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Chapter 413 It’s all good news

"it's dark!"

Big Beard noticed the strange phenomenon in the distance at the observation point, and his heart became cold. "It's Commander Cheng's skill. If there is a situation, immediately activate backup plan No. 3. Go, go!"

The extraordinary beings and monsters concentrated in the south became more nervous and even began to implement traffic control. Only the special support team acting in accordance with the plan rushed to the scene of the incident as quickly as possible.

These people include Guan Gui, Dong Sanchuan's personal team, and even two other 01s, as well as hundreds of demons with relatively strong cultivation levels.

Since Cheng Wen's skills are relatively dynamic, they had a clear goal from the beginning and just needed to move forward at full speed.

This configuration is very high, even enough to support a medium-to-large battle in a secret battlefield, but under the threat of Song Yuanhua, now they just want to check the situation.

While these people were acting, Big Beard was also sitting in the headquarters mobilizing defensive forces. Under the premise of unknown situation, he must try his best to guard against sneak attacks from the Polar Alliance and the Western Kingdom.

Not long after, the group of people who went to check the situation had arrived about two or three miles away from the target location. They only needed to pass through a forest to reach the scene.

But at this moment, the vision summoned by Cheng Wen disappeared in mid-air.

"Be careful. Speed ​​up." Guan Gui said.

The vision disappeared, indicating that the battle was over, but now no one knew who won and who lost, or even who the opponent was.

If it is the rumored NPC in the world, then there is a lot of misfortune. If it is the conspiracy of the Polar Alliance, there may be a turning point.

Everyone quickened their pace and quickly passed through the woods ahead, and then they saw a scene that shocked and frightened them.

Many masters who came to check the situation fell on the red-stained ground, all without a sound. In the middle of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, there was a man wearing a bamboo hat and holding two swords. Cheng Wen was beside him, with his chest There was a knife stuck in it.

Things have gone horribly wrong.

Seeing this scene, even Guan Gui panicked for a moment, after all, this was their commander-in-chief.

However, those present were all veterans with strong fighting experience, and after just a moment, they began to face the enemy.

Song Yuanhua was about to say a few strange words, but suddenly he saw several gloomy sarcophagi rising from the ground, and an imposing young man rising up with a sword. The remaining people also had their own actions, and they should not be underestimated.


He laughed, turned around and retreated into a stream of light without saying anything.


One of the middle-aged men numbered 01 shouted and called on the others to chase him.

Cheng Wen didn't come alone to check on the scouts who had been killed. He also brought a group of powerful monsters and several extraordinary beings. The swordsman fought with one against many, and he fought for so long from the appearance of the vision to this time. It will definitely take a lot of effort and may even cause injuries. If you don't chase at this time, you will have no chance.

Moreover, judging from the reaction of the man running away immediately after meeting, we can also know that now is a good time to chase him. No matter what, if he can be killed first at this time, it will definitely be the best. As for the command level, , Number three figures were killed one after another. That can only be discussed later.

Song Yuanhua felt the momentum coming from behind and frowned slightly.

When facing those people from the Western Regions before, he was not too persistent, because he came to find the world's most important treasure. But when he saw these people from the Dragon Kingdom who were obviously oriental in appearance, the situation was different. He wanted to find that person. The man from outside the world made Zuo Qiutian suffer several losses, and then killed him.

Therefore, the battle between him and Cheng Wen lasted longer than normal, not because of lack of strength, but because he wanted to ask something from the other party. However, even though the man was seriously injured, he never said a word. explain.

In the end, Song Yuanhua took his life, but in the protracted battle, Cheng Wen kept killing people. In order to ensure that neither himself nor the other party died, he spent more effort, and his current condition is not good.

After chasing them for a while, he could see that the people who had just appeared were equally powerful. In order to avoid capsizing in the gutter, he planned to sneak away first and then wait for an opportunity.

So he turned around and slashed horizontally, and his energy fell from the sky, falling straight to the ground to form a curtain.

boom! !

A resurrection person summoned by Guan Gui hit the curtain and was instantly chopped into pieces.

He had to stop. At this time, Dong Sanchuan came from behind, raised his sword and struck out.

Choking, choking, choking!

What he used was a fast sword, and the curtain was also a barrier composed of thousands of swords. The two collided, making a frightening sound, but he finally split open the obstacle in front of him.

Song Yuanhua did not continue to escape, but just stood there, because after a short delay, he had allowed the flow of Qi to flow smoothly, and then used his escape technique.


The other chasing people took action to stop the swordsman who was sinking into the ground, and then the other party just disappeared with a smile, leaving a word.

"Wash your necks and wait for me. You will all die. Or, call that Li Rui to come see me. Maybe I can spare your lives."

Even though these people who are less than level 50 are the strongest among them at the same stage, none of them know how to escape, so they can only let him escape.

"Damn it." Zhang Huju cursed, "What is he looking for Li Rui for?"

"I don't know. It's better to go back and report quickly."

Looking at Cheng Wen who had regained consciousness, Kong Ji didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

At least, this guy was eliminated early, which made him look less embarrassed, but this also meant that the Dragon Kingdom lost its commander-in-chief in the secret battlefield.

Although the bearded man whose real name is Wang Sheng is the scheduled acting commander-in-chief, he is not the original one after all. Putting aside his vision for decision-making, Cheng Wen himself is a very powerful fighter. Without him, what will Long Kingdom face next? A more disadvantageous situation.

"You came out before I even had time to leave." The fat man said with a wry smile.

Since time flows at different speeds inside and outside the secret, even though there were two days between Kong Ji and Cheng Wen's exit, the former only woke up a few minutes earlier.

Cheng Wen shook his head: "That NPC came to see Li Rui."

"Hey, that kid offended Zuo Qiutian before, and he was hunted down even in the secret battlefield."

Kong Ji had no choice. The outside of the secret realm could not affect the secret realm in any way. Since they had been unexpectedly eliminated, they could not be of any help. "Let's go and report first."

Since the beginning of the secret battlefield, only half a day has passed outside. People who died due to various reasons have gradually awakened. As long as they are registered, they can go to rest first.

However, the situation of Kong Ji and Cheng Wen was unexpected and very urgent. They even directly recruited several senior officials of the Department of Supernatural Powers and Song Yao, the guidance counselor, and held a small meeting outside the awakening room. .

"What's going on?"

This old man who had made great achievements in the secret battlefield was very puzzled, "You two shouldn't have been eliminated early."

He even felt a little regretful that the two of them were forced to leave before they even got much loot, which could be said to be a great loss.

However, after Cheng Wen reported the reason, Song Yao understood that if the NPC from the world around Zuo Qiutian invaded, there would really be nothing he could do.

Kong Ji smacked his lips and said, "Both of us are fine. At worst, we can wait until next time to fight again. I'm just worried that even Lao Cheng has come out of the secret realm. There won't be any chaos, right?"

Song Yao said solemnly and firmly: "Don't worry, Wang Sheng is also capable. I personally think that his individual strength is just slightly inferior to Xiao Cheng's, and there should be no problem with his management ability."

Hearing what he said, the other two people relaxed a little. However, at this moment, another person walked out of the wake room.

"Ah, you are all here."

The bearded Wang Sheng scratched his head and said, "I was careless. I was attacked while surveying the terrain."


The hearts of everyone who had just let go were high again, but something even more exciting was yet to come. After a while, two more 01s woke up one after another.

"Damn, that idiot is so insidious."

"Mr. Song, there really is nothing we can do. He has escape skills. He can advance, attack, retreat or defend. We can't catch up or escape."

Song Yao glanced at the frustrated people and said with a smile: "Okay, now that it's like this, there's no point in beating your chest. You all can go and rest."

"Mr. Song, why aren't you in a hurry?"

"Why should I be anxious? There are still many capable young people inside. It's time for them to try to take responsibility."

Song Yao calmed down at this time, "Even if the result is not good, it's still an experience. I'll go talk to Minister Zhuo and let's break up."

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