The video continues to play.

The real version of the roast chicken teacher is sitting on the sofa and introducing

“There will even be a Huangquan line in 2.1, where she and Walter will go together, a little adventure!”

Walter looked at this scene on the phone in pain.

Then sweat poured down his face.

“First it was Silver Wolf, then Huangquan. You still feel like home when you leave the house!”

Xing looked at the black lines and beads of sweat on Walter’s face.

“It seems that Honkai Impact is still chasing you, Uncle Yang!”

Walter couldn’t help but push up his glasses.

“I don’t even dare to think about who else I’ll see in the future.”

Xing Que spoke the next moment——

“Dr. Lobster Head with Twin Ponytails!”

Walter sweated in embarrassment after hearing this.

“Then I’m really home.”

Xing continued

“And Bishop Rakshasa!”

Walter went crazy.

“Then I might as well go home!”

The picture changes again.

The live version of roast chicken continues to be introduced

“Even for March 7th, she will have her own system that is similar to her destiny.”

On March 7th, after hearing this, his eyes were filled with stars and he clicked on his mobile phone.

“I’ll just say it!”

“This girl is very powerful!”

As he said that, the scene where the star was stabbed by Cocolia with an ice gun appeared in the plot.

“Our team’s pass poke, guess who hasn’t been poked yet!”

Xing said directly


On March 7, after hearing the black line on my forehead, I collapsed.

“I don’t want that kind of thing!!”


On the train.

Xing pointed at the screen and looked at March 7, who was rarely silent next to him.

“In March, it is said that you will also embark on the road of destiny, and there will be a system exclusive for you!”

Walter nodded and made his own analysis.

“This should be related to March’s memory, so you should know what March has experienced!”


No matter what the past memories are, the person who sealed her in the six-phase ice was either to protect Xiao Sanyue or to exile her.

Xiao Sanyue may have been drifting in the universe longer than I have been in this world. Yao Changqi held her right hand in front of her body and was trembling. Is she finally going to know her life experience and past memories? But why is she so uneasy

? What was the past like? Sitting on the sofa, Jizi stared at March 7, picked up the coffee and couldn’t help but sigh softly. Little March, this kid always seemed to be laughing when he saw 017, but he never got on the train. I have been feeling very uneasy since I woke up. I have been trying to cover up my actual fear with superficial happiness.


【Alicia’s Sweet Afternoon Tea】

The new video title is printed in the audience’s eyes.

The cover shows Alicia sitting behind a transparent round table under a Western-style Roman column, holding her chin in her right hand and looking at the camera.

This is a video of Honkai Impact 3.

Moth chasing fire.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the title and cover of the video.

“Alicia’s afternoon tea?”

“This time is a video about Alicia?”

Alicia smiled softly and looked at the light screen of the video.

My afternoon tea. It’s really good! I haven’t made afternoon tea for a long time, why don’t I go and make afternoon tea first. As for it’s not afternoon now? Just think about it. It’s always tea time, but it’s still embarrassing to show your video in front of so many people!


The video starts playing.

Alicia sat behind a transparent glass table and looked at the camera with her right hand on her chin, and the entire screen was covered in a cute pink style.

Alicia held a fork in her left hand and played with it on the cake.

“You are good at choosing places!”

“The lighting here is soft and the music is soothing and relaxing. I like it very much.”

“Well, yes, I like Tiantian very much too!”

“What girl can resist cute desserts?”

“But compared to the food, I prefer the special meaning attached to it”

“After all, in our time, only special occasions are celebrated”

“Only then will people prepare delicious food with great fanfare”

“Moreover, such occasions usually make people relax physically and mentally.”

As she said this, Alicia blinked her eyes and blushed on her cheeks.

“Sometimes interesting accidents happen”

“Let’s say I have a friend.”

The screen voice sounded.

【Is this friend you are talking about yourself? ]

Alicia responded with stars in her eyes.

“Of course not”

“Am I such an dishonest person in your heart?”

“That friend of mine is a really interesting person.”

Alicia said, tapping her cheek with her right index finger.

“Thanks to her, life in the promised land was always filled with joy.”

As he said that, the scene changed.

In the living room.

The long coffee table was filled with various exquisite Western-style meals and Roman-style tea sets.

Pado was sitting on the sofa behind, eating with enjoyment, and on the right It was Velvet who was thinking deeply.

Pado ate a piece of cake and looked at Velvet.

“Sister Weiwei, why are you looking so sad?”

Vilvi sighed and spread her hands to express

“The officials seemed to have encountered a habitual thief, and the experts were furious.”

Pado, who picked up the glass to drink water, suddenly put his hand in the air and vomited it out.


“What’s wrong with being a habitual thief?”

“How did I not hear it being said?”

Vilwei responded as she poured tea by herself.

“According to experts, he is a small guy.”

Pado immediately felt excited after hearing this.

Velvet continued.

“Oh, and it has fluffy ears and a tail.”

After hearing this, Pado quickly hid his tail, rubbed the back of his head and looked at Velvet with a smile.

“Sister Weiwei, otherwise I will go back first……”

Before Padu finished speaking, a lighter fell from her body.

She looked at it and quickly pounced on it, her tail raised up, and she lay on the ground like a cat.

Weiwei said calmly when she saw it.

“Little Pado, are you okay?”

Pado responded.

“Hey, hey hey, it’s okay, my legs are numb from sitting, please move your body”


On the train.

Stars flashed in March Qi’s eyes, and she looked at the screen with envy.

“Wow, so cute!”

“She is so beautiful!”

“Alicia’s Afternoon Tea place is so cute!”

“The pink color really makes this girl’s girly heart overflow!”

“That cat is so cute!”

“And those snacks are so exquisite!”

Xing clasped her hands in front of her and nodded in agreement.

Who doesn’t like such a cute and beautiful girl?

It’s just that she appears in too few videos. I really hope she can appear more, preferably on the screen all the time.

Jizi sat relaxedly on the sofa with her legs crossed, holding a cup of coffee in her left hand and gently twirling it in her right hand. What a relaxing time it is! It’s a pity that there is no such time as afternoon in the universe! It ‘s always dark outside.

“Sister Jizi, why don’t we have afternoon tea?”

At this time, March Qi’s voice sounded again.

Jizi looked at March Qi and took a sip of coffee.

“No problem, Little March!”

March 7 said as she kept tapping her chin with her finger, looking at the ceiling in deep thought.

“Just where to get these exquisite snacks?”

Walter’s voice rang at this time

“Maybe we can buy some snacks and put them on the train next time the train stops!”

Pam walked up to March 7.

“Passengers on March 7th, we had a good relationship with the space station before. Himeko and Esta reached some kind of”resource supply agreement”」”

“We can ask the Black Tower Space Station to prepare some supplies, and then just ask Xing to make a trip!”

After hearing this, March 7th jumped up with his right hand raised.



The video continues to play.

Velvet looked at Padu’s awkward words.

“The way you move is really unique.”

After hearing this, Pado narrowed his eyes and smiled with his right hand touching his back.

“Hahahaha right”

“Sister Velvet, do you smell a burning smell?”

At this time, several small flames burst out from Padu’s tail.

Velvet listened and sniffed.

Padu turned over and over to find the source of the smell.

It happened that Wilvi was startled when she saw it.

“Little Pado, your tail!”

But before Velvet finished speaking, Pado interrupted her.

“What tail?”

“Rather than this, it is better to find the source of the smell quickly.”

Vilvi responded to her

“That’s what I’m talking about.”

At this time, Alicia’s voice came

“Yo! Alicia said and came over.

“It’s so lively here”

“He secretly held a tea party without telling me”

���That’s too much!”

As she said this, Alicia looked at Pado carefully.

“Harfelis, are you rehearsing some magic show with Velvet?”

Pado looked at Alicia with a confused face.

“Magic show?”

Alicia tried to explain

“that is.”

Vilwei interrupted her with a smile.

“Did your magician start the magic show before he even took the stage?”

Pado looked at them

“Ah, my sister Weiwei”

“When did you switch over?”

Vilvi said with a happy face.

“This small flame cannot ignite the enthusiasm of the audience”

“It was up to me to make the atmosphere more lively.”

Pado looked confused after hearing this.

“Fire, flame?”

“Sister Velvet, what on earth are you talking about?”

Vilvi sighed.

“Little Pado, it turns out you don’t know?”

“Your tail, ha~”

Velvet sneezed directly as she spoke.

She continued weakly.

“The smell of burning is always associated with failed experiments”

“Everything has been going wrong since the workshop was stolen. How unpleasant it is!”


Moth chasing fire.

Padu’s eyes were fixed on the screen, which made her startled.

“Is this the promised land? I don’t know why my tail is on fire?”

Speaking, Pado touched his tail in confusion.

Velvet stood aside and looked at Pado’s current appearance, but she couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hahaha, Pado, your magic show is so wonderful! It’s really admirable that he can be so calm even when his tail is on fire.”

Pado turned his head after hearing this and looked at Velvet very dissatisfied.

“Sister Velvet, my tail is on fire, why didn’t you tell me!”

Vilvi just shrugged her shoulders with a joking smile on her face.

“It’s your magic show, how can I casually disturb the magician performing it!”

“But, who makes some people feel guilty? Hahaha~”

Pado sighed helplessly.

He looked at Alicia with his hands on his hips.

“Also, sister Ai Li, you too, why didn’t you remind me!”

Alysia smiled and shook her head.

“I want to tell you, but Velvet said this is your magic show!”

“How do I know your tail accidentally caught fire?”

As she said this, Alicia also laughed secretly.

Then, everyone also laughed.

Pado couldn’t help but take a deep breath when he saw it!


The video continues to play.

Alicia was very concerned after hearing what Velvet said.


Velvet responded.

“That’s right!”

“The prisoner is a hairy guy”

“No, compared to those, little Pado, your tail!”

When Pado heard this, he immediately waved his hands in a panic.

“That’s just an ordinary tail”

“Not important, not at all.”

Alicia looked at Pado’s tail with concern after hearing this.


Pado said quickly

“Oh, of course, just let her fend for herself.”

Vilwei folded her hands and looked at her speechlessly.

“But your tail is on fire.”

Alicia also laughed.

“By the way, it burned down immediately.”

After hearing this, Pado looked back at Tai Tai with empty eyes.

“Ouch, my tail!”

Then Pado touched his tail.

“Oh, it’s so good to have lost and found something.”

Vilwei folded her hands with a puzzled look on her face.

“It’s really strange, why does the tail suddenly burn?”

At this time, the lighter on Pado fell down.

Wilwei saw it and walked over.

“This is?”

Pado kept moving back.

Velvet picked it up and took a look.

“Isn’t this my discarded tinderbox?”

“Oh, it turns out it’s because of it.”

After hearing this, Pado knelt down directly and held his head in his hands.

“Right…abandoned? etc!”

“Isn’t this something stolen from the workshop?”

Weilwei explained.

“It wouldn’t matter if hundreds of these casual gadgets were lost.”

Alicia squinted her eyes and looked at Pado with a smile.

“Phyllis, you don’t think…”

Pado quickly interrupted them with his hand.

“No, absolutely not.”

Alicia responded

“Let me just say, although Phyllis always likes to buy goods from everywhere, it will actually cause everyone real trouble.”

Pado’s gesture of putting his hands on his hips

“Hahahaha, yes!”

“But then, who is the habitual thief?”

At this time, a cat was lying down and sleeping on the desk in front of the screen in the command room.

—————————————————— fire moth

“ah? The last habitual thief turned out to be a cat!”

Pado pointed at the screen.

He shouted in shock, and his tail even waggled excitedly.

“Sister Weiwei, you already knew it, right? Did you know it a long time ago and deliberately said it in front of me?”

Vilwei smiled and did not deny it.

“How do I know?”

As she spoke, she deliberately prolonged her tone.

“If I had known, I wouldn’t have said it in front of you, but would have caught the cat directly!”

But as she said this, Velvet couldn’t help but laugh.

“So I definitely don’t know!”

But there was a joke in Velvet’s tone.

Pado felt even more that Velvet must know.

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