Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 399 The treasure has appeared

Song Yuanhua felt a little headache.

He forgot one thing. These monsters on the island were isolated from the world and couldn't speak the same language as him.

"It's really strange that Mr. Zuo didn't think of it."

When he saw the demon clan living in the sacred forest, he originally wanted to chop off a few heads to scare the natives, but the other party's enthusiasm made him a little embarrassed to do it.

What made him like it even more was that despite the language barrier, the demon clan entertained him warmly and even brought out several jars of good wine.

The unexpected wine that the monkey buried under the tree made him unable to bear it.

So he got drunk in the forest for two days. If he hadn't been on a mission, it might have been longer than that.

Now, after giving himself two hard slaps, he finally gritted his teeth and left the royal court where the Yangli tribe once lived, carrying a big gourd in his hand, which contained the spirits of the demon tribe.

If he could speak fluently, he would definitely ask the monsters in the forest if they had any enemies. If so, he would help them chop off their enemies' heads.

Song Yuanhua had a map in his hand. This thing was found in the demon clan settlement in the central area, and the demon clan generously gave it to him.

"This island is quite big. Where should I go to find that precious treasure?"

"God's calculations say that when you encounter water, you go backwards. It should be this big river. I have to go against it to find the source."

Although he has not yet seen the only large river on the island, he already has a rough idea, because if you follow that river upstream, you will reach the southwest of Nuanyang Prefecture.

Song Yuanhua did not choose to use escape skills to rush on his way, but planned to leave the forest.

He looked at the map and determined the route. As soon as he went out, he saw a mountain with demonic characters on the side, but he couldn't understand it. Those words meant: Yangfeng Mountain.

No matter what he thought before, Zhu Wen now believes in those outsiders who spend a lot of money.

Li Rui stood alone among the corpses of more than a hundred sand thieves. There were less than two dozen people alive nearby, and that was because he deliberately left a few for questioning.

If there were a hundred secret agents of the same level, he might be a little more wary, but the strength of these sand pirates was nothing to worry about.

Rushing among this group of monsters, using the speed of Shenxiao's Thunder Heart Sutra and the cunningness of Thunder Flash, he hardly received any damage. Even if he did, he could survive just by being covered in blood leeches.

"Come all over."

Li Rui called out in a casual tone, and all the surviving sand bandits crawled over and knelt down in front of him.

"It is said that there is an important treasure in Nuanyang State, which needs to be opened with fine money. Do you know?"

Yuan Erliang likes this part the most, because he can show off his power in front of the monsters who are far stronger than him.

Li Rui didn't expect to hear the answer from this group of monsters, but the result was unexpected.

These sand bandits, who were still arrogant just now, fell down one after another and kept crying.

"Grandpa, have mercy on me. Grandpa, have mercy on me. The treasure has been found, and it's in Liusha Gorge."

"Nowadays, the heroes in the desert, no, the bandits are all fighting for it by the gorge."

Li Rui's eyes widened: "Is everything you said true?"

Sand Pirates, who had just straightened up a little, was so frightened that he fell down again.

"Every word is true, but if there is any lie, discipline us and we will be buried under the quicksand."

"Grandpa Mingjian, we were driven to the periphery because we were not as powerful as those powerful people."

Li Rui waved to his companions and told them the situation.

Cheng Mingyue pushed Zhu Wen, who was secretly looking at Li Rui out of the corner of his eye: "Speak, are they true?"

The old three-legged demon was startled and said quickly: "The Quicksand Gorge is indeed deep in the desert. The terrain is steep and it gets its name because there are quicksands all around."

Li Rui nodded and turned to the group of sand bandits.

"How many accomplices do you have in the city?"

"Without grandpa, we will all be dispatched to plunder. How can we leave anyone in the city?"

Li Rui said: "Then you go into the city and bring all the hoarded belongings and water."

He is not afraid of these monsters taking the opportunity to escape. The strength gap between the two sides is too big. If you dare to run, you will die. I believe these sand bandits also know this.

After a while, boxes of dried bacon and water bags were carried out.

Contrary to the expectations of the sand pirates, Li Rui did not take away all of it. He only asked the giant Hercules to pack the portion consumed since departure, and left the rest to these sand pirates.

But the property cannot be hidden. Some of the trophies must be collected and those that cannot be used must be packed away.

"It's all yours from now on."

Li Rui also said something to Zhu Wen who was flattered.

"Now, you can get out."

A few sand bandits could hardly believe their ears. With their habits, any traveler who fell into their hands would die no matter what.

Li Rui was not out of kindness, but just because these monster clans told him what he wanted to know. He thought this was enough to exchange for their lives. A few sand pirates alone would not be able to make a difference anyway.

After the sand was stolen, he said to Zhuwen: "Is Liusha Gorge far from here?"

The old three-legged demon's shoulders shook, and he didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, and said quickly: "According to our previous speed, if nothing happens, it will take two and a half days as fast as possible, and it's hard to say how slow it will be."

"Then leave quickly."

Li Rui greeted and asked everyone to continue on their way.

Cheng Mingyue stretched and said, "The supply problem should be solved now, and we don't have to dig for mice in the sand to eat."

"Why?" Li Rui asked.

"Didn't you hear what they said? A lot of sand bandits are gathering in that canyon. It's not enough for us to rob them." Cheng Mingyue naturally proposed the strategy of supporting war with war.

Li Ruihehezhile: "It makes sense."

Zhu Wen secretly looked at them from the side. Although he couldn't understand what they were saying, the two people's expressions and tone were very relaxed, and it was obvious that they didn't take what they just heard seriously.

Thinking of those ferocious sand pirates, his heart started to beat loudly. Those who could survive in the completely deserted Nuanyang State were not ordinary people. They were only stronger than the group of monsters just now.

But he remembered Li Rui's promise just now and immediately calmed down.

With such strong protection, what is there to fear? At the very least, the situation is much better than previously expected.

After this night, the old three-legged demon shouldered his responsibilities even more wholeheartedly. He had seen the situation clearly and understood that his own safety and that of these distinguished guests from afar were one.

In the end, what Zhuwen expected was not only their strength, but also the speed of Giant Hercules.

After adapting to the terrain of the desert and mastering a more labor-saving method of movement on the sand, he was faster than before. The expected journey of more than two days was completed in just two days.

This was despite encountering two more groups of sand bandits on the way.

Of course, for ordinary people, encountering people blocking their way is unfortunate, but for Li Rui and others, it is purely a mobile supply station.

Thanks to the generous gifts of these sand pirates, they were not short of food and water along the way, and they arrived at the Quicksand Grand Canyon safely.

Standing on the high hill, Li Rui looked at the temporary camps opposite.

"So lively?"

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