Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 387 Three-party melee

Li Rui did not expect this kind of thing. It turns out that after completing the goal of revenge for the ghost knight, he would actually get a legendary skill.

It makes sense when you think about it. The difficulty of this event is no less than that of clearing a large trophy production area. After all, thousands of troops assassinate the enemy leader from it. This kind of thing is not something that can be done if you want to.

Now, even if he got new skills, he still had to face a problem, that is, he was still in the enemy camp, surrounded by countless monsters.

And the most important thing is that he was accompanied by his brothers when he came, but now he is an orphan. Except for Yuan Erliang, who is carrying a translator in his clothes, all the nearly a hundred ghost-riding men are gone.

Fortunately, Li Rui was very experienced in being an orphan. When he saw that the task was completed, he started running back without any hesitation.

Another good thing is that the demon army is also in chaos at this time.

Those who were a little closer had seen everything that had just happened, and their minds just felt blank. After all, King Suiye usurped the throne, integrated the royal court, produced armaments, and led the army down the mountain. This set of operations relied on thunderous means. , relying on the profound prestige.

Now Dinghaishenzhen is dead. The various tribes on the plateau that were originally fighting together may be fighting together again in a while. This will not allow them to have different opinions. Even if they don't turn against each other immediately, they must at least think about how to preserve their strength.

That foreigner is just like his god descending to earth. Whoever wants to stop him can stop him, but I won’t stop him anyway.

They all thought so, so when Li Rui rushed towards the back, he encountered little resistance.

At this time, he was still driving the Shenxiao Thunder Heart Sutra, and at the same time activated the newly acquired legendary skill Jin Ge Iron Horse.

The moment this skill was used, the divine thunder surrounding him began to change, converging into a golden image.

Li Rui's eyes widened.

"Is this... fighting spirit transformed into a horse?!"

The surrounding divine thunder turned into a horse, carrying him forward. Of course, this skill is not a fusion, it is just a manifestation. If you don't know the God's Thunder Heart Sutra, it will also show other states.

The Golden Horse and Iron Horse was originally a legendary skill, but it was accelerated by another legendary skill. Even though he was the only one, it seemed like there were thousands of troops.

Before the monster blocking the road in front of him could touch him, he was hit by a strong wind, which was the impact caused by accelerating to the extreme.

The combination of the two legendary skills allowed those monsters with lower cultivation levels to be pushed away directly, or even unable to get close at all. When a monster general blocked the way, Li Rui picked up the diamond umbrella. There was no need to use thunder to shake the ground, just simply Physical attacks will directly knock it into the ground.

He was running rampant, as if he was entering an uninhabited land, and no one among the thousands of monsters dared to stop him, so they had no choice but to let him walk away.

Ulysses expected that the rear would be violently attacked by the Dragon Kingdom, but what he did not expect was that huge changes occurred on the battlefield ahead.

The Broken Leaf King of the Wind Slave Royal Court is not a top powerhouse, but he is an extremely important mascot.

No matter how he calculated, he would never have expected that someone would come single-handedly to assassinate the demon clan.

After all, under normal circumstances, if too many people are used, they will be discovered in Howling Wind Mountain, and if there are few people, they will not be able to get close.

The veins on his forehead were twitching: "What the hell is going on!"

The communications personnel described the process of how Li Rui and the Ghost Riders fought their way out of Howling Wind Mountain and then ran away as if nothing was wrong.

He doesn't care anyway, these things have nothing to do with the Western Kingdom. It's really the demon clan of the Wind Slave Royal Court that can't stop him, and there's nothing that can be done about it.

Ulysses took a deep breath: "Immediately, contact that bullshit king of the monster clan and help him integrate the remaining troops."

The Bullshit King he was talking about was the number two figure in the royal court. His prestige was far from that of King Suiye, but he was still a big banner.

Today, the orthodox king is dead, so we can only introduce a backup plan.

"What about the front line?"

Ulysses replied with a cold face: "It's too late, I have to take action myself."

He had to do this. All the core masters he could draw were already in the battle, but they could only face a stalemate with the Dragon Kingdom and the Polar Alliance. The situation was still unclear for the time being. However, Li Rui left the demon army formation unscathed. Go and help out.

The evil ghost in the fog who was seriously underestimated before has the ability to change the balance of victory. If he doesn't go there in person, the situation may become very unfavorable.

After Ulysses made the decision on how to deal with the rear, he led another small team to the battlefield.

At the same time, Li Rui was on his way madly.

He climbed over the mountains alone, retreated from Howling Mountain to his own area as planned, and then ran all the way into the defensive node where Huo Huangzun was stationed.

"What's the situation now, where is Captain Huo?"

After he came in, he found that the place was a little empty, as if no one was there.

"Sir Huo has gone to support the front line."

One of the people who stayed behind replied, "The Polar Alliance troops were ambushing nearby and used some means to avoid detection and suddenly entered the battlefield."

"Over in the Western Kingdom, experts led by Hopkins and Roger Simon have all joined the battle. Seeing that the situation was not good, Commander Huo personally led the team to support Commander Cheng. He heard that the other two defense nodes Went too."

Li Rui asked, "What did the headquarters say?"

"There's no news yet, I guess I won't be able to make it in time."

Although Cheng Wen had already asked people to notify the rear for reinforcements, the news could not spread so quickly. The local commanders also had the power to make temporary decisions, and they had basically sent people to support them.

Li Rui was secretly speechless while pouring back the elixir.

Although they had expected in advance what the three parties would do with King Broken Leaf's advance, they did not expect that the Western Kingdom would be such a big bet.

From the intelligence point of view, the opponent should have transferred most of their top-level combat forces. This is a desperate stud. If they win, the early losses will be recovered. If they lose, they will just sit back.

Li Rui asked for the specific location of the battle, and then ran out again.

He has decided that since the commander-in-chief of the Western Kingdom named Ulysses likes gambling, he should give him a good cure for his gambling addiction.

On the frontal battlefield, Cheng Mingyue had already started paddling.

Although she is also an important target of the Dragon Kingdom, she is obviously not as good as Feng Si. The one who can compete with him should be Guan Gui, plus Li Rui, who has given them many surprises.

Therefore, after the Polar Alliance joined, the main firepower was not directed at her. Hopkins had to do his best just to deal with those ice storms.

But not long after, new variables also occurred. The barbarian named Roger Simon joined the battlefield. As soon as he appeared, he passed through the ice storm with his unreasonable strength and punched the opponent. On Fons body.

However, as a magic system, the latter also has a way to escape. What was hit was only an ice sculpture stand-in, and he himself was not damaged at all.

But in any case, Simon's appearance liberated most of the Western Kingdom's combat power. Hopkins was greatly inspired and once again targeted Cheng Mingyue.

If Huo Huangzun and others hadn't come to support her, she might have been defeated.

The three-party melee entered the most intense stage. The Western Kingdom sent the largest number of men and the strongest forces, taking most of the firepower of the other two parties.

However, the Polar Alliance and the Dragon Kingdom are not in peace, but there is relatively less intense confrontation.

At this time, Huo Huangzun had just blocked Hopkins' death beam with Cheng Mingyue's blessing, and said slightly out of breath: "How about we find an opportunity to retreat and let them go dog-eat-dog?"

"There's no rush. Let's hold on for a while and focus on defense. The key is not to let the people from the Western Kingdom go back. Li Rui is still assassinating King Suiye. I don't know if he succeeded."

Today's strategic goals have changed. With so many masters here, the headquarters will definitely take action. This is no longer as simple as forcing the Wind Slave Royal Court to change its route.

But Cheng Mingyue couldn't just sell Li Rui, so she had to bite the bullet and let the muddy waters here continue to muddy until Li Rui came back.

She didn't know it yet, but the person she wanted to cover had already arrived from behind and was about to arrive at the battlefield.

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