But his hands, which Fujiwara Chika couldn't see, were trembling slightly.

Just now, when I was wrapping the bandage, I still touched it a little bit. That indescribable softness, tsk, if only there could be more...

{Haijun, my aunt and I got a tape, which is a record of the base’s early investigation of the cave. In this record, a six-person team passed through the "gentle slope" but was not attacked by strange things. They seemed to be arriving at the "large "Cliff", we encountered something as we headed deeper. My aunt and I both felt that the other party must have fallen into an extremely narrow cave area, and then encountered something. The records of those team members also mentioned... Haijun? Why haven't you spoken? }

{...I'm waiting for you to finish}

Concubine Zhen's communication came again at just the right time, leaving Gao Hai with no words to reply immediately.

But soon, Gao Hai adjusted his state and communicated seriously with the other party. At this time, Qianhua had almost rested and recovered her strength, and was ready to continue exploring the next area.

"After staying in a place like this for a long time, I always feel that sooner or later I will suffer from claustrophobia. You know, the last dungeon already made me a little afraid of the sound of knocking on the door. After each dungeon after this, I always feel that my mental state will have problems sooner or later. ”

Gao Hai, who sighed in a low voice, once again took the lead to lie down and looked at the deep and narrow passage ahead.

The front of the [Return Point] should be where the real [blood vessel] is.

From [Heart] to here, although I encountered many strange things along the way, they were obviously not of the intensity that the core obsession could achieve.

If there are indeed two core obsessions in the Red Nut Gray Hole copy, then the next [blood vessel] is likely to be where the second core obsession is. In other words, this may be one of the most dangerous areas that I need to face.

After thinking about it, Gao Hai took out the rag doll and let the thing walk in front of him to help him explore the path, and then climbed into the cave bit by bit.

Under the dim light, a drop of water seeping out from the rock wall fell in Gao Hai's eyes.


Chapter 42: Claustrophobia-Claustrophobia


The airflow of breathing blew up dust and fell into the nasal cavity.

The rock wall is getting narrower.

There was no way to hold my head up.

There was no way to turn around.

Every breath became more and more oppressive.

It was as if at this moment, I was not moving forward in a rock-structured cave, but was instead wrapped up in a series of rock walls, and my body was so densely packed that I couldn't move.


Ahead of the line of sight, the road is getting narrower.

At first, Gao Hai was just crawling on the ground, crawling slowly in the low cave.

But gradually, he began to find that he had to keep his hands stretched forward, and the cave became narrower and narrower, with a width of less than 50 centimeters. With such a narrowness, Gao Hai could no longer take his hand back and could only extend his hand forward to avoid getting stuck.


But the cave further ahead is getting narrower.

Little by little, Gao Hai's body squirmed forward in the dark cave.

He could hear his adventure suit scraping against the rock wall.

There was a dull sound, one after another, like the sound of something being slowly torn apart.


A drop of water fell on the side of his face, making a clear splashing sound.

Gao Hai's breathing became deeper.

Every time he inhaled and exhaled, his chest would be pressed against the rock wall, making it impossible to fully relax.

The harsh friction sound continued to sound.

Obviously, Gao Hai's helmet was gradually unable to adapt to the height of this cave.

Chika Fujiwara's voice could not be heard.

Can't hear anyone else's voice but my own.

Only this seemingly endless dark cave continued to stretch, and he was the only prisoner who wanted to escape from this place at this time.


After a crisp sound, Gao Hai had to stop his progress.

His helmet was completely stuck and there was no way he could move forward.

Gao Hai guessed that the height of the tunnel at this moment was less than 40 centimeters. He could hardly keep his head up, and the helmet on his head became a huge obstacle. If he wanted to continue moving forward, he would have to take off his helmet.

Tsk...it's really troublesome...

The process of taking off this helmet was quite difficult. Gao Hai had to struggle to retreat a little distance, otherwise his head would be stuck in place and unable to move. Then, he had to keep his big arm stretched forward in a very twisted posture, reluctantly retracted his forearm, grabbed the button of the helmet and unbuttoned it, then turned his head sideways, and took it off bit by bit. Take off this helmet.

The inability to retract his arms caused more trouble than expected, and Gao Hai could barely wipe the dust off his face. While panting, he slowly brought the helmet forward and held the flashlight in his hand for lighting.

Gao Hai's backpack was also placed in front of him. Whenever Gao Hai moved forward a certain distance, he would push the backpack forward a little, and then slowly move it back again, repeating the cycle a little bit. go ahead.

The blood-colored puppet that can share senses is at the edge of the light source. Gao Hai didn't dare to let the puppet go to the area outside the light source, because although this thing can share senses, it has no night vision function. Once it goes to a completely dark area, it can't provide Gao Hai with vision. If there is any danger, this thing will not only fail to help Gao Hai with warnings, but may be targeted and put him in danger.


Gao Hai began to feel a little dizzy as he slowly exhaled again.

A not-so-obvious harsh buzzing sound came from his ears.

His strength seemed to be weakened.

Gao Hai knew that this was a sign of lack of oxygen.

He had been in this overly closed and narrow area for too long and had to leave as soon as possible. If he continued like this, he might faint in this ghost place. If that happened, the next time he opened his eyes, it might be the beginning of the third round.


He could only continue to crawl forward.

His body was almost unable to exert any strength at this time.

The rock walls crowded in from all directions, and he could only grasp the protruding parts of the rock walls with both hands and move his whole body bit by bit.

His legs were also almost unable to exert force, because Gao Hai could no longer bend his legs.

This experience was so bad that it was hard to describe.

But Gao Hai soon realized that when bad things happen, they often do not appear in a single form.


The light embedded in the helmet suddenly began to flash.

Hey, no? I obviously used a new battery, there is no reason why it can't be used so soon, right?

Gao Hai, who realized that something was wrong, struggled to confirm the condition of the helmet, but just as he took action, the light of the helmet completely dimmed.


Boundless, absolute darkness without any light completely enveloped Gao Hai's vision.

At this moment, he could not see anything and could only continue to crawl in this cave in absolute darkness.


Gao Hai suddenly remembered this term again.

In the [Guest Rules] summarized by the players before the Red Nut Gray Cave entered the fixed stage, this is something that players who play as tourists must not say or even think about. In a sense, this rule has already hinted at what happened in this cave.

However, Gao Hai is not thinking about the tragedy that happened in this cave, but the term itself.

According to medical explanations, the so-called claustrophobia is the fear of closed or crowded areas, the fear of what bad things will happen in such an environment, and the fear of this unknown. Therefore, environments such as elevators, carriages, and cabins can induce claustrophobia. In contrast, places such as caves are rarely mentioned, perhaps because patients with claustrophobia will not approach such areas at all.

Gao Hai has always felt that he does not have such a thing as claustrophobia. He has always felt that this kind of mental illness is very far away from him, so far away that there is no possibility of it happening to him anyway, until today when he had to pass through this narrow hole.

Can you imagine such a scene?

You are lying in a narrow, damp and cold cave. Rocks are pressing down from above and below you, from your left and right, as if to crush you inside. They are tightly pressed against your body, so tightly that you can't even breathe smoothly, and your entire chest is locked.

You can't bend your legs, even if you just feel your legs are numb and want to stretch them a little, you can't do it, you will be pressed against the rock wall and can't move.

You can't put your hands down and put them on your sides. You can only maintain the posture of stretching forward, because the heavy rocks have firmly pressed against the sides of your body. Even as you continue to move forward and the surroundings become narrower and narrower, you begin to feel that your shoulders are almost broken, and later you can't even bend your arms.

Then at this time, you lost the light source and fell into absolute darkness.


Gao Hai felt that he should be considered a very calm person, but even he, when facing such a situation, his breathing was still quickened for a moment, his heartbeat also slightly accelerated, and it took several seconds to calm down.

There is also a spare flashlight in the backpack.

But, the failure of the headlamp just now was not a coincidence.

He was sure, because he could hear the breathing sound behind him.

Gao Hai had now arrived at an area affected by a strange force, and it was obvious that the strangeness was closely related to darkness. It was because of its existence that Gao Hai's lamp could not be used anymore.

Even if he took out a flashlight now, he could not get a light source. He could not leave here until he crawled out of this area and got away from that thing.


The sound was very close.

So close that Gao Hai could not help thinking that maybe it only needed to reach out and directly grab his ankle and drag him into the bottomless abyss.

But in the end, Gao Hai just continued to crawl forward in silence, and instantly let the doll run back to him in the dark and put it back into the watch, so as not to be finished if he encountered any unexpected situation later.

Now he could not see anything.

He could only rely on his intuition, touch the rock wall with his hands, and continue to crawl forward bit by bit.

How far had he crawled forward? One hundred meters? Two hundred meters? Or longer, or shorter? Gao Hai had no way to confirm it, so he could only continue to move, continue to move forward bit by bit in the darkness.


The heavy breathing seemed to sound beside him.

But, there was nothing beside him, so how could there be such a concept as "beside him" in such a place?

In Zhufu's perception, the thing following behind him seemed to disappear, as if it had never existed.

Has he left the influence of that thing? If so, maybe he can turn on his headlights now.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai stretched out his hand and touched something cold, a little stiff, but far less solid than rock.

The touch of a corpse.

The dark cave was still narrow, so narrow that there was no way to raise his head, and he could only crawl forward.

But around Gao Hai, the rock walls were all turned into corpses.

Suddenly, he found that he was not in a cave, but in a pit of corpses, lying in a tunnel surrounded by corpses.

The stench spread bit by bit.

Under the darkness, silence still enveloped the land.

Gao Hai realized that something was wrong and tried to retreat, but his feet kicked the corpse, blocking his retreat, and the corpse fell behind him.

No way out?

In silence, Gao Hai hesitated for less than a second, and then continued to crawl forward.

In the narrow cave, his hand occasionally swept across someone's face. Everyone's hands, feet and body, some intact, some incomplete, and he could even clearly feel that he was touching intestines, bones, or maggots crawling on rotten meat.

The road became more and more wet and slippery in the stench.

Just like sliding forward bit by bit in the fat of a corpse, he continued to move forward with the sticky sound of those things being squeezed away by him.

Then suddenly, Gao Hai found himself back in the cold cave.

There were no corpses, nor those disgusting blood.

There was only the still dark road ahead, and the cave became narrower.


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