Soul binding is a natural barrier that prevents the transfer of item ownership.

Once the secret agent transfers the data from the device to his engraving, the item will appear in the inventory, and the soul binding will be established at the same time. The logic is the same as getting new items in the instance.

At this moment, a list of equipment appeared in front of Li Rui's eyes. There were five pages in total. The lowest was excellent quality equipment, and the highest was epic. There was no whiteboard.

This kind of scene had an extremely strong psychological impact on his unlucky soul. If it wasn't for the last sliver of sanity left, he even wanted to hug everything.

There is no way, the quality of the items in his inventory is very low, except for a designated high-quality equipment in Guxuan Town, the rest depends on an administrator's coat to support the scene.

He didn't look at any of the excellent green and rare blue equipment in the equipment, and went straight to the epic.

He, Li Rui, has been unlucky since he was a child, and he is afraid of bad luck.

Now I have the opportunity to choose randomly, of course, I want to find the equipment that can only be drawn by the lucky ones.

However, the number of equipment in the city-level branch is limited. There are only a dozen epic-level pieces in total, and most of them are above level 20. Li Rui thought about it for a while, and felt something was wrong.

He couldn't put on two pieces of level 20 equipment. After thinking about it, he could choose two pieces anyway. It's better to choose one of the lower-level equipment for the early stage to reduce the probability of failure in customs clearance. The remaining one can be used for the high-level epic quality equipment. At the same level, the main focus is a future that can be expected.

After a while of browsing, he eventually found a ring of rare quality.

[Blue and silver lamp ring. ]

[Item level: 11. ]

[Quality: Rare]

[Attribute: Spirit +3]

[Special Effect: Thunder attribute damage +5%. ]

[Active skill - flashlight: emits a faint light. ]

Each person can wear up to four ring accessories. Generally, they have to be selected and combined with skills. For Li Rui, although these things are not worth strengthening, the thunder attribute damage and flashlight skills are effective for a long time, even if he upgrades to Level 30, as long as you don't find a more suitable substitute, this thing is useful, and the price is very high.

After choosing this one, he was a little hesitant about which epic item to choose.

At this time, Wang Ba reminded: "If it's really hard to choose, you can wait for a few days until the job transfer dungeon appears, and then choose the right one."

When Li Rui heard this, he immediately felt that it made sense.

"It still has to be you, Brother Ba. Then the question arises, when will the job transfer dungeon appear?"

"Usually within three days after level 10."

"Okay, then I'll listen to you, and come back when I change jobs, can you, Miss Yan?"

"Okay, just come and find me when the time comes."

Li Rui and Wang Ba left the support group.

"I have to go back to the senior university to take classes later. I will ask Xiao Wu to teach you about changing jobs." After Ba Ge said something, he ran away directly, as if there was nothing more important in the world than teaching old men and women to sing thing.

Li Rui dialed Wusun's phone number and asked when it would be convenient for him to ask him about job transfer, but he didn't expect the other party to answer the question.

"Wait, I'll move first, and I'll tell you when I move."

"Yo, Brother Wu, where did you move?"

"Your house is opposite. The president just called me urgently to come over. If you encounter an accident, there will be someone to take care of you."


Li Rui found that since he joined the Bai Li Club, his salary has been improving, and now he even has a special bodyguard.

He asked where the other party lived, and then took the initiative to go over to help move.

Unexpectedly, Wusun has very little luggage, only a few suitcases.

While helping him move his things into the car, Li Rui asked, "Brother Wu, I'm curious how the couple who lived across from me agreed to move out. That woman was swearing in the middle of the road, and even the police persuaded her to move out." Lord who doesn’t move, you shouldn’t tie people up, right?”

Wu Sun said coldly: "That's something you can do, we just paid double the price."


"Anyway, the organization is paying the money. Don't forget that those big families are our shareholders. In order to avoid trouble, they often use money to open the way. You will know later."

Li Rui helped him move his things into the house, and then took advantage of the situation and proposed to have dinner at home.

It doesn't matter if you mention it, it directly brought out Wusun's psychological shadow, and he couldn't help but think of the half bowl of tofu soup with baby vegetables that he ran to grab that night.

However, today is different from the past. Now Li Rui is rich. When he went out to the market, he bought a few hundred yuan worth of big fish and meat, and carried them home.

Uncle Niu, the guard, rarely saw him so extravagant, and asked if he was paid part-time.

When a table of dishes was served, the two talked about changing jobs while eating.

"First of all, you need to know that there are quite a lot of occupations in the global secret realm, and we can simply divide them in different ways."

"The first method is based on the region. First, there are neutral types of occupations, such as prophets, hunters, trap masters, etc., which are occupations that can be drawn by secret agents in any area. Non-neutral occupations have area Features, such as some exclusive occupations in our Eastern Continent, such as sword repair, monk, etc. "

Li Rui asked, "Are there any exclusive occupations in other regions?"

"For example, the Polar Alliance formed by those small countries in the north. Their exclusive occupation is demon hunter, um, demon hunter, yes." Wu Sun obviously didn't remember anything else, and he had no contact with secret agents outside the country at all.

Li Rui chuckled: "Okay, what else is there to classify?"

"There is also the division of labor. For example, the prophet belongs to the functional type, the trap master belongs to the auxiliary type, and the hunter belongs to the offensive type. Those are written in the internal textbooks, and can be divided into more detailed ones, such as the vanguard and offensive type. "

When Wu Sun talked about this, he seemed to be struggling, like a scumbag.

Li Rui stared at him, and asked with a half-smile, "Brother Wu, did you not do well in school?"

"You're talking nonsense!"

Wu Sun blushed, and seemed to disagree with this conclusion at all, and held back for a while before arguing, "I'm good at sports."


Li Rui said, "You have to change jobs in the secret realm, right? What do you need to do?"

"You don't need to do anything. After entering the secret realm, you will see an altar. Just sit and wait on it. Job transfer is just a procedure like novice registration. What job you get depends on your fate."

Wu Sun said, "However, occupations are generally related to past experiences. For example, Zhang Xiaoguang, that kid is really cowardly, just the opposite of you. He doesn't like to take the initiative, but likes to be passive, so he turned into a trap master."

"Wu Bing was originally a fortune-teller under the flyover. Group leader Wen has a Ph.D. in chemistry. He also minored in nursing and became an analyst. In your case, your skills and experience are basically based on strength. I guess you will get one." Combat profession."

Li Rui looked down at the engraving, smiled, and raised his hand to show Wusun.

[Ascension Temple]


Wu Shun also laughed: "Come on, this is the secret realm of job transfer."

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