When the sky was torn open, Li Rui's ascension was canceled within a limited time.

The two realms are connected, and there is no such thing as ascending or not ascending.

But worse has emerged.

The gods from the upper world crossed the gap and entered the real world.

This marks that the matter of opening the sky was really accomplished by Zuo Qiutian. He opened a passage between the upper world and reality that can be traversed.

"Kill them."

Zuo Qoutian said hello, and someone immediately stepped forward to deal with the two Upper Realm people.

Back in the secret battlefield, when Li Ruigang obtained the Yin Yang Umbrella, he could kill the most common heavenly soldiers. Of course, the other strong men gathered here could also.

The two people from the upper realm just discovered this gap. After crossing it, they knew from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that this was the lower realm. They did not expect to encounter danger or even resistance.

Who knew the people from the lower world were so ruthless, and they would use their killing moves when they came up.

However, by the time they woke up, it was already too late. Those members of the Hidden Cult were aiming to kill them, directly piercing their hearts with thousands of arrows.

Zuo Qoutian said: "Now, it is meaningless for you to kill me. Why, do you want to join forces with me?"

Li Rui frowned: "How to close this crack."

"I do not know either."

Zuo Qiutian shook his head, "However, I would like to make a suggestion. If you are worried about this world, you might as well stay and protect it. We will change the way of heaven. When the world is unified, you can also benefit."

Li Rui stopped in front of him and sneered, "What if I don't?"

"Why don't you think about it more carefully?"

Zuo Qiutian pointed at the crack and said.

Looking in the direction of his finger, I saw more figures appearing in the cracks. Many heavenly soldiers and gods gathered behind the door and began to pour into the world here.


Li Rui once again beat Zuo Qoutian into a bloody foam, but he had no time to look for where he was reborn. Instead, he flew towards the people from the upper world who came out of the door.

Because just now the two god generals were instantly killed as soon as they showed up. Now, things are unclear.

Those heavenly soldiers and gods broke in and saw the corpses of their colleagues. They were furious and launched an attack directly.

A more intense battle started instantly.

Not every heavenly soldier is stronger than the masters of the Hidden Cult, but their numbers are huge and they are a complete army.

As natives of this world, Li Rui, Song Yao and others cannot ignore the wreaking havoc of these outsiders, and they must fight hard to stop them.

The good news, I don't know, is that the group of hidden sect members led by Zuo Qiutian didn't add insult to injury. They simply disappeared.

In a corner where no one could see, Zuo Qiutian summoned the most elite people in the Hidden Cult, gathered them together, then raised his hands, and blew out a stream of black smoke to cover everyone.

"This is the dragon thunder aura I collected in the Golden Scale Daze. It can shield your bodies."

He spoke calmly, as if everything was planned, "Follow me and sneak into the upper world to plot big things."

Odila clasped her hands and laughed: "Mr. Zuo is indeed amazing, us and you!"

Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped, because a red blood snake climbed up his neck, and two hermit followers appeared behind him, one on the left and one on the right, and hit two talismans on him.

Zuo Qiutian said calmly: "Do you think I don't know your plan? You have no interest in our cause. All you want is the divinity of those immortal gods."

Odila could no longer smile like he always did before, he couldn't laugh anymore.

"Zuo Qiutian, what are you going to do?"

"Seal you. Your abilities are still useful to me. If you want to survive, do as I say. Maybe I can spare your life. Otherwise, I can kill you at any time."

Two other people brought a large jar that was cut in half vertically and buckled it on Odila's body from both sides. Then the cracks were covered with red symbols with black characters to make the person inside move. No.

"Come on, let's take advantage of the chaos to go to the upper realm."

Zuo Qiutian had people carry the incompetent and furious Odila, and under the cover of the black smoke of the dragon thunder, he sneaked into the upper world through the crack.

At this time, Li Rui is leading people in the real world to fight against the gods and immortals in the upper world.

Because there are thousands of soldiers and horses in the upper realm, and the base level is around level 60. For the real world, their destructive power is terrifying.

Li Rui had no time to care about anything else. Faced with so many heavenly soldiers, he could only keep casting spells.

Even immortals from the upper world cannot escape the fate of defeat once they are hit by a spell like the Nine Heavens Extermination Curse.

Therefore, such a prominent netherman quickly attracted a lot of attention.


This time, Li Rui was surrounded by several divine generals with three heads and six arms, just like the ones he encountered when he entered Leicheng when he advanced and met at the Liujin Fire Bell General Mansion.

Only this time, the situation has become different.

Li Rui activated the reversal of yin and yang, killed them directly, and fought with them.


The six-armed god used all six arms to strike a palm, hitting the back of Li Rui's head.

However, Li Rui seemed to have eyes behind his back, and he knew this sneak attack very well. He responded with a thunderbolt that shook the ground, blocking the opponent's blow.

It has to be said that the strength of the divine general is indeed much higher than that of most NPCs in the world. After this move, it is just a tie.

Thunder and flash.

Li Rui disappeared and the next time he appeared was a few hundred meters away.

After obtaining the form of the God of Thunder, the range of this teleportation skill has also been greatly increased, and the cooldown time has become only one second.

It's just that there was no need to use it before. Now, facing a stronger opponent, he finally used his more powerful abilities.

Dutian Thunder Fire Curse!

It is a normal operation to go around and then pick up skills, but the speed of Thunder Flash is so fast that the God will not have time to react and is directly overwhelmed by She Lei.

Compared with the NPCs in the lower world, his physical body is much stronger. He was hit by the Dutian Thunder Fire Curse and was not burned to ashes on the spot.

Just as Li Rui was about to pursue him, two other generals came to block him.

He sneered.

The Dutian Thunder and Fire Curse just now was just to force the opponent to have no time to defend. Now, the real killer move fell from the sky, which was the golden Dutian Great Thunder and Fire Seal Curse.

The two generals were shocked. One raised the demon-conquering shovel in his hand, and the other opened a long-handled umbrella. Their whole bodies were filled with brilliance.


The Great Thunder Fire Seal Curse came down from Dutian and collided with the general's defense.

The two god generals joined forces to block the attack, but they were shocked to find that the strange netherworlder actually interspersed among them.

Dutian Thunder Fire Curse! Dutian Thunder Fire Curse!

This time, all three god generals were seriously injured.

So in the end, another blow came down from Dutian's great thunder and fire seal spell, killing them completely.

Li Rui had dealt with this wave of generals and was about to go elsewhere to help, when he suddenly received a prompt that could only be received in the secret realm.

[Kill the Jinaxe Messenger, Godhead +1. ]

[Kill the Mighty Sword and Mighty Spirit Official, Godhead +1. ]

[Kill the Pleiades Thunder Drum Warrior, Godhead +1. ](End of this chapter)

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