Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 411 You and that boy are in the same group

Li Rui and Cheng Mingyue were already on their way home together. Although both of them were exhausted after the battle, they still safely left the encirclement of the monsters who wanted to get involved in the palace, because when they walked out of the palace gate alive, the original The magnificent building that did not exist in the desert instantly turned into clouds and mist, drifting in all directions.

Everyone knows that the legendary treasure was really taken away by these people.

The only thing these monsters were wrong about was that the legendary treasure was not a treasure, but a treasure house, and both Li Rui and Cheng Mingyue got it.

Wherever they went, the demon sand bandits all separated automatically, and they didn't even dare to block them on the road, for fear that if they accidentally offended them, they would even lose their lives.

Zhu Wen felt that this was the highlight of his demon life. He had never been looked at with admiration by so many demon tribesmen, although only the peripheral vision was given to him.

Li Rui asked Julishi to return as soon as possible. Anyway, the goal has been achieved. There are still many unexplored places in this desert. It will take a lot of time for them to travel alone. It is better to let other people from the Dragon Kingdom explore together. Efficient.

On the way back to Xiaozhu Village, Li Rui was resting with his eyes closed when he suddenly heard Zhu Wen's exclamation. He opened his eyes and jumped onto the shoulders of Giant Hercules to take a look. He saw a lake in the distance with a long lake. It is full of green plants and trees, like an emerald in the long yellow sand.

"Oasis? Where are we going?"

Zhu Wen said excitedly: "The original road! This is the original road!"

"Direction to Huangsha Ancient City?"


“We didn’t have this when we came here!”

Zhu Wen said in a trembling voice: "There used to be a place called Qingbei Lake a long time ago, just north of Huangsha Ancient City. Later, when the desert became more arid, it disappeared. It came back, everyone came back!"

Li Rui understood: "That palace is the reason why the desert is desolate."

He secretly thought that anything related to the upper realm is really powerful. Perhaps it had begun to absorb the essence of Nuanyang State many years ago, turning the place that could have supported many demon clans into a pure desert. Now that the palace has disappeared, naturally To return.

Giant Hercules ran towards the oasis with heavy steps. In such a short period of time, the oasis expanded by at least half a mile. If you calm down and look carefully, you can find that the wetlands and vegetation are growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

“What a miracle!!”

Zhu Wen was so excited that he rushed to the lake and picked up a handful of water, finally confirming that this was not an illusion.

Water droplets flowed down his old scale-covered face and returned to the clear lake.

"Let's go back first. We want to tell your people the good news."

Li Rui pressed his shoulder, and Zhu Wen was stunned for a few seconds, then boarded the Hercules again and prepared to continue on his way.

Li Rui glanced at Cheng Mingyue, who was sleeping in a bamboo basket. She actually never woke up when the old three-legged demon made such a big noise.

By the time they returned to Xiaozhu Village, it was already the third day. Thanks to Giant Hercules, both Li Rui and Cheng Mingyue had recovered their strength.

When Zhu Wen told what happened in the desert, the entire Tripod tribe was shocked. They sent many people to the outskirts of the desert to confirm, and found that the temperature had indeed dropped a lot, and many oases had recovered. It would not take long. It will return to its previous state of being barren but still able to support many lives.

These monsters warmly entertained Li Rui and others, and even asked them to keep many talents before letting them go.

But of course Li Rui couldn't waste time here. The secret battlefield lasted only two months and was coming to an end, so after he firmly declined the offer, he left Xiaozhu Village with Cheng Mingyue and the two monkey demons. The rest, For example, where these three-legged monsters should go is not his responsibility.

"Hey, the rewards are all gone in the end, and I suddenly feel no interest in other trophies."

Li Rui is of course in a good mood now. He has obtained a legendary + level weapon that he has never heard of before, and has the ability to attack NPCs in the world within three minutes. From now on, even the ten-star secret realm cannot pose any threat.

Cheng Mingyue smiled and said: "Don't be too happy. The Polar Alliance and the Western Kingdom are still here, and it won't be completely safe until then."

Li Rui snorted and said half-jokingly: "Let's go back and beat whoever dares to stop him."

While the two were chatting, a group of monsters suddenly appeared in front of them. Just when they were about to be on guard, a human ran out from behind the group and was Duan Ling, the full-time correspondent.

"Hey, why are you here?"

Li Rui instinctively felt something was wrong and jumped to the ground to ask.

Duan Ling said: "Something happened. I came here to inform you. Do you still remember the double swordsman with Zuo Qiutian in the tomb of the Peach Blossom Lady?"

"Remember, he came to this place?" Li Rui immediately guessed the possible situation.

If it wasn't an emergency like this, the command headquarters wouldn't have sent someone to look for him.

Duan Ling nodded and said: "Yes, that person landed in the south, Hopkins, and several high-risk targets were killed. But this is just what the Polar Alliance sent people to say. Before I set off, Kong The commander will go to the south alone to verify the situation."

Li Rui couldn't help but feel worried.

Only sending one person was of course to prepare for an ambush. To put it bluntly, even if it was the conspiracy of the Western Kingdom and the Polar Alliance, at most only one person would be lost.

He immediately informed Cheng Mingyue of the situation, and then asked Giant Hercules to hurry up and rush to Loess City immediately.

"Who are you and what is your relationship with Zuo Qoutian?"

Kong Ji stared coldly at the double swordsman standing in a pool of blood.

"Oh? I finally met someone I can talk to."

Song Yuanhua's expression was very relaxed, "How do you know Mr. Zuo? I understand, you and that boy are in the same camp, right?"

Kong Ji's psychological quality is still very good. Although he is wary, he does not panic.

"What boy, why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

Song Yuanhua shook his head: "Why bother? I could have let you live a little longer."

choke! !

His figure suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Kong Ji, and the two completed the duel again.

However, this time, Kong Ji was still at a disadvantage. He did not have the attributes, skills and equipment of a supermodel like Li Rui, so he could only stagger back, but Song Yuanhua caught up with him and fired the second blow.

From Kong Ji's point of view, the opponent's moves were nothing fancy, just straight-up slashes, clearly using a short sword, but with an aura of wide opening and closing.

To be fair, he couldn't catch the sword, so he directly used a consumable light mirror.

This legendary item has five charges, and there are two left. As long as it is used, it will definitely be able to withstand damage below level 70.


Song Yuan turned around and struck the mirror with two knives. He thought he could directly chop it into pieces, but found that the mirror was really extraordinary. It actually blocked his knives and used his own power to create a counter-shock. He was unable to continue the pursuit for a while.

At the same time, Kong Ji had already prepared his back-up move. Taking advantage of the moment when Mingguang Mirror blocked his opponent, he activated three status skills in one breath, and at the same time, he let the Zen staff and Jie Dao encircle each other, turning them into a flaming broadsword.

He did not choose the conventional strategy of testing first and then looking for an opportunity to kill. Instead, he directly studded.

There was nothing that could be done about it. The gap between the two sides was too big. If he tried one more move, he might die before he could even use his skills.

No matter what, he took advantage of the opportunity when Song Yuanhua was knocked off balance by the counter-shock, took two steps forward, crushed the ground with one foot, and then his burly body jumped into the air.

The burning sword seemed to tear off a red sun from the sky and slashed it at Song Yuanhua's head.


Even before it landed, the surrounding vegetation was ignited, turning the area into a sea of ​​​​fire.

Song Yuanhua had just recovered his posture at this time, and he could only directly receive Kong Ji's ultimate move.

However, the young double-swordsman didn't panic at all, and even nodded approvingly.

He took a half step back, and then took a step forward. It seemed that he had taken some strange simplified formation, and then he struck with the ordinary short knife in his hand.

boom! ! !

Everything around him suddenly shattered, as if it was the end of the world, but the area nine feet beside Song Yuanhua was calm.

The red sun that Kong Ji chopped down was easily resolved by him with one knife and dissipated on the wind blade.


He felt a chill in his heart.

From beginning to end, the double-swordsman didn't use any eye-catching moves, but ended the battle so simply.

Boom boom.

He took a few steps back and glanced to the north, his vision darkened.


Kong Ji suddenly sat up from the bed in the awakening room, glanced around, and took a few seconds to remember where he was.

He rubbed his face: "Too bad, I didn't send the news to Cheng Wen, there was a misunderstanding." (End of Chapter)

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