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Chapter 392 Erlian Dutian’s Great Thunder Fire Seal Curse

Li Rui returned to the state he was in nine seconds ago. After careful calculation, this was the moment when he had just used his endless energy to restore his mental power to full.

And judging from his position, he was back dozens of meters away, reaching the edge of the enemy's attack range.


Ben Lei Flash was in a ready state. He used teleportation to continue to get rid of the double storm, and came to the rear of Fons and Ulysses. During the pause, he also grabbed the handful of essence that fell from Simon. Money, which is used to unlock the final loot, can be stored in the inventory, but it is not bound and will be dropped after death.

As soon as he left his original position, the place where he stayed was cut into a fragmented wasteland.

The two hostile forces rushed to nothing like Simon. How could they give up? They immediately locked onto Li Rui's aura and controlled the double storm to pursue. However, the next moment, they discovered an even more terrifying situation, the red and gold thunder. Appeared again.

As long as Li Rui checks the timing of the retrospection and ensures that he reaches full status, he can use Dutian's Great Thunder and Fire Seal Spell twice in a row. This is his trump card, the second company of Dutian's Great Thunder and Fire Seal Spell. .

Above the sky, a deep pressure shrouded the two of them, and they finally understood what Simon had experienced just now.

However, in addition to feeling oppressed, they also felt a little confused and puzzled.

Can such a powerful skill be used twice in a row? ! How to fight then?

A golden light flashed in Feng Si's eyes, and he activated some kind of final back-up status skill. All the ice storms boiled up, and then rushed high into the sky.

Ulysses did not dare to be careless. He closed the dark blade and fired it again, arranged in three rows, connected with each other, and pointed directly at the sky.

When the two of them started to deal with it, the Great Thunder Fire Seal Curse came down, and struck the two extraordinary beings who were not from the Eastern Continent like a catastrophe.

The battlefield became quiet.

No one would continue fighting at this time, and they in turn retreated towards their respective positions.

Anyone with a little fighting literacy can see that after that magnificent fight is over, the winner will be known.

If Ulysses and Fons died under the thunder, then it goes without saying that the Dragon Kingdom can chase the other two sides beyond the border and drive them out of this area, with all the nearby loot under their control.

Not only that, when they can breathe a sigh of relief, the Polar Alliance will also give up the eastern front and turn to open fire on the western kingdom, because if Simon and Ulysses are both dead, there will be no leader there.

If Fons dies, it will also be a huge blow to the Polar Alliance. Their hard power is not stronger than any other side. If this all-round power point dies, their overall strength will be greatly damaged.

While others were retreating and watching, Li Rui had already dragged his tired body back to his own position. He didn't look back after using his skills. Anyway, he had done everything he could, and he didn't suffer much injuries, and he also killed Simon. By that time, the blood leech infestation had been cured.

Mental power can be slowly restored with spirit-restoring potions, but physical strength cannot be restored to normal in a short period of time.

The two consecutive Heavenly Thunder Fire Seal Curses and backtracking severely exhausted his physical strength and made it impossible for him to continue fighting.

"That's it for today, I'll leave the rest to you."

When Li Rui spoke, Dutian's Great Thunder Fire Seal Curse had ended.

Ulysses and Fons worked together to block the pressure of this skill, but they looked a little embarrassed.

The ice storm shrunk back into a snowball, but it was much darker and thinner than before. The dark blade was also scattered on the ground powerlessly, and could not even be recovered immediately in Ulysses' hand.

A skill that drains all Li Rui's mental energy requires two people to work together to resist it.

They had been fighting for a long time before, and they were not in full condition. After resisting this ultimate skill, they were also at the end of their strength.

What's somewhat funny is that neither of them was able to fight anymore, so when the skill ended, even though Li Rui was gone, the two did not continue to fight, but cautiously retreated, trying to distance themselves.

At this time, Huo Huangzun and others became more energetic. They immediately caught up and tried to expand the victory, but the priests and bishops of the Polar Alliance, as well as Hopkins and others from the Western Kingdom also began to block the cover.

"If we can't catch up, let's retreat."

The people in the Dragon Kingdom camp began to slow down the pace of the pursuit, and it seemed that it was about to end. Judging from the manpower allocation sent by the three parties, it was a bloody gain to achieve such a result.

The biggest loser today is the Western Kingdom. A large area occupied by them to the north was invaded by the Dragon Kingdom, and it cost Simon his life and caused him to leave before the harvest phase fully began.

The Polar Alliance did not reap any benefits, but it also suffered no losses. It was like working in vain, which is acceptable.

Just when all three parties were about to give up, a new change occurred. A large number of figures appeared in the east, rushing towards the battlefield.

Li Rui looked over there tiredly, and suddenly became happy.

Not many people came, only a few dozen in total, but there were two familiar faces among them, Dong Sanchuan and Guan Gui.

This was sent by the headquarters for rescue. They originally thought that Li Rui, Cheng Mingyue and others were trapped in this place and encountered an unfavorable situation, but after they saw the situation clearly, they discovered that this was not the case.


A group of people in good condition rushed to the west like wolves and tigers.

They had no time to catch up with Li Rui and had to continue to expand their results.

At this time, heavy footsteps came from the direction of the visitor, and the giant Hercules ran over.

Li Rui climbed up with Cheng Mingyue, who had been treated by the medical team for most of his injuries but was still unconscious, and then returned to Huangtucheng together.

Guan Gui and the others will naturally take over the follow-up work here. One of them is exhausted, the other is seriously injured, and both need to recuperate.

And for Li Rui, the more important issue is whether he has enough money.

Squatting in the giant Hercules' backpack, he counted the gold coins that Simon had just exploded. There were more than forty gold coins. He was only a little bit close to reaching eighty-one, but now he has reached it in one step, and even exceeded the quota.

In other words, his most important task next is to enter Nuanyang State and directly open the most important treasure in this secret battlefield.

According to past situations, the progress of the three parties in gathering the conditions to open the door should be about the same, but this time it is obviously different. After unlocking new skills, Li Rui has power beyond the peak. This is not normal.

In any case, he must return to the headquarters now and ask Kong Ji and Cheng Wen about their next movements. If possible, after he recovers, he wants to enter Nuanyang Prefecture immediately.

He turned his head and glanced at Cheng Mingyue, who was leaning next to him, and found that her frown was trembling, as if she was about to wake up.

"Sister Yue?"

Li Rui asked.

"What is this place? We've been captured?"

Cheng Mingyue opened her eyes and saw the circle of bamboo strips in the basket in a daze, thinking it was some kind of cage.

Li Rui replied: "No, we are returning to Loess City."

Cheng Mingyue's eyes were a little dull. She stared at him for a long time, and finally recalled what happened before she fell into coma.

"Oh, oh, where's Simon?!"

She thought stupidly for a while, and then asked immediately.

"Dead." Li Rui replied.

"How did you die?"

"I beat him to death."


Cheng Mingyue narrowed her eyes. She instinctively chose to believe it, but she found it incredible.

The three armies killed Simon in front of the formation. Guan Gui couldn't do it without assistance, right?

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