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Chapter 471 Barbarian Emperor

When the Barbarian Emperor appeared in Suolongjing, things became no longer suspense.

Some things suppressed by blood cannot be broken through by faith, will and strength.

When the Barbarian Emperor was away, they could boldly stop others from liberating him, but when the Barbarian Emperor appeared, they could no longer resist.

Li Rui stood on the ground and looked up at the real dragon. There was a faint golden light in the blue dragon scales, which was different from the golden light in his imagination.

The other party doesn't care about these "guests" coming from afar for the time being. He has to deal with housework first.


He swept away with his tail, and the ferocious beasts transformed by the power of blood evil were directly shattered into pieces. Their minds had been eroded and they could not be saved.

"Everyone get out."

With one word, the other ordinary barbarian beasts disappeared like a tide, and in an instant, only four barbarian kings were left here.

"Henan, where is your brother?"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, he died in battle at the hands of those humans!"

The Hesitant Lord's voice was trembling, but he was trying to think of a way to shift the focus.

Of course, this must be in vain.

The Barbarian Emperor True Dragon snorted coldly: "If you hadn't taken the initiative to attack, how could he have died? Which of the benefits Zuo Qiutian promised has been fulfilled?"

"Chen Wan is dead!"

The hesitant man lay on the ground, not daring to move.


The Barbarian Emperor raised a paw from the pool, slapped it hard on the ground, and four chains that were broken into two sections flew out, just in time to tie up the four barbarian emperors layer by layer.

"You are plotting to treason and usurp the throne. You have evil intentions and deserve to die. I will imprison you here first, and then you will be punished according to law."

His dragon claws slapped again, and the iron rope dragged several barbarians who did not dare to resist and fell to the bottom of the pool.

Then, with a roar, bursts of brilliance radiated from the Barbarian Emperor's true dragon body, and finally shrunk to human size.

A young man with black hair and black eyes, wearing a blue and gold-painted robe, appeared in front of everyone.

"Taoist Priest Chongxu, Liao refused to help me, I would be very grateful."

Chongxu scolded and shook his head slightly: "My disciple and several young heroes are working together. If Pindao is the only one, he will definitely not be the opponent of the four barbarians."

The Man Emperor raised his head, glanced at the others, and finally stopped at Li Rui.

"This righteous man, do you have something in you?"

Li Ruigan laughed: "Uh, um, Your Majesty, please forgive me. I killed all twelve of your soldiers."

Of course he knew what the other party was talking about, and what the Barbarian Emperor could feel must be Long Lei.

"Ha ha ha ha."

After hearing his words, Liao refused to be angry but smiled, "If you don't take action against those twelve rebellious people, I will cut them into pieces."

He put his hands behind his back and his tone turned cold: "Do you think that Zuo Qiutian, Henan and the others can restrain Gu in this pool? If I hadn't trusted my twelve cronies back then to separate the power of Long Lei, they How can it be possible!"

He paused and then said: "Where is Zuo Qoutian now?"

Chongxu looked at Li Rui, who replied: "Out of bounds."


The somewhat arrogant Barbarian Emperor was surprised, "Outside the realm? Is it the upper realm?"

"No, it's another place outside this world, but it's not the upper world." Chongxu said.


The Barbarian Emperor frowned with his sword-like brows filled with murderous intent, "The legend is actually true."

He thought in silence for a long time and asked: "Is it still the same outside now?"

"it's not true."

Chongxu replied, "Zuo Qoutian has gathered a group of strong men around him to do evil things. Even Mr. Cen from Jingyang Academy was brutally murdered. Although they are outside the world now, from what I understand, this world will not be immune sooner or later. .”

He obviously wanted to bring the Barbarian Emperor into the same camp. Li Rui was a little happy when he heard this, but he didn't say anything rashly. He didn't know the temperament of this real dragon and was afraid that he would make the other party unhappy if he said something wrong.

Liao Jie said bitterly: "That's natural. He came to me that day just to realize his plan, but I rejected him. I thought he was going to stop there, but I didn't expect that he would set an ambush for me secretly."

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his head: "Taoist Priest, do you know how to get out of the boundary? I must make him pay the price."

So strong!

Li Ruike was so happy, but immediately he saw Chongxu's eyes turning towards him again.

"To be honest, we don't know how he got there."

He coughed, "But I think that if there is the same difficulty here, it is better to contact the comrades from all over the world. Maybe there will be a way to figure out Zuo Qoutian's conspiracy."

"That makes sense. You young hero really understand right from wrong."

I didn't expect that the Barbarian Emperor was also a temperamental person, but it was normal to think about it. If he was the kind of sinister person who couldn't express his emotions and anger, how could he be plotted by several lower-ranking barbarian monarchs.

Li Rui smiled and said: "Your Majesty is flattering, but we and other people outside the world can't do anything about it. We can only trouble your Majesty and the Taoist priest."

The strongest man who holds the pot has no problem with rushing to the void. The Man Emperor even wants to settle accounts with Zuo Qiutian. Suddenly he has two more powerful reinforcements in the secret world. This matter is as important as obtaining the dragon thunder.

Before discussing specific matters, Chongxu asked: "Excuse me, can you tell at a glance what the purpose of Zuo Qiutian is?"

The Barbarian Emperor said calmly: "He, he wants to poke a hole in the sky so that the upper world and the mortal world can be connected."

"That's right, that's what he said when we were there," Cheng Mingyue said.

Chongxu had some questions: "Why do you do this?"

At this time, the Barbarian Emperor put away his previous anger and explained: "He thought that in this way there would be no more fighting and killing in the world, but I think he is farting."

Cheng Mingyue beeped in a low voice: "That's why he killed so many people?"

Li Rui asked: "Your Majesty, Taoist Priest, is his idea really reasonable?"

Chongxu shook his head and said, "I don't know very well. Maybe if you seek respect from the teacher, you will gain something."

Barbarian Emperor waved his sleeves: "That's right. I want to visit the palace master. Is it possible?"

Although he has the title of Emperor, Jinlin Daze is far inferior to Shenxiao Palace in terms of power, and he cannot put on airs.

Chongxu said: "It's all right. Li Shaoxia also wants to go to the palace to talk about it later. I will report it to Master as well."

"Then let's leave now."

The Man Emperor was impatient, "But you have to wait for half a day, and I will arrange the affairs here."

Li Ruiqian laughed: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid it won't work today."

He explained the identity of himself and others and the mechanism of the secret realm. The Barbarian Emperor complained with a downcast face: "It's so troublesome, so I'll go first and you can come back later."

Li Rui didn't care, and Chongxu didn't care even more. Now that things were complicated, he wanted to rush back to Shenxiao Palace immediately and ask his master what he should do.

Before leaving, Man Emperor said: "Wait a minute, Li Shaoxia, is this square jade talisman on your body the crystallization of the twelve rebellious dragon thunders?"

Li Rui looked down and nodded: "Yes."

"Show me."

Li Rui handed the thing out, and the Man Emperor stretched out his hand to take it, holding it in his hand. A burst of white light was transmitted along the dragon horns above his head to the palm of his hand.

"Hmph, their thunder method is not authentic."

You are quite arrogant!

Li Rui took the things back and saw changes on them.

[Given the Golden Scale White Dragon Amulet]

[Special Effect 4: The spell skill carrying dragon thunder has an advanced gravity effect. ]

There is one more entry, and it is also an advanced gravity.

This attribute is literally what it means. The skill will suck people in. Although it is not 100% able to pull people in, it can effectively delay the enemy's escape. If you don't want to be affected by gravity, you have to resist head-on.

Li Rui thanked him repeatedly, and Emperor Man said: "Since you are leaving now, I won't stay. But before you leave, please accept the gift of thanks. I will order you to get it."

Not only Li Rui, but Cheng Mingyue and Guan Gui were also a little surprised. The one who became the emperor was wealthy.

As a result, the rewards of this trip to the secret realm far exceeded expectations, not only those thunder generals, a large number of random events, but also world tasks to face the barbarian NPCs in the world.

Although we still don't know what the Barbarian Emperor will give us, the trio have all reached level 61 or above at this time, and Li Rui has directly reached level 64.

They counted the countdown to end and followed the Barbarian Emperor's entourage to the treasure house before the final time, and each received another piece of legendary equipment.

[Barbaric Grip. ]

[Item level: 63. ]

[Quality: Legend]

[Attribute: Physique +88. ]

[Special Effect 1: Physical damage increased by 30%. ]

[Special Effect 2: Ignore 10% of physical defense. ]

[Active skill - Savage War Cry: Critical hit rate increased by 40% within 5 minutes, cooling time 1 hour. ]

[Active skill - Linyuan Transformation: Defense increased by 80% within 5 minutes, cooling time 1 hour. ]

It turns out to be a dual-skill legend. With the reduction of the cooldown of the Golden Scale White Dragon Amulet, the one-hour cooldown is only over 30 minutes, which is still very easy to use.

After Li Rui got this equipment, only five of the fourteen grids on his body were epic, and the others were legendary or even stronger.

This kind of configuration basically only appears on people at level 70 or 80.

"The time is coming, we have to go back and finish the main line."

The three of them returned to the main entrance of the royal court together, which was the starting point of this secret realm.

However, as soon as they returned, the three of them were dumbfounded.

[Golden Scale Palace - The main entrance has a position error and will be closed soon. ]

[Leave the secret realm after 10 seconds. ](End of this chapter)

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