At that time, I...did I retreat?

He should have retreated, otherwise there would be no reason to successfully come out here. But I should have received some mental shock during the process. It was probably the kind of plot where danger is imminent and then someone survives from a desperate situation, right? Anyway, I finally came out safely.

Forget it, this is not an issue that needs to be taken care of now, let’s think about the next step first.

Thinking this way, Gao Hai turned his head and looked at the rocky cliff beside him that was so high that he couldn't see the end.

If I remember correctly, this cliff should be about 80 meters high, which is equivalent to a skyscraper with a height of more than 20 stories. But now it looks like...the height of this thing seems to be much more than 80 meters. Has it become longer due to the influence of the strange power?

Gao Hai has already seen the location of the pulley elevator. It's not far away. It's essentially an elevator suspended by a few ropes. It's equivalent to an iron plate with a few ropes on it. It looks very disappointing. sense of security.

Of course, Gao Hai himself had no intention of trying that thing. After finally reaching this place, he would not commit suicide at such a critical moment.

It was already the night curfew for Zhenfei and Kaguya. Although the two girls wanted to investigate and explore further, they did not dare to act without authorization at the moment, so they had to return to the dormitory area to rest.

On this side, Gao Hai and Fujiwara Chika have almost finished their rest, and it's time to continue setting off. Although Fujiwara Chika proposed to rest for a while after noticing the terrible injury on Gao Hai's ear, Gao Hai simply chose to refuse. It's a critical time now. If you stop here and waste too much time, it might be too late... I wonder why I feel like it's too late?

Gao Hai's brows furrowed deeper.

He suddenly began to feel that he might have missed something, something very important and something that should never be missed.

What exactly is it?

When did it happen, when did it happen, something that I had missed or forgotten...

It seems that some pictures are coming to mind little by little.

In a dark cave where nothing can be seen.



Gao Hai's memories were interrupted by the sound in the cave at the entrance of [Vascular].

A man with scratches all over his body and a bloody face struggled to climb out of the cave.

It was Kawano, the most enthusiastic of the four, or the only one who enthusiastically wanted to invite new members to join, but he was probably a dangerous person who had a mind-inducing obsession hidden in his body.

This guy actually survived. It seems that he still has an obsession to save his life.

Gao Hai quickly became vigilant, stood up, pulled up Chika Fujiwara, who had not yet reacted, and asked the girl to stand behind him. He watched vigilantly at the girl who stood up slowly, looking very bad. Kawano.

He could feel that this man's current situation was very strange. Although he was still alive according to the blessing judgment, he was entangled with a strange aura and full of strong malice.

And this malice was directed at Gao Hai and Fujiwara Chika without hesitation after he saw them.

"Very good, it seems we are two acquaintances."

Kawano grinned, revealing a very ugly smile.


Without saying a word, Gao Hai took out the pistol from his gun bag.

"It's really unfriendly, but it doesn't matter. After all, what I hate the most is people like you who refuse to be friends with me."

Different from before, this time Kawano, who saw Gao Hai's vigilant attitude, had no intention of retreating. On the contrary, his pupils showed a fierce light, and he became even more excited.

It seemed that it was a side effect of some kind of obsession that brought some kind of change to this guy?

Gao Hai had no way of confirming the specific reason for this change just based on the other person's reaction in a few words.

But he knew exactly what would happen next.

It's a battle between players. Even if it goes through two rounds in Shirakawa's apartment, does it have to be a fight here?

Gao Hai was complaining silently in his heart, and a pair of blood-red scissors appeared between the fingers of his left hand.


There was a faint sound like the sound of water drops falling from a distance.

Then, Chika Fujiwara raised her head and looked at the top of the cliff in the cave with some surprise, looking at the turbid muddy water rolling down from the cliff.

Chapter 44: Moments of life and death in the turbulent flood

The sudden rain caught everyone's surprise at this moment.

Chika Fujiwara subconsciously raised her hand to block the falling mud, while Gao Hai was distracted by the sudden situation. Then, at this moment, Kawano suddenly raised his pistol and pointed the muzzle at Gao Hai.


In the sharp gunfire that sounded the next moment, a stream of blood flew out of Kawano's chest, and he himself staggered a step and looked at Gao Hai in disbelief.

With the blessing of S-level physical fitness, Gao Hai completed the action of drawing his gun and shooting faster even when he was distracted. Although Kawano has cleared the Dusk level dungeon more than once, it is a pity that this man has only received a B level dungeon evaluation at most. Although his physical fitness has been highly blessed, in front of Gao Hai who has exceeded the limit of the human body But it's still not enough.


The next moment, the surging mud and water poured down, instantly knocking the three people to the ground.

The mud waterfall rolling down from a height of tens to hundreds of meters and hitting people is not comparable to the impact of rain on people. Caught off guard, Gao Hai was hit by the current and hit the ground. His head hit the rock hard. The severe pain and dizziness almost made him pass out on the spot.

Kawano's situation was even worse. He was almost swept up by the current and hit the ground. Then he was rolled up and smashed against the wall on one side. Blood spurted out immediately. It looked like a sharp stone had been inserted. On him.

Only Chika Fujiwara was the first to notice the falling torrent. She had no time to alert Gao Hai and lay down on the ground to protect her head. In addition, she did not take off her helmet, so she survived without being injured. But even so, the girl could not stabilize her body in the fierce torrent. After struggling for several times, she swam to Gao Hai's side, dived under him, pressed his chest and pushed him out of the water, and her nasal cavity was able to Gao Hai, who was above the water, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and tried to maintain his consciousness, and then he was able to control his body and swim in the rapid water.


Larger torrents are still falling.

The lower area of ​​​​the large cliff was completely submerged in just a few seconds, and the water continued to rise.

Not only that, because the entrance of the [blood vessel] was low, a vortex was formed. Gao Hai's backpack was swept up by the vortex, and was suddenly sucked into the [blood vessel]. If a person is caught by this vortex and stuffed into a narrow area like a [blood vessel] under such circumstances, the consequences will be disastrous. Even if a person is not stuffed into a [blood vessel] and just hits a rock midway, that would be It is still not something that players with flesh and blood can bear.

"Hold on tight."

Gao Hai reached out to grab Qianhua, yelled at her, and then exerted force so hard that he threw Fujiwara Qianhua into the water and threw him out of the water, towards a protruding area on the rocky cliff. The girl who was in a hurry was unable to stabilize her body and fell hard on the stone, but then she gritted her teeth and supported herself, hugging the raised stone with her hands and feet and climbed up.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Hai grabbed a few protruding stones and climbed out of the muddy water with a sudden force. The existence of [blood vessels] slowed down the rising speed of the water flow to a certain extent, giving him some time to breathe. Thinking this way, Gao Hai had just climbed up a little distance when Kawano suddenly emerged from the water, grabbed Gao Hai's back and pulled him into the water.

Damn it, this guy——

The muddy water instantly covered the sight.

The fierce current washed away his body, making it difficult for Gao Hai to stay steady.

[Give me...go to hell...]

In the chaos, Gao Hai could hear Kawano's voice. Even in the torrent, it was still extremely clear and eerie.

He was controlled by an obsession that was out of control.

Gao Hai could realize this from the changing aura of Kawano.

At this time, Kawano is somewhat similar to Gao Hai who wore the rescue team badge for too long in the second episode of Shirakawa Apartment, and is in the process of gradually transforming from human to weird. It's just that at that time, Gao Hai was able to maintain himself with his strong willpower, but it was obvious that Kawano, who did not have this ability, was completely controlled by the power of the obsession.

No wonder he couldn't be killed by those few blows just now. Now he is in trouble. He encountered the enemy under such circumstances.

Close your eyes and hold your breath.

Gao Hai couldn't see the other person clearly in the torrent of mud and water, so he simply didn't look at the other person. Instead, he used the blessing that distinguishes good from evil and inhumanity as a locator. He clenched his fists and turned around with a swing. The fist hit Kawano's face, causing his entire face to be completely deformed. He then loosened his grip on Gao Hai, and then kicked him away.

Then, Gao Hai quickly selected the obsession from his watch, the blood doll... This thing can control Kawano immediately, but it is too difficult to hit the opponent in this environment; the faceless head... he can't The current state is no longer completely human, so this thing may not work; blood scissors... still have the same problem as the blood doll. This kind of weapon that needs to be manipulated is quite troublesome in this situation. It is easiest to use it in this case. Things are ready!

【Give me...go to hell...】

In the rising water, Kawano has rushed forward again.

Then the scalpel swung by Gao Hai split his right hand on the spot and severed it from the upper arm.

The rising water had already submerged Fujiwara Chika's position, and the girl had to climb up with difficulty. Fortunately, as a very famous adventure scenic spot, there are many nails and climbing frames left by explorers on the big cliff, so the girl can still climb up.

On the other side, Gao Hai was knocked down by Kawano, who had only one hand. The two fell into the torrent of mud again, and were swept up by the current and slammed into the rock wall on one side. Then Gao Hai kicked Kawano away. When he went out, he was about to fight back when he was hit by a rock falling from above. He was instantly thrown into deep water.


Unexpectedly, Gao Hai, who had the upper hand in the fight, would be hit by a stone. The frightened Qianhua just shouted out, and then she was covered in falling gravel and mud.

More large and small gravels followed and fell from the top of the cliff, hitting Kawano who was struggling to do anything else.

Amid the roaring sound, the torrent was becoming more intense, and gradually, Chika was somewhat horrified to find that corpses began to emerge on the water surface... No, it was clothes, and the clothes that floated on the water were tourists' clothes.

Gao Hai did not float up from the water.

Fujiwara Chika took a deep breath, looked at the turbid muddy water, let go of her hands, jumped down from the climbing frame, and jumped directly into it.


The dull sound of the water flow was like thunder, shaking in the turbidity.

The light of the headlamp could not penetrate the muddy water, and Fujiwara Chika could only sneak deeper as much as possible and swim in the direction where Gao Hai fell according to her memory.


More and more gravel fell into the water.

The blood-red color gradually began to replace the dark yellow of the muddy water.

Fujiwara Chika saw Gao Hai, whose body and arms were pressed down by several pieces of gravel, and whose body was also pressed down and strangled by Kawano.

At this moment, Kawano has become as scary as a ghost. Half of his face is covered in blood and he is grinning. The other half of his face has become another person, a young man with a blue face, expressionless face, white foam coming out of his mouth, and wide eyes.

At this moment, when Qianhua swam towards Gao Hai, the blue half of his face could actually turn around and look at himself.

Kawano's face was torn apart like this, and a lot of blood gushed out. You can see the terrible look of his flesh and nerves being torn apart alive.

But then, because the weirdness that possessed Kawano was distracted, Gao Hai broke free from Kawano's hand and then chopped his head with a scalpel, from the forehead to the nasal cavity to the chin, almost completely splitting his head in half.

The reason why it was almost was because Kawano's hand had grabbed him again, or the hand of the out-of-control obsession that possessed Kawano had grabbed him, and the hand that was originally cut off had gradually grown up. Gao Hai could even see the medicine bottle held by the hand that grew out of thin air.

It seemed to be a bottle of sleeping pills.

Is this the obsession that Kawano used to pass through the [blood vessels], and it went out of control and caused him to be strangely possessed by Fu?


A piece of gravel the size of a washbasin fell from above and hit Kawano.

His movement staggered, and Gao Hai's left hand had taken out the blood puppet at this time and slapped it directly at the other party.

Just now, because they were fighting in the fierce flowing water, Gao Hai was not sure to use the blood puppet to restrict the other party, but now he had no such concerns. Therefore, the blood puppet hit, and one by one, the creepy bloody puppets made by living people appeared out of thin air, grabbed Kawano, and dragged him to Gao Hai's side.

The weirdness controlling Kawano's body was not immune to the power of the blood doll, so it began to be dragged away bit by bit. But even so, the hand holding the medicine bottle still reached in front of Gao Hai, and then a third hand tore a hole in Kawano's chest and drilled out, grabbing Gao Hai's mouth and trying to force it open, trying to force the pills into Gao Hai's mouth.

I have to find another obsession to restrict the action of this thing.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai wanted to take out the obsession from his left hand again, and then Kawano's legs suddenly stretched up and directly pressed Gao Hai's left wrist with his knees.

This bastard...

Gao Hai saw the crazy expression on the remaining half of Kawano's face, and realized that this guy knew that he could not survive in his remaining consciousness, so he planned to drag Gao Hai to be buried with him at the last moment.

His legs were pressed by the stone, but it should be possible to break free by force, so...

The long pink hair approached with the shaking lights.

Gao Hai turned his head and saw Fujiwara Chika who swam to him with difficulty.

The girl held a gun in her hand. It was the gun that Gao Hai and Kawano used when they were shooting at each other at the beginning. Later, it was washed away in the flood and disappeared. At this moment, she swam to Kawano from behind, stretched out her hand to grab the remaining half of Kawano's head, and put the muzzle of the gun directly against his crown.


The dull gunshots sounded very strange under the water, and even seemed a little cute.

The girl, who was obviously using a pistol for the first time, pulled the trigger continuously with all her strength. After five shots, the trigger was broken, and she didn't notice it at all. She pulled the trigger more than ten times before stopping.

After five consecutive bullets were sent into Kawano's brain, even though this guy was now possessed by a strange power, such pain was still unbearable for him, and the knee pressing Gao Hai's left hand suddenly relaxed.

Then Gao Hai forcibly pulled his legs out of the stone that was pressing on him. Even though the flesh on one ankle was completely torn, revealing the white bones, Gao Hai still kicked Kawano with his legs and kicked him away. He was trapped in the encirclement of countless blood dolls and could not move.

Grabbing Qianhua's hand, Gao Hai floated up the next moment and swam to the surface of the water quickly.

At this time, the blood had submerged most of the rising pool, and Gao Hai and Qianhua who floated out of it were full of mud, and their bodies were covered with large and small wounds, so dirty that they could hardly see their original appearance.

Swimming to the edge of the cliff, grabbing various auxiliary tools left by former explorers, the two began to climb upwards.

The roaring sound of the water became louder and louder.

There were continuous rubbles falling into the water below.

Fujiwara Chika looked back at the water below and found that there were swollen corpses floating in the water. Each of them raised their heads and looked at her and Gao Hai. She was so scared that she quickly turned her head and continued to climb up desperately.

Boom boom——

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