Seeing the giant tree that suddenly rose from the ground and broke through the clouds, everyone couldn't calm down for a long time.

The root of this tree is the entire restricted area of ​​the Holy Inquisition High Court. If you stand at the foot of the giant tree, you can't even see what such a huge thing is.

Even though most of the people present had extraordinary powers, they still felt that this thing was too grand.

What's worse is that, judging from the current situation, the Polar Holy See seems to have somehow broken into the real world and joined forces with NPCs.

"Zhuo Feilong, we seem to be in trouble."

Director Liam's expression was not very good, "This thing, could it be the World Tree in the polar legend?"

"If you put it this way, it is understandable that the Holy See will join forces with them."

"You don't need to understand them at this time."

The two of them were at the front, and they were calm and composed when they spoke. However, the extraordinary people gathered behind could not be so calm.

Many people have turned pale when they see the giant tree growing, and those with weaker strength will feel a great sense of oppression just by facing it.

The black trunk of the big tree seemed to be the background of boundless hell, and the dark red and purple branches and leaves looked like blood-stained ghosts. Although the World Tree was called a bridge between the Kingdom of God, it looked very ominous.

"Minister, what should we do now?"

The consultants of the Department of Supernatural Powers are all individuals who can act independently, but at this time, they are really at a loss.

This kind of vision would be nothing if it were in a secret world, such as the Eight Hundred Miles Guiwei Ridge, or around Fengdu.

But the problem is that the incomprehensible scenery is in the real world. Under the giant tree is the highway, which is also connected to several nearby cities. This seems very weird.

They were whispering here, and the Pope of the Polar Regions, who had finished his eloquent speech, could not wait for a reply and could only ask: Have you thought about it? "

"Are you talking about the question of which divine realm we will board with you?" Liam asked.

The Pope nodded.

"Since Gulatshir has appeared in the world, the enlightenment in the holy scriptures will be fulfilled. We will eventually ascend to the Kingdom of God and bathe in the glory of the gods. Do you want to convert?"

Liam and Zhuo Feilong looked at each other and did not make a decision. After all, what the other party suddenly proposed was too mysterious.

However, both of them were no longer inexperienced young people, and they quickly raised key questions.

"What's the price?"

Let's not talk about what the Kingdom of God is. Anyway, it sounds like a good place in the legend. The other party will definitely not send out invitations for no reason, and even Zuo Qiutian and other world NPCs did not speak. It is obvious that this is within their plan.

The Pope did not answer directly, but said: "It is said in the holy scriptures that human bones and blood all come from the grace of the gods. If the gods need it, they will be given and then returned to the kingdom of God."

"After working on it for a long time, it's still the same as the Blood Evil School."

Zhuo Feilong had actually noticed a long time ago that wherever Zuo Qiutian appeared, there was basically a lot of bloodshed, and he would never engage in charity. There was no way he could ascend to the Kingdom of God and enjoy eternal bliss without giving anything.

Speaking of which, the scholar has never spoken so far.

"Mr. Zuo, can you clarify what exactly the Kingdom of God is?"

He thought that if the Pope was being mysterious, it would be better to find someone who understands to speak.

Zuo Qiutian smiled slightly: "I have heard about your extraterrestrial affairs. Should I call you, Minister Zhuo?"

"Whatever." Zhuo Feilong said.

"Oh, you and I met once in the Beizhenyuan of Shenxiao Palace, but now we never expected to see each other here today."

Zuo Qiutian walked forward slowly as he spoke. This move made the Dragon Kingdom advisors around him nervous, "If you ask about the Kingdom of God, it will naturally be the Upper Realm, Immortal Realm, Divine Realm, Heavenly Court, and Bixiao. All the rumors are the same."

"There are legends in the Western Regions that the sky is the realm of gods. In the North, it is said that there are giant trees connecting all realms and gods controlling all living beings. There is no need to say more in our Eastern Continent."

"Actually, no matter where you are, all you want is a paradise, and the paradise that only exists in rumors is the kingdom of God we want to go to."

Zhuo Feilong waved his hand, signaling the murderous consultants behind him to retreat, and asked: "Is the top of this tree the Kingdom of the Upper Realm?"

Zuo Qiutian smiled and shook his head: "We visited the Northland and contacted like-minded people, and finally found a seed on the snowfield. They called it the Seed of the World Tree in the Northland, and it was the thing behind us. "

"But now if we want to board the Kingdom of God, we still need some preparations."

He raised his right arm slightly, as if trying to shake hands.

"Prepare, you mean murder and sacrifice."

Zhuo Feilong asked again: "Are you so sure that you will be able to have fun in the upper realm?"


Zuo Qoutian was stunned for a moment, "How could you think that I want to open up the upper realm, not for my own selfish desires? As long as you join hands with Zuo, great things can happen."

The last word of his words was not spoken when he was interrupted by physics.

Zhuo Feilong and Art Liam, the two most powerful extraordinary beings from the east and west, attacked Zuo Qiutian on the left and right at the same time.

The moves of the two are not as flashy and explosive as the level 50 stage. Instead, they are quite restrained. Each of them only throws one punch and one kick. To others, it may even seem ordinary.

However, if you look at Zuo Qiutian's perspective, you can feel the overwhelming momentum.


The two attacked the boastful scholar from different directions, crushing him into a ball of plasma in an instant.

But it's obvious that this is just his method of reincarnation, and the real Zuo Qiutian is reshaping behind him.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, both Zhuo Feilong and Zhuo Feilong felt a little regretful.

They are not devout believers like the Holy See. They are responsible for the people in their respective countries. They are a group of people who sacrifice thousands of ordinary people at every turn, no matter what they want to do, it is impossible to agree.

Judging from the current situation, the World Tree still needs more nourishment, and this is what they will do next.

In other words, no matter what, the struggle between the real world and the secret world is either your death or my death. There is no room for peace. Anyway, it is unlikely that the two sides can convince each other.

As for whether Zuo Qiutian's purpose was for his own selfish desires, the two did not want to explore.

After they took action, the flames of war broke out instantly. The masters of the Department of Supernatural Power and the Bureau of Anomalies, as well as those from the Chaos Land who came to watch, all joined the battle.

The people on Zuo Qiutian's side will naturally also respond. They have officially intervened in this world, have also controlled the Holy Inquisition High Court, and united with the Polar Holy See. They need to establish their power in one battle, push back all these resistances, and then turn around. Implement your own plan.

Therefore, the battle was quite fierce from the beginning, causing no one to notice that two sneaky figures emerged from the ruins under the World Tree.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

As soon as Li Rui wiped the dust off his face, he caught a glimpse of the giant tree above his head.

He had been hiding well just now, but suddenly there was a violent earthquake, and even the house collapsed. Fortunately, he and Cheng Mingyue were both extraordinary people, so they were not afraid of these bricks and tiles at all, so they waited in the ruins for a while to make sure that no one was nearby. Finally climbed out.

"This tree looks a bit evil." Sensing the cold aura, Cheng Mingyue frowned subconsciously.

"This is something from the Blood Evil School."

As Li Rui spoke, he turned to look at the inextricable battlefield and said over his shoulder.

"Give me the buff."

"Are you going to join the war?" Cheng Mingyue was a little worried.

Now the battlefield is full of world NPCs and veteran consultants, and it is very dangerous to mix them up randomly.

Unexpectedly, Li Rui smiled slightly and shook his head.

"No, let's set fire to this tree while they weren't paying attention." (End of Chapter)

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