to avoid unnecessary losses."

Seeing that he had said this, Hu Neng was naturally more cautious and immediately arranged for people to be divided into groups.

In the end, four people, including Li Rui, were responsible for dealing with the bone snake, while the rest dealt with other possible threats, such as the undead driven by evil spirits.

In order to avoid inducing the evil spirit in advance, everyone kept some distance away from the giant python's skeleton. When they were ready, Hu Neng gave the order and the team began to charge from a distance.

As expected, after the yang energy of the stranger entered the area where the evil spirits gathered, changes began to occur. The deep pool formed by the evil spirits seemed to be boiling, and it immediately surged.

Countless resentful spirits flew out of the pool and soared around the skeletons in chaos. There were also submerged skeletons crawling out of the pool and rushing towards them howling.

"Stop them!"

Li Rui and Hu Neng said in unison, but one was giving the order to the ghost riders, and the other was saying it to other extraordinary beings.

Under the cover of other human ghosts, the four people scheduled to deal with the boss passed through the area with the most undead and skeletons, and headed straight to the center.

At the same time, the giant white-bone snake that had been dormant for a long time also reacted.


In a burst of sound, it raised its huge head, and golden flames ignited in its eyes.


A deafening roar echoed across the land.

Hu Neng and others felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. They could feel an unparalleled powerful momentum, and a fierce battle was about to break out.

But there was something different about Li Rui. His focus was not on the powerful aura of this giant white-bone python, but on the top of its head.

To be precise, it was a dark, narrow hole in the center of the skull. He found that the thing seemed to be about the same size as the Great Jade Ball Demon, Black Law.

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